Monday, June 3, 2013

Gallop Poll: 77% agree America is Losing It's Religion

Does this worry you? 

Are we losing our Fundamental principles?
 Or are we just so passive that we are letting them be taken away?
  • Is it OK to put gays in the Boy Scouts who take an oath to,"... do their duty to God and Country .. to keep themselves physically strong, mentally awake, and Morally Straight"?.
  • Is it OK for the Supreme court to be deciding this month if marriage is between a man and a woman or  two men, or two women? 
  • Is it OK for the most ruthless collection agency in America [ the IRS] to come calling for your Health insurance Premium?
  • Is it OK for your local police force to have A P C's like the M113 A2, and to be equipped as if they are going to war in Afghanistan ? 
  • Is it OK for the Federal Government to have full access to every email in the county? [ I'm sure they will archive this one]
  • Is it OK to have young children to be told they have to attend school in cross dress for a sick lesson about how it feels to be the opposite sex?
  • Is it OK for this regime  to begin to disassemble the United States Constitution one piece at a time? 
  • Is it OK for the Government to shut down an entire city; all business; all transportation; all communication and lock people in their homes and suspend the civil rights of over a million honest citizens  to find one wounded student terrorist?

Was this what Obama meant when he made his famous Speech in 2008 about the Fundamental Transformation he would make in America?

  • Is it OK for me to express my opinion under the First Amendment or must I keep quite about the outrage I feel when my Christian and moral and patriotic beliefs are being trampled on ?
  • Does anyone still believe that God is in charge?
  • Does anyone understand that the power given to the Government comes from God?
  • Do my fellow citizens understand that the Constitution clearly gives authority to the People,and that the 535 elected officials in Washington, D.C. are our employees; and that as their employer we can fire them whenever they violate the rule of Law, or break their Oath of Office?
  • Is it time for a Change back to our basic beliefs?
I know the answer.  Do You?
Will Rodgers