Monday, September 20, 2021


 This entire Plan-Demic is like the China virus -  Fabricated by Xi's CCP repressive China Regime in an effort to save  a weak China Paper Tiger which is  Giant Ponzi Scheme falling apart at the seams starting this month

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Natural Immunity is most effective. The one gift given to us genetically by God who created us and placed DNA code in our genetic makeup to naturally protect us. Had God not create us with inherent defenses against the pathogens which surround us, the entire human race would have become extinct millions of years ago. Our Evolutionists Sophmores would argue that would not happen, because man would have just changed and adopted as they incoherently Hypothesize in their non-scientific theories of alleged human evolution which have ZERO scientific basis.

Generally, mankind fails when he attempts to circumvent God's natural plan and His System.

We are in the current man-made dystopia for just such meddling with our immune system. We have allowed a mad man, Dr. Anthony FUCI to fund research into adding 'gain of function' to an artificial virus created by China in their Wuhan Lab. Their military who declared war on the US in 2009 saw it as a way to attack America. They saw this altered SARS-2 as the ultimate Stealth weapon against America. At a time when China was on the verge of total financial collapse, from President Trump's economic policies. The CCP initiated a Stealth viral attack on the US by sending thousands from their most seriously infected areas to the US. When Trump blocked their entry, they then sent their infected to other countries to enter the US on flights not banned from entering the US. This worked, at the price of infecting the entire globe. The US rushed to counter the Virus, China knew it would, but they already had their operative Fauci in place. His advice to President Ttump; creation of a vaccine. This is how Trump was deceived. He pulled out all stops helping Big Pharma create vaccines under Operation Wharp Speed. It worked, except guys like Fauci and Gates saw this a way to directly infect and fulfill the Globalist New World Order, reducing Global Population. Palin is on the right track. Stop all vaccine, use the same medications as President Trump and others, more savvy, used to kill this man made Virus. Stop the lockdowns forced vaccinations that are not saving, but killing people and our global economy. Mingling creates Natural Group immunity