The actual facts of the matter are quite different. But then anyone who could bear to listen to Putin's Russian history fairy tail for three hours with Tucker Carlson may believe Putin's lies. However, we can see over the past three years that all Putin said was one big lie. His great army is being crushed. His oil economy is about to collapse. His BRICS plan is fading faster than the Ruble. His war will bankrupt Russia.
The only reason Stalin decided to join the Allies when WWII was nearing a close [1943]in favor of the Allies was because FDR allowed him to get a peek of the D-Day invasion. Stalin had never seen so many ships. men armed with modern weapons. he was like Putin today seeing his "Greatest Army in the World" get crushed like beer cans at a redneck bar. By a small intelligent country who understand the use of modern war techniques Putin can't even seem to fathom. Think about these facts that Russia down played for over 80 years. They were Allies with Hitler since 1937 and enabled Hitler to invade Poland the Slavic nations and Hungary and Poland. Stalin kept from ever actually ever joining the Allies but managed to bullshit his way into the Tehran conference by bamboozling two old men FDR and Churchill. Then he assumes the role as a member of the Allies, but instead calls himself the Russian Allied Command, [Much like Putin calling his invasion of Ukraine a 'Special Military Operation"] but Stalin never joins the UN until after the war where he can dictate a permeant seat on the UN security Council with the backing of the US, and continue to violate the Rule of non aggression against Sovereign across the globe states. Almost going unchallenged. But when he is , he votes against sanctioning himself based on his Russia's long tenure in that body. The US should vote to have Russia and China removed from the Security Council
The truth is that Stalin, like Putin a century later, was using the meat grinder tactic of WWI to fight the Allies., and he was losing. It was FDR who saved his Communist Butt at Tehran, Iran in Nov 28 to Dec 1 1943 He had old WWi tanks and the dated weapons left over from that war. He had a chance to get briefed by the US military as early as 1941 when he came begging for help. At that point, FDR made his biggest strategic mistake of the war which extended it by more than a year. He allowed Stalin to be fully briefedon what the US could do. Also, they told him they had broken the Inigma code and knew Hitler would attack him for turning down agreements with the Axis. At the time all Hitler had from Stalin was a Non aggression pact they signed as Hitler was invading Poland { to show what a snake Stalin was, he partook of the rape of East Poland but never joined the Axis officially. Hitler knew he was meeting with the Allies so he invaded Russia, and was losing thousands of soldiers and civilians daily. Finally in 1944 the allies made the mistake of holding the snake close to their chest and gave him over 30 billion in arms, ammunition, tanks and new aircraft much more superior to anything Stalin or the Germans had. This lend Lease aid which the democrats in the US settled for pennies on the $ in 1951 made the USSR even stronger. From 1943 until 1957 the US continued to help build the USSR and looked the other way as they annexed and enslaved most of the Asian Continent to become the largest land mass nation on earth. We did that. The democrats did that. What did we get in return. The Iron Curtain. the theft of the A- Bomb, and creeping Communism all over the globe After the US got into the war on D-Day 1944 German |generals began secret meetings with US commanders about a surrender. within months.
FDR allowed Stalin to slither into the Allied fold which already had the Germans on the ropes. Hitler's staff had seen what Stalin feared as they faced the Invasion of Normandy. The US was the strongest power on earth. German generals were looking for a way out but feared for their lives under the the power of an insane dictator who could kill them at any moment. Hitler, like Putin today was a delusional madman who believed he could not be defeated as his army was losing daily.
FDR and his wife Elenore were liberal Socialists who admired Stalin. They were of the belief that Communism would make all equal and eliminate Class differences. They never really looked into the fact that the hatred they had for Hitler was caused by his aggressiveness in wanting to dominate the globe, and to use ethnic repression, torture, Concentration camps and new weapons of war to subdue all mankind. It seems they had some mental block and believed, the expressions of a madman ruling Nazi Germany. It is a bit like we have seen over the past 9 years in the US. Here it was TDS against a man who is now showing he can do what he said he could.
Hitler could not, yet they believed him. FDR had the strongest economy, technical and American ingenuity will power and spiritual power to defeat evil, yet somehow he leaned toward his ideals of Socialism saving the world. They never studied Communism in action under Stalin. In fact, Stalin was no different than Hitler, he had the same means of repression. He just used different names and some different tactics like brainwashing and gulags confiscation of peoples hard earned possessions and lands. He was ruthless and killed his own people more that were killed fighting for him.
There were a few people in the US who could clearly see that our main enemies were Nazism and Communism. This man knew he had to cut the heads off these snakes.
General George Patton was the first one to lead Allied troops into Germany, and defeat the Nazi regime. Had the US ceased the Lend Lease support of Stalin and let him fight Germans on his own, Stalin would still be fighting on the Eastern front with the Germans as he led the Allies into and through Germany to meet the retreating Nazi armies heading back to defend Germany Then he would have the first snake beaten by the most powerful fighting force on earth at the time. He could continue east toward a victorious Spring In Moscow and Petersburg claiming VICTORY for the The Allies and the nations of the world.