Were there previous manufactured pandemics? Yes and from 1917 until 2019 it worked. Then Klaus Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Soros and the New World Ogres decided to try what Rockefeller and, Dr. Fredrich J Gates tried in 1909-17 which successfully killed off 500 million with a fake vax and a flu they wrongly called Spanish Influenza. Following their human destruction people came to their senses ad realized that natural immunity and allowing people to live with the inconvenience of a Seasonal flu worked well for 100 years. The entire Plan Demic could end with the removal of the CCP, CDC WHO and their financial backers at WEF and their insane Chinese Germ warfare generals, Then put the Davos Devils and their partners in pharma, big tech and MSM on trial like we did with the NAZI's at the Nuremberg Trials who tried to take over the world. Once 40 + were swinging by their necks we did not hear much of a global take over for a long time.
Gates has unabashedly said many times he wants to remove 47% of the population on the planet, and in his diabolical book akin to Mein Kompf or Das Kapital -Klaus Schwabe penned COVID-19 and the Great Reset, His words second Gates same plan to eradiate humankind, as an eco through the halls of previous Hideous monsters like him. His Mantra is "Soon you will own Nothing and you will be happy" We would all be happy if these guys would volunteer be the first to start the depopulation by taking themselves , their Nazi partner, George Soros, and others on the Davos Devils team with them. Once they are gone and have depopulated the earth from the likes of them, then we can all get back to normal. As to the virus, China created it., Hundreds of Thousands of years of mankind's history proves God has provided us with highly intelligent Immune systems that eventually adjust to almost any disease thrown at it with a few exceptions. History also proves that over the years mankind has faced other plagues and epidemics, and in the long run he still prevails. The virus is manmade, the Vax is manmade, the intention of the evil humans who created these diabolical things is the same. Rid yourself of these madmen, and mankind will continue on until God decides it is time to close shop or move us on to another level.
Facts and science are showing 70% of new cases if the virus are vaccinated fools who bit the apple and took the Billy Juice. They are liet the Jim Jones fools who took the Kool aid from a radical cult leader in Guyana Jonestown in 1978. Mayor De Blasio in NYC is talking about building camps to incarcerate the unvax'd. That would really allow them to be the only ones to survive. A vax'd person is not cured, can contract and spread the virus, and has a higher chance of dying from it than the unvax'd., So, it is the vax and people who carry the vax that is killing people. They need to be isolated, not the uvax'd
Next time some wanna be Gestapo person asks you for a vax pass, ask them by what Authority do they ask such a foolish question. It is fun to do this to some pimply face waiter, or the kid taking tickets at the theatre of the clerk or old security guy at walmart or Home Depot. Special fun at fast food places. Ask if they are police officers, members of the government or members or any state, local or federal organization who is paid to enforce illegal un legislated rules made up by bureaucrats, Remind them too that impersonating a police officer or government official is a felony. Remind them that the Nuremberg code that got many Nazi officers hung forbids the government from forcing people to be injected by experimental drugs. . I did this the other day, and embarrassed the girl asking for my pass., She said was just the clerk there and they gave her a cellular device and all she had to do was to point it at the persons phone to insure they were vaccinated. She had no idea what to do when challenged. Again I asked if she was a government or law enforcement official she said no and started to wonder why she was being made to act like the police for 5 Euros an hour. Then she let me pass. The government does not have the manpower to enforce such stupidity [especially since they have been bludgeoned by criminal gangs like BLM and ANTIFA who shout to defund police]. They are given the consent by the Sheeple who are willing to give up all their God given rights and Human dignity for nothing. sure the propaganda has you believing you will get China virus and die. 100 years of statistics show that less than 1% of people who get the flu die each year. The numbers are not different with the China strain. Note they never mention how many or what % die, The number they focus on is the Infected. Note too that when people slow down in taking the killer JAB, suddenly they announce thousands more are getting infected. They they roll out sone guy who died two years ago and it may have been cancer or some other disease that makes you look that bad all this is to scare you into doing anything they tell you. Don't be intimidated, push back. biden and congress cant hold back 350,000,000 citizens who know their tights. Think of haw many police or army or gov employees it would take to stand in front of every restaurant, Movie theater, coffee shop, or all of the dozens of places each of us visit on a daily basis to enforce these stupid and illegal crack pot mandates that are on the level of Woody Allen as the dictator in his movie Bananas. I'm telling you it cant be done. Th y know it, we know it, just call their bluff and see what they will do. One last thing, if you still fear they will arrest you or cart you off, then you have to ask your self just how far you will go in compliance for them?. How much more can you be dehumanized, told where to stand and what to do and obey distance and other Simon Says crap they cook up just to go in ang get a loaf of bread?. I the movie Bananas, Woody Allen ordered all people to wear their under ware outside their outer garments. Sound stupid, ask yourself is that dumber than you standing in a long line to show your QR code with all your personal info embedded in it to the check in clerk at the store. Today it is this , and soon it may what the Jews had to endure, They may want to tattoo numbers on your arms or make vax'd and unvax'd wear some symbol as they did in Huxley's book of subservient to the Big Brother in 1984. Now you must bow to the BIG GUY biden. how long before you join the human race again and" Just Say No." ?|
We are still at a point where we could defeat the Chinese militarily with first strike capability. They declared war on the US long ago. cOVID was a Stealth Pearl Harbor, yet sneaky, silent, but more deadly.. Now they will use puppet states to continue that into a shooting war. They are currently starving and their banking system is failing. Evergrand their bond market will go under if we challenged them and backed them down. With Trump back in he has the power to destroy them financially, that would weaken the subversive hold they have over our corps, MSM and big tech. Even weaken the big Pharma who helped them make and sustain the China virus we are fighting. That attack was a stealth Pearl Harbor that gives US the right to retaliate. President Trump was within months or less of taking down China with his tariff plan. Next he would have delisted most of their stocks which are a big Ponzi scheme because they do not abide by FASB rules like all others listed on NYSE and DOW and AMEX. Doing so would be a temporary hit to the US but with our economy at least one third larger than theirs we could take the hit better, and it would stop the Treasonous corps and money elite in the US from supporting China once the see they were betting on a Paper Tiger. biden will not do it because they own him. Quit all the legal crap. we all know they stole the election. Trump won. Donald J Trump is the legal President of the USA. Even the MSM is admitting they took part in rigging the election. Their spin on it is a joke. They claim they did it to save America. Just what XI wants them to say. They bet on China feathering their overstuffed nests for life. The reality is that all Communist leaders have a solid history of slaughtering all those who put them in power. The big corp. heads, MSM and others who are helping to destroy our nation are secretly seen by the CCP as Traitors. Xi and the CCP detest traitors, and they eliminate them daily. All US citizens who took part in the Coup to remove president Trump will ultimately die at the hands of their CCP masters IF the US falls, and China takes over the globe. They will not believe this, because our Communist led education system is riddled with propaganda that makes people believe Communism is some Utopia where the state keeps order and gives you all the free stuff you want. I have personal experience with Dictatorships. This never happens. Antifa and BLM will not be sitting in some mansion playing xbox all day and eating pizza. I hate to say what will really happen to them but find some real history [ it is not on PichIa's GOOGLE ]. See how Pot Pol or Mao handled post revolution "supporters" Get biden out and put strong leadership back in place. All the US corporations and fund managers in our economic system bet on China. In the long game China loses, if we act NOW!.