Monday, April 12, 2021

Pandemic is falling apart, SOEROS AND GATES KNOW IT they launch TRUTH

The Davos Devils now worry that their Plandemic is not working as planned,  So thwy are launching a site to call broadcasts liek this "MISINFORMATION"  most people now believe that the real Misinformation is coming from these and other members of the Davos Devils.

I commented on this AUSSIE report by Alan Jones on Sky News editorial comments

 I applaud the input from the AUSSI' economist,and his courage to leave government and the lies they prevericate. However, Soros are waking up to the fact that most people are no longer believing their BS and the Covid-19 and the Great Reset that their partner in crime against Humanity Klaus Schwabe wrote about how the two were connected. They are connected because it is clear that the entire PLANdemic was cooked up by theses and the other members of the Annual Davos Devils conference.

Gates and Soros [ I'm sure with the help of Schwabe and the EU and UN like Macron, and Merke, leaders who participate in the Davos Devil's meeting ]are planning a counter attack. They claim that messages like the one sent by this Australian Economist are nothing but "Misinformation" and they are planning, what Ethan Huff on Natural calls a new Orwellian nightmare on a very large scale . Irony of all ironies, the two most prolific liars on the planet are calling it see this link: So MR jones, I hope you plan for a shit storm of misonformation from these two meglomanics who will be bashing your broadcast as "Misinformation" I hope there are many more people like you and the US conservative media outlets that will hang Gates, Soros and Schwabe all on the same tree in some very public place at their meeting in Davos this month