Tuesday, February 18, 2025


see that Zelensky has rejected Trump's proposal on the minerals for weapons deal. I believe that unless there is some Kabuki Theatre being played here, Trump is making a big mistake by making it look like Putin has won this war. If he wins the entire idea of NATO and the UN is finished. If sovereign nations cannot be protected we are repeating history. At the close of WW2 all we did was trade one evil dictator for another. We defeated Hitler, and supported Stalin who then claimed he was the power that was the one who won the war. Ike had already met with the German Generals and Hitler's replacement as Furher, Admiral Donitz and on May 7, 1945 signed the Act of Surrender document with the remaining German Top Leaders. The war was over. However, Stalin who was really a straw figure propped up only by the 30 Billion in armas and financial aid by FDR took control now that FDR was gone and Churchill had been replaced. Stalin, ignored the weak democrat Truman, and held another Surrender agreement in Berlin May8, 1945 to make it look like the Germans surrendered to Russia and not the General Dwight D. Eisenhower the Supreme Commander of the ALLIED Forces [AKA America]. In that agreement, the original Atlantic Charter of 1941 stating that after the war, all prewar national borders would be honored. Stalin now unopposed by the Allies who really won the Battlefield war, tossed out that provision and took, Poland Czechoslovakia, Hungary, half of Germany, and all nations East of Germany. If Ukraine falls to Putin I predict three things will happen,

Putin , as the BRICKS leader of the Anti USD will achieve his goal in that role, and Trump and the USA will be humiliated and lose its position as the dominant Economic and Political leader otf the free world.

1. The USD will no longer be the Standard world Currency,

2.the US economy will go into steep decline.
3. Putin will be emboldened, like Stalin, and begin to take Finland, and the Baltics with his eye on Poland and Germany, Romania, and any nation within the reach of his RUSSIA EMPIRE.

I just pray President Trump sees that with the current weakened Russia, now is the time to negotiate him down by not appeasing him, but by telling him you will put UKR into NATO, and his defeated and tired armyies will have to fight all of NATO with the USA.
PS: don't forget that if Putin loses Crimea, he will have nothing to shew for all the losses Russia and its Oligarchs have spent on this useless war, and Putin will suddenly be GONE. See link below.