Friday, December 31, 2021

CDC Lies Exposed

 Over the course of the starting months of 2011, many of the lies and propaganda by global and local health agencies run by fovernamnta across the globe will be exposed for their role in fostering the greatest Plandemic on earth since the last time they tried it in the early years of the Twenty-first Century and the outbreak of WW I

My Response {

I have said since day one of this Plan-demic that it was a HOAX. Yes, there is a virus created by China with the help of Fauci as a Bio Weapon that they unleashed specifically on the USA by the PLA- CCP Military without having an antidote. All people had to do was to read Klaus Schwab's book "COVID-19, and the Great Reset". He laid out in detail how his self-proclaimed and self-made head of the World Economic Forum. Since 2009, he and his gathering of elite billionaires have been meeting in Davos Switzerland crafting plans on how to take over the global financial system. Major players in their club: Geo Soros, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Vi Jinping, the Clintons, Joe & Hunter Biden, just to name a few. Helping them control the message, All of the Social Media CEO's, MSN, many Corporate .heads are in on this. Schwab even set up special training classes for most global leaders, teaching them how to use the plan-demic he and China created to control and guide people into his New World Order, where, as he says in his book, "You will have nothing and you will be happy." I cannot believe the almost 2 Billion humans fell for this crap. Now that the wheels are coming off the plan you see many of these billionaires bailing out. Just look at the desertions from Twitter, Google, and other big tech people, Even Melinda Gates jumped ship. Many more to go soon. If we the people have any luck with more of the lies being exposed, 2022 will be the end of this subjugation, and restoration of all the freedoms these FOOLS have taken Gates and Fauci helped to soften up the plans to invoke a global genocide against all mankind by playing with diseases back in the 80's,90's [remember, AIDS, e-Bola, Swine and Avion flu?] These were tests to see how many they could kill. I could go on, but we need a way to stop these insane rich people. Gates said that to create the 4th Industrial Revolution, we would need to Kill off 47% of the global population and enslave the rest using drugs and mind control technology which can be found in all the VAX JABS, and Huawei 5G signals. We must create a WORLD Justice Forum, another Nuremberg to place all these people on trial and meet out a fair and swift justice that will end their madness and allow Freedom and economic development guide us without all these Dr Strangelove types at the helm.