Monday, January 17, 2022


Will the developers and promotors of SARS-2  [AKA  COVID] ever see justice for what they have done to humanity?

Justice may come from an unexpected corner. THE PEOPLE. Reiner Fuellmich and 50 other attorneys backed by thousands of other Doctors and science professionals in Microbiology, Virology, immunology, etc has filed a law suit naming all of the tech giants as co defendants who prevented professionals and others from speaking out against the vaccine companies who he now has proof have used the vax to do grave harm to people. It does not cure, or prevent spread. The vax is being issued in various forms and doses. Some are placebos [ probably used on politicians and the select elites], another will make you mildly ill, a third will make you very ill to the point of hospitalization, and the final batch will kill you. Thus, this case is criminal, and if found in favor of the Plaintiff/ WE THE PEOPLE, those named would be co conspirators in heinous crimes against humanity. Even to the point of making them party to mass murder.Dr Fuellmich is fully aware that the courts and many politicians who have enforced illegal actions like forced vaccines will not stand before a court appointed by other who are just s guilty. He see this exposure and sharing the truth with the victims will be enough to do proper justice to these monsters who have been telling us what to do for over 2 years. The systems of government will implode, and then the courts will be able to start in and clean up this horrid mess caused and perpetuated the elites bent on killing us off to insure that Klaus Schwab slogan:”SOON YOU WILL AVE NOTHING ND YOU WILL BE HAPPY