heldon asked what people thought of Trump's idea of doing a complete demo of Gaza and rebuilding a nice beachfront community to replace it?
President Trump's strength often comes from his out of the box thinking. People like new ideas, and he is full of them. He is also a very creative developer. He converted long neglected parts of NY [ which looked a bit like Gaza when he started] into productive skyscrapers filled with offices and condos.
I am sure he could do the same with Gaza. The strip is a beach front on the warm Mediterranean ocean. It could be a rival to Qatar because it would be built on a solid piece of land not a series of sand piles like Qatar or their newest boondoggle designed by the Danish called Sindalah on the Red Sea both of which are having technical problems staying afloat and difficulty handling all the sewage those many high rises and condos there have due to poor design or a basic poor idea to start with.
reclaiming Ocean floor property in an attempt o make it ocean front property is expensive and fraught with many problems. China has been doing it for many years, but is it effective, efficient or even lasting?