Friday, December 31, 2021

Are medical rules made by unelected health departments politics or Science?

My observations:

The political commercial is just an expansion of the entire Plandemic where FEAR is the only tactic, they use it to frighten people into following their draconian plan. Big Pharma corps, globalists and DEM illegally elected leaders thrive on fear they want to frighten people by saying COVID will kill everyone. The main goal is to frighten people into absolute submission to their power. It is the same tactic Sex Traffickers use when they beat and rape young girls into being obedient submissives for the sex trade sex trade. The reality is much different than what you ar being "groomed" to accept. Overall, the numbers have remained the same for at least the past 50 years or more. Annually about 1-2% of the population die of seasonal flu [SARS-2 or the CCP China Bio-Weapon virus, which China proudly named after itself when they patented their bat virus laced gain of function BIO Weapon
COVID preventable and curable without injecting dangerous and ill concocted serums:

. Those who have actually used scientific and medical tests to analize this virus know it is preventable and curable. Early on, May 2020, President Trump was infected, and he took Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Pac. It cured him. However, people like Fauci ended all hopes of some 500 thousand or more from living and using true medical means of cures such as the President used [ he was only the president,] and Fauci who has deemed himself "Mr. SCIENCE" saw that as a great leader who America trusted and listened to may destroy his myth of the perception, he was trying to create that it was an incurable deadly disease. [ Same tactic he used while leading the country in the wrong direction on AIDS in the 70's],

Political and economic scam used to gain power.

Fauci saw the whole Gates, Fauci, Soros, Schwab and the Globalist Cabal's plans falling apart if Trump could convince people HCH Z-PAk or NAC work. If an 85 cent pill or inexpensive natural immunity enhancer like NAC could cure or prevent this BIO Weapon from China , then their entire BIG LIE would fall apart. Fauci nipped it in the bud by banning all such cures and preventions [ I may note that he did not have the authority to do so. Fauci was paid by the Globalists who now own Big Pharma to stop cures or preventative medicines, and there were proven cures and preventions other than a dangerous serums containing toxic items more dangerous than the Flu. Many of the ingredients in the Serums are highly toxic and have long lasting effects that could kill you or give you other diseases. Like Pelosi telling Congress to sign a bill into law so they can read the 3500 pages after they pass it. They never told people what was in these concoctions. Yet they do make you sign a paper which i doubt anyone reads which says you have just participated in a medical experiment [ the JAB] voluntarily so if you get sick or die it was your choice. Big Pharma and USG cannot be sued. The legalese is much better at fooling people, and they never make it clear that is what you are signing.

So what are they injecting into you?

Lab experts and virologists had to find out for themselves that one major issue with the VAX is the alteration of your natural immune system by mutating your God Given natural DNA that operates your immune system. Also, there are razor sharp metal particles and small plasticine chips in it. In addition, they contain parts of some aborted fetuses . Lastly or so we hope , there is ethyl Glycol. You may know it as Anti Freeze that you put in your car radiator. First, they scare you with lies that do not match the facts. This is what Fauci did with AIDS back in the 70's. He frightened people so much that people with the disease could barely get medical help. He preached that it was so dangerous and so contagious that if you were even in the same room with a person who had AIDS you could easily get it. People tended to believe that all AIDS infected should be treated like leapers and be rounded up and put in confinement. Sounds like he is using his AIDS play book of deliberate misinformation on this CHINA virus. He is now advocating that those not injected should be put in camps and forcefully Jabbed. While more knowledgeable physicians and virologists recommended at the outset that. If you are vax'd tell me you have not been frightened into getting the JAB. Tell me you thoroughly researched what was in the JAB and what it would do. When I went, I asked. Will it kill the virus, will it cure me if I have it, will it prevent me from spreading or getting it . NO, NO, NO, NO. It does none of these things, so I left saying that I did not believe it was a real vaccine.

You must decide. That is all Gov. DeSantis is telling people.

Ask a Leftugee.