Monday, August 30, 2021

Linked in decided they did not have the backbone to publish a post I submitted concerning he progress in the ICC and the case against the perpetraitors of hthe Global Pandemic

Linkedin told me I voiolated their Community Guidelines and would not publish my post .

Violating our community policies can result in action against your account or content

These policies apply to all members. Depending on the severity of violation, we may limit the visibility of certain content or remove it entirely. If you believe a particular item of content was removed in error, you can appeal from the link provided in the removal notice. Repeated or severe offenses can result in a temporary or permanent restriction from LinkedIn. If you believe action taken on your account was in error, you can submit a request to appeal your case.

Here is my reaponse to their siding with most publications and sites who fer their government and sponsors even more than fear instilled in them py the ubiquiteous propaganda machine of the MSM, Social media, Government s and corporations who are coouding to foster this Pandemic in na effort to take control of everyperson on the oplanet using the VAX or by denying anyone opposed to their plan a public platform to debate the issue and have an open and honest to sort out fact from propaganda and lies. concerning hthe China virus.

I disputed their notice that my post violated Community Standards:

I violated none of the policy issues you posted. 1. I am not using a fake name.  This is my real name, and I can prove it. 2,The post was professional in every way.  3.The article was an update on a current legal suit filed by The international legal team concerning the medical and scientific issues surrounding  COVID-19.  4. is a highly respected professional Publication located in NY,NY. ,  They provide information to help readers sharpen their own analyses on questions of Politics & International Affairs.  [ I thought LinkedIn did the same?] They are a large professional  publication. 5. The contributors to the Article are scientists , Doctors and medical professionals.  Professor Luc A. Montagnior signed a sworn affidavit in front of the ICC. If he is giving a false statement, he could face criminal prosecution, so I do firmly believe he has conclusive evidence for his case,. He is joined by Dr Reinhart Fuellmich who in addition to being a Physicial is  an international legal professional.  This posting is simply an effort to present both sides of the question millions of people across the planet are asking.[ Not just me ]   They are curious as to the origin, medical evidence, and possible motives behind the entire Pandemic.  Does your staff, independent of political or financial motives, sincerely believe this  article does not merit major business , medical and professional review?  LinkedIn is billed as a sight which covers a wide variety of topics. I have reviewed over the years of my membership many similar topics on SARS, E-Bola,Swine Flu, etc..  If you admit that your opposition to this post is political or economic, and you believe this post will harm LInkedIn financial business or social place in the community, then I will agree to withdraw the article, and look for an unbiased editorial site which participates in more than just one sided views on a major issue of concern to every member of the human race. I dispute your knee jerk reaction to my post based on the logical and business reasons listed above.  I acknowledge, you own the site, and can narrow opinions to suit your own views. I will not argue that point.  I only hope you take the time to read the entire post and the attached article without prejudice. I would also entertain any editorial comments you may add so I may revise the article to meet "YOUR Community Guidelines."

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Your QR CODE is nothing like what you are being told. It is sinister and deadly.

Like an unseen virus, masses of people are being paid to centralize all human DNA data and economic and government systems in an effort to Create insane and inhumane ways to take control of the entire planet.  In some ways, they try to hide what they're  doing while in others they are in your face working their dastardly plans "Hidden in plain sight.

All must be warned that there is an ongoing attempt to steal and alter our  DNA, and enticing you into it with a mindless but ubiquitous  disguising  QR code ?

Here is my comment to them on one of their soft sell propaganda pieces . Klaus Schwabe is the self proclaimed president/CEO of the World Economic Forum.  He is the son of Nazi Collaborators who worked to help Hitler create the first Atomic Bomb.  Working from Austria they also aided in the horrid Nazi Eugenicists experiments on innocent victims of the Nazi  Wehrmacht.

 Gyorgy Schwartz [ AKA George Soros] is the other at large Nazi who helped the Nazi SS ID Jews he had exposed and murdered so he could liquidate their assets to be used to further Hitler's war. In the end, the Nazi's lost on both counts,.  Thee US got the Bomb first, and Soros ran off with a large amount of money he failed to hand to Hitler as the Allies were destroying HIS dream of ruling the world,  These new Davos Elite thugs are following the same pattern.  Yet they are not using guns and tanks they are using germs, DNA, computers and a load of propaganda in an effort to convince the world they will be better off with these FOOLS controlling every aspect of your life less Love, Emotion and acknowledgement of a Higher power that provides feelings and a compassion these wealthy elite criminals know nothing.

The trouble with the World Economic Forum and all the people who participate in their evil Empire is that Klause Schwabe with his questionable Family background and his ZEEL for world dominance forgot one major issue and haunting question. Who ever asked him to invade our privacy and way of life? What convinced him cook up the mantra that under his program "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY".  Does he actually find that appealing to anyone in the global population?  His arrogance is astounding, and his global elite is a danger to all humanity. For example, in his elite enclave of nut cases is one Bill Gates , a  Sociopath billing himself as  a Philanthropist who has said many times over his goal is to reduce the global population of those who do not fit his Eugenic profile. He has come up with the number 47% of the current 7.8 Billion on the planet to be eliminated by this insane CULT.. Schwabe, Church, Soros just to name a few of the Core members in their cult have plans to play God and create an entity that they think is better than human. It seems they have abandoned their earlier plans of an AI creature akin to the evil StarTrek AI BORG.. Their new model is like the the sub humans created in the sci-Fi movie "Body Snatchers". These are the creatures hatched from a human host who have no emotion, obey orders, and smile  then demand you join those who and are "Happy having Nothing." As a history lesson for these FOOLS, Just look back a mere 100 years and see the destruction and chaos attempts like the Great Reset and One World Government proponents have achieved. They all ended up being destroyed by humans who did not buy what they were selling. Instead the perpetrators of these attempts to play God all wound up dead and buried. That is where this entire project is headed. All the scientific manipulation of human beings by these FOOLS will never destroy the Inalienable rights God has put into the hearts and minds of all mankind.  Of course, the Davos Devils do not have hearts and minds.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

A recent online post appeared on with a major error in the headline


I wasted no time in sending them the corrections I believe this article needed:

Here is my response:

Donald Trump Says Hiring “Loser” Mark Kelly Was A Big Mistake

First, the article is mis-labled.  The General President Trump is referencing is the Current head of the Joint Chiefs  Gen. Mark Milley [not Kelly]

You may also add  the fact that Gen. Milley is guilty of TREASON. ON Jan 8, 2021 He colluded with Nancy Pelosi in an attempted Coup of President Trump.  She had contacted him in an effort to have Gen. Milley deny President Trump access to the "Football" .  This is the method by which the President has access to the nuclear Launch codes in the event of an attack on the USA.   To his  credit, Milley did not comply with her request.  However, buy not reporting her attempted coup to the DOJ or SCOTUS or the Senate leadership, it made him culpable in an attempted coup.  You need to report these pertinent facts in your article if you want to be totally transparent.  This information is well documented, and Milley and Pelosi have both publicly commented on it. Though they were unable to effect her planned Coup against a sitting President it does not mean they were not complicit in the attempt.  Had Wilkes Booth missed President Lincoln or Lee Oswald JFK, both were guilty of a the plans to overthrow the Presidency, and both including Milley and Pelosi were complicit in the planned Coup to remove President Donald J Trump from office by withholding his ability to carry out his Presidential responsibilities.  I believe you should correct the headline, and add these facts to complete the full and transparent story.  or as a great columnist Paul Harvey used to say.."  And that's the rest of the story".


Will Rodgers

Friday, August 27, 2021

Finally, there is a glimmer of hope to save Humanity from the evil plans of the DAVOS DEVILS .

We must support the ICC legal suits against globalists' trying to wipe out HUMANITY

All of humanity must join in to save themselves.  Support the efforts of those scientists and Doctors who want to put an end to the mass SUICIDE  the entire planet is experiencing at the hands of the MADDMEN of DAVOS, and the governments and Global corporations who are complicit in it planned death of Human kind... The lethal injections + JAB_ that is being forced on the people of the globe by devious manufactured propaganda and fear will ultimately wipe out mankind as we know it today. 

I urge everyone to read this entire article, and the related legal briefs filed in the ICCCourts, so that you will know what the man made China Virus real intentions are up front.  The vaccines that do not work to cure, prevent or mitigate spreading of this virus are a really a way of further poisoning more fully the unsuspecting innocent  humans who are being forcefully JABBED daily, or who have been brainwashed into believing this is the only way o protect your life:  It is just the opposite.


For some it is instant; others will have long suffering painful effects and ultimately DIE.  There is not much time left.  It is estimated that less than a third of humans have succumbed to the Fear and propaganda which is furthering this mass SUICIDE.  If we stop it now our humanity will survive.  If we ignore whatis being done to us, ALL WILL DIE.  Do not take this lightly.  Please, if you value your life and theoseof your loved ones, friends and fellow Humans, do not ignore this message.

My posted comment on this startling revelation in this article on

Amen, Mr. Pike. I am so relieved that the ICC has finally listened. This is a global battle for Humanity. We must find a way to end the madness and insanity of the Davos Devils who created this Human extinction virus. If their inhumane planned pandemic is not stopped, all of the 1946 Nuremberg efforts to protect Humanity from experiments that were intended to destroy mankind will have been done in vain. All of humanity will become extinct.

Monday, August 23, 2021


     Just read this 'fact filled' self aggrandizing article  by 


           The Poynetr Institute

  The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter: PolitiFact’s      methodology for independent fact-checking

Here is my response/question to them on how they have become the sole purveyors of Global Truth?

​So let me get this straight since I used to Live in Tampa.  You guys​ [meaning Poynter] bought out the left-wing Tampa tribune [2007] or times when I lived there.  Then you were taken over by the Soros Cabal under his many deceptive names this one being Omidyar who got an initial grant of $1.3 million and later Open Society [OSF] kicked in another $300K in 2017.  Next, then The Gates Cabal joined in with millions more and Google, and the National Endowment for Democracy; another deceptive name. I see also that the Artur Blank folks from Duke's left wing think tank helped and you adding the typical left fake jargon of' building and allowing only Vibrant Governments that tolerate open participation or socialism who want truth and free speech which is double talk for we get to talk and anyone who disagrees gets shut up or censored and financially destroyed.  That is why you now have Google creating algorithms that misdirect queries by the global population who may be trying to find facts about, say, US history CRT or what the real DNC operatives are up to. Conveniently you bring in Facebook who is already censoring and shutting down anyone who wants to speak freely about all the corruption of every organization mentioned here.  

OK now I am clear on who is fact checking things and who is telling the globe what is true and what is not. 

As Pilot ask Jesus Christ who told him the truth.  "What is Truth"?

How many 'Pilots' on your staff and vast organizations backing your facts '? 
Please Fact Check me because the layers of deception and collusion within your global communications Cabal/system are so convoluted, I may have left out the many CCP PLA operatives who are the real fact checkers on your staff.  I am sure out of self-preservation on your part you may give me {FALSE] on that one.

I await your response. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

Plese stop playing the Simon says game with your corrupt government. Your life depends on it

Sorry to say that nothing CDC or the government does that has anything to do with the scientific facts of the China Virus. They have no intention to cure you, prevent you from being infected or stopping the spread. They are duping you into defeat and oblivion if you do not stop and reflect on how this all started and where it is headed, and take action by "JUST SAYING NO TO THEM". It is all as way to take control of the population, destroy jobs and small business and dumb down the people even more than MSM Social Media and the school system has already achieved This is communism in a new form. No tanks in the streets, no guns or hostel military take over. Getting everyone to fear each other racially or now with Virus VAX divide is sufficient to control the US population. They are winning and only a few like Rand Paul Gov. DeSantis and Nome are fighting back and calling out their BS. You are scared because you believe the fake news and CDC numbers they use to scare you. Fact is that in the US about 12,000 actually died of this China Virus; not 220,000 as they report, and only 47% have been Jabbed. As the numbers of Vax'd declines note the reported Fake number of "Infections" goes up. If you believe that, then you also believe that President Trump who was winning in Ga by 100,000 votes at 11Pm election night suddenly woke up to a fake loss to the idiot now illegally destroying your country from his perch in the WH. This piece in Western Journal is a prime example of how your corrupt government is playing a dangerous game of "Simon Says" with your life and your nation

Western Journal publication exposes the truth that Facebook, Google and You Tube in partnership with the Federal Government and MSM work hard to COVERUP

 Facebook keeps trying to shut down Western Journal because they expodse the cover up by Facebook, Google and You tube.  They print news facts you will not get elseherer.  I anm not a promotor of the site, but they do make good points about the filtered soft  "news" you get from the Social media Cabal.

IF you are still on Facebook, you are supporting the Criminal Zuckerberg who runs it. He gave Georga elections over 6 million to rig the election against President Trump. He should be in jail. If 85% of Facebook users closed their accounts today, he may wake up. Is having photos of all of you family and friends and getting an ego trip telling the world how great and successful you are worth losing all your privacy. Everything and anything you put on Face book can and will be used against you if you decide to tell the world how corrupt Biden, and Zuckerberg really are. This includes Google. The search engine under Jack Dorsey is no longer reliable because they have so many blocks and algorithms it will only give you information, they decide you should have. Just Google American history, or facts about the American Revolution, and you will come up empty because real true history does not fit their phony 1619 or CRT narrative. So, you are only getting info only on what Jack Dorsey wants you to see. I might add that Rand Paul is now discovering that Google, Facebook and You Tube have all become agents of Federal Government propaganda. Note too that they are all connected, as it is like one big crooked media control over everything you think say or do. They are Pravda ready to hold you hostage with your family photos, and every aspect of your life, travels and business and employment data. That is outright Communism. The same thing happens in Russia and China. Get off Facebook and find other search engines not google

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Lies Lies and more lies.fostered directed and spread by Big Tech, MSM and our failed leaders.

Please read these two recent Journal Articles about the Debacle in Afghanistan and who is really responsible.  Also, look at the way lies are created and disseminated.  We  must all be very careful to apply and use the proper filters to find Truth.  These days it is like panning for gold, you have to sift through a lot of dirt and mud to get to just one small nugget of Truth. 

The earlier slogan of Google was "Don't Be Evil" However, Jack Dorsey who embodies Evil in person. realized that that term 'Evil' actually acknowledged that there is evil in the world, and that some people [like him] are Evil, and fear Goodness and Truth. Logic dictate's that if there is Evil in the world, conversely there is also good. Thus, God who is Good, does in fact exist.

That got to him to reposition his mantra, just like Gates who spent millions creating his persona as a nice guy Philanthropist, which he is not. Thus, Dorsey changed their new mantra to "Do the Right thing". However, as this article points out, all the things' people and organizations. political leaders and Government do is promote obvious lies.

The result is that even Do the Right thing is relegated to "the right thing to do, in the new mindset, is to foster and spreads the LIE and that now becomes "the Right thing". All of this is clearly depicted in Huxley's book "Brave New World". where double speak lie is taken right out of scripture "good is evil, and evil is good. Isaiah 5:20 "woe to those who call Evil Good and Good Evil who put themselves in darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Building upon thsis, later we hear 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 tell us: "[1.] But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. [2.] For people will be lovers of self: Lovers of money, proud, arrogant, obtrusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy. [3.] heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, [4.] treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, [5.] having the appearance of godliness but denying its powers. Avoid such people."

First off I would say that many people have come tu believe and understand that we are certainly "IN times of Difficulty". When I look and listen to the MSM talking heads and many in political power I see all of these negatives in them, yet I pity them for they may not know what the lies they are telling are the cause of these difficulties, and if they do not stop what they are doing, they will suffer God's retribution. No matter what happens in this world in the hear and now. Since they live their lives as detailed in Scripture, in Arrogance and heartlessness, they have built up a barrier between themselves and Almighty God. He is their Judge. Not me.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Tied to the border crossing is the Air Force /Military base China just built Texas



You are correct. Biden is still licking Obama's butt. Obama told the US he was hiding all his evil deeds and anti-American plans that were "Hiddin in plain sight" to use his Rhetoric on how Obama planned to "Fundamentally Change America". Biden is just doing it with the help of the CCP. and he hides nothing. The criminals pouring into our borders are not all from the South. there are over 150 countries dumping their trash and criminals here. It is a great relief for them. We have a large contingent of Iranians, and fresh Chinese PLA troops who come into the Baha Port in Mexico that China owns they get off and it is a short hike to our border. They will no doubt regroup and arm at the large Chinese air base i Del Rio Texas which is conveniently adjacent to a highly strategic Laughlin USAF base We can clearly see how he is destroying US, but we no longer have a representative government or Judicial system that responds to the will of the people. Stronger more direct efforts need to be made, and now that they have eliminated the Ballot box we only have one other option.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

CHINA remains the real threat to the US. Biden is just their bought and paid for puppet

General Robert Spalding when he worked for President Trump laid it all out in his book "Stealth War: How China Took Over America while the Elite Slept". If you want to see China's plan laid out in 1999 by the Chinese themselves, read 'Unrestricted War" by two top Peoples Liberation Army[PLA] Chinese Colonels Qiao Ling and Wang Xiangsui. They mention using bio weapons and starting civil unrest like Antifa and BLM to destroy US within. They have studied US weaknesses for years and many PLA have lived, studied and worked in the US gathering info on our habits, beliefs, politics and Culture for years, The most ironic aspect is that US corporations and our Government Grants paid for it all, as CCP leadership laughed at US. They seem to know the US better than we do. A frightening book with all predictions coming true starting with buying corporate heads, Politicians and the Presidency. It finally convinced President trump to take action, but this was anticipated by the Chinese, The CCP had a plan to remove anyone in power who opposes them and replace him with their paid stooge [Biden]. Their Silk Road initiative has done this all over the globe, not just the US, but we were the greatest "Barrier" to their world conquest, the China Virus was a Pearl Harbor Sneak attack which caused even more internal descension as we argued how to best handle it. The Dems owned by the CCP used it as another way to divide America just like ANTIFA an BLM used their Socialist agenda and race to almost start a Civil War. Ling focuses heavily on that aspect of taking down the US.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

How many cases can you name where where we have seen ample evidence to prosecute the Elites committing crimes yet walking free


We have to ask why the people exercising their legal rights to a peaceful protest in DC are violently taken prisoner and put into solitary confinement with all Bill of rights laws taken away.  Later we find they are all innocent , and DOJ does not get slammed or prosecuted for false arrest or violations of the Citizens rights.  This has happened more times than we can count with Gen Flynn, President Trump supporters Rudy Guilliani, Evan Engle, Jlill Nelson. Paul Manafort, Roger stone, and many more

However, we see Hunter Biden taking bribes in the millions from Russian Mayor, Berisma, China, and now his scam to sell his horrid "Art" to extort  even more money. Then there  many in congress and their families who make insider trading a hobby.  Pelois, Schumer, McConnell, and dozens of others.  They aren't even mentioned as suspects..  

America is sick and tired of this double standard and lack of real justice in a country where we brag about being a Nation of Laws.  Well tha only applies to those not in the Elite ranks.  And it is not just the average person.  President Trump went through 4 years of false accusations, and two impeachments, yet he was neve even proven to be guilty of anything more than rebuilding America and putting peopl back to work,  


We are a nation of Laws. However, if the politicians and the courts and DOJ do not follow the law, you have created 1700’s British Tyranny all over again. We fixed that, and the cowardly politicians in DC seem to forget. This is a nation of the People and for the People, and by the People; not crooked politicians who have put themselves and their pay masters in Big Corps, above our LAWS and now in the hands of foreign governments. IN doing so, they are breaking our laws. All of this has to stop, or they will be very surprised at the resolve of a majority of citizens who abide by the laws will enforce them for all Americans regardless of political or ideological persuasion or whatever current imagined: “Protected Status” they think they are entitled by ignoring our Laws. Example: We have enacted Immigration Laws in the USCIS legal code. However, we have a President who does not enforced our law, placing himself above a Key Law he is sworn to uphold and enforce. The only remedy available to us is to have Congress Impeach him. Since they will not, the next thing to do, per the Constitution is for States to enforce their own Immigration policies to protect themselves. IN addition, we can remove, replace congress for not enforcing the law. That is done by a citizen’s vote, or replacement in the next term. If things are so out of hand that they endanger the Citizenry, then the citizens can vote to leave the Union, and nullify the governing body, such as they are, and form a new Government. If Congress or the President decide to take any military action against states leaving the Union, then they force our Nation into a Constitutional Crisis. They will by such action, or, by their actions, dissolved this Republic by placing themselves in the position of being less than 1500 members of a former Democratic Republic, against 350,000,000 Law Abiding Americans. Do they have the courage to take this action? [Real American History Lesson: in 1776, the British were the strongest military and economic force on earth. They lost to American Resolve]

More lies from the CDC proving vaccinations do not protect you from their virus


US government official says the "unvaccinated are the new pandemic"   

More lies from the government who helped create this virus. \think about it. \the goverments of the world collude to create a virus [which bTW is not that deadly< 1% mortality] then they get Gates, Soros and Klaus Schwabe and other rich fools to push it so they can shut down free enterprise and take over the entire economy of the world. Then they pretend to invent a vaccine to cure it. Facts have proven that the vaccine kills and will kill even more people than the original virus. For over a hundred years of medical record keeping humanity has faced "flu Season" and survived without masks. lockdowns, closed businesses and all the other despicable things done to humans in the name of the "invisible enemy 'covid/china virus/whuan flu'. We survived due to common sense and 'heard immunity'. man's natural God given immune system is the perfect defense against all kinds of virus and other germs or bacteria. Many GOP run states and rallies have proven this virus is no different than the common cold , for which a JAB is no cure. In the past, when you got the flu, you handled it. IF it was bad, you went to a trained Medical Doctor. Our only problem is we were goaded into having this particular flu season handled by SCUM BAG POLITICIANS who are all known liars and thieves. Why would ever think that if you got the flu, the first thing you would do is to call Joe Biden? 100 years of stats show <1% mortality for flu. Do you think old Joe or dr. Jill can do any better?????

PS: Updated information shows vaccinated people are the caarriers and spreaders of the "Variat strain"

Some Restaurant owners resist and do not allow VAX people to dine in their eateries

 Restaurants tell Vaccinated to take a hike

It's always up to the people to fix the stupidity of government drones who know nothing but love it when they can get power over "the little People" as Pelosi sees US. These restaurants have a brilliant reaction to dumb govt. health rules. Push back. Politicians making stupid rules are not doctors; not your Doctor. Only a qualified physician can suggest you take the medication he prescribes. Your health condition may get even worse if you take medication that was given without first knowing your full medical condition. Street vagabonds may give bet better advice. What we are experiencing at this point is politicians playing doctor with the health of 350 million Americans. I do not trust slo Joe's medical advice, and even less of his cell mate "Dr Jill" these people are not medical professionals or even good politicians. Biden has been a YES Man and Bag man all his life he is good at stealing, lying, political skullduggery, insider trading . In congressional 50 years doing nothing, and asks people to trust him with their health. I you take the jab Remember the main people pushing it are Geroge Soros, an international Financial Criminal banned from 7 countries. Klaus Schwabe the self proclaimed head of the Global Economic Forum, that he created and appointed himself CEO, Bill Gates, a failing businessman [Soft Bank Just delisted him and FB] in the software industry . He gave us Windows and the need buy a virus fix every qtr.Please let common sense prevail. Resist