Sunday, January 2, 2022


To: My friends in the 30% group of Humanity.  Here is a great clip from Dr. Robert Malone explaining 


Please listen and share with people who think you are the enemy because you have not fallen under the same spell that is blocking their normal and rational Thinking Process.

When I first attended college at Temple University in Philadelphia, I was Serendipitously rewarded with the privilege of spending two semesters [part time] at the University of Pennsylvania taking part in a Hypnosis Experiment conducted by Dr. Paul T. Orne. There we were taught Hypnosis techniques as well as self-Hypnosis, and the medical and psychological uses of hypnosis.  
Thus, when I read a book," COVID-19 and the Great Reset" by Klaus Schwab self-proclaimed head of the World Economic Forum, in 2019. Then I listened to the information and results of EVENT 201 labeled a "Pandemic Exercise" in Oct. 2019 conducted by the Gates Foundation and John Hopkins my rational mind started adding things up. 
 Ever since then my focus has been focused on enlightening people to the lies forced on the public through mass media, and the manipulation of the public using all of our social media tentacles.  
So, since 2019,  I became a part of the 30% that are still fighting against the Global Narrative. My mission has been to let people know that the real threat that is much more frightening than the SARS manmade boogie man is the Loss of your personal freedom, family, culture community and Identity.  All of which is taking place more as more and people accept the lies of the global leaders and give up all personal freedoms and God given rights out of fear of a man-made virus that may kill off less than one Percent of us.  It is either face that reality or to allow these madmen to win and take control of 99% of the entire global population.  Your choice to use your God given brain and rationality, or to stay Hypnotized, and accept Klaus Schwa's offer which is " You will have nothing and you will be happy!"
​I personally don't think I'll go along with that. 
 Dr. Malone gives hope in the end of the clip that we do still have a choice, in that we could turn the tables on the hypnotist.  ​I know that can work, because Dr. Orne taught us how.