Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Geraldo, Much of what you say here may be false. The reason there "seems" to be no proof of election fraud is that the courts run by the democrats would not even hear the cases or the evidence. I will admit that even if they had entertained fair and impartial hearings on these cases, No one knows if the results would have been a clear win for Biden or Trump. But like your famous "safe", the world still wanted to know what was inside even if it was nothing other than your own self created recognition by keeping us all guessing.

Here's an idea that may attract some new attention to yourself. Use your skills as a real true investigative journalist, and prove once and for all how many legal votes were cast for Trump & Biden in 2020. You may surprise yourself and an audience eager to know the TRUTH.
There are several states where there was clear election fraud and where machine counts were tampered with. While Time printed their tell all story bragging about how they killed the laptop story and suppressed other views and were proud of helping to defeat Trump. Be more objective. Much of the evidence which is clear about ballot box stuffing and wrong doing was admitted before congress by Zuck, yet even that revelation of the Government interfering in its own election still have not helped cure your TDS. I can only surmise that TDS is a viral disease and like cancer or COVID there seems to be no cure for it.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Quoras latest question: What are the external geopolitical uncertainties that are challenging China's economy?

 What are the external geopolitical uncertainties that are challenging China's economy?

Realizing that most people have been brainwashed over the years by the great propaganda they produce to make the world believe that China will continue to grow, over power the USA, and make Xi their god, I have to be more realistic. The Russian Federation [ really still the old Soviet Union ] has tried to mirror their image with Putin as their god.

The real truth is that both are PAPER TIGERS. Plus, as we are seeing in Russia that goes for their Blow Hard bosting of invincible armies and superior technical advancements in warfare. They both try to steal US weapon plans or to reverse engineer it, but mostly that goes in reverse for them.

Much of what these lumbering giants rely on is intimidation; misinformation; subterfuges; intellectual property theft, and market and currency manipulation. China is one of the worst “Victim Card” abusers on the planet. Like Stalin, who hoodwinked FDR into Betraying the Global Atlantic Alliance of 1939 by giving him ALL of Eastern Europe based on thin fact that RU went over to the Allies for the last six months of WWII, they know crap like that will not work on the upcoming Trump Administration [ they can’t bribe him like they have done with biden and obama, and they cant fool him with their deceptive PONZY schemes]. However, they will continue to use their puppets in the US -EU Legacy Media to influence the Western public into believing that Trump is somehow Putin’s ally. There is no evidence of that, but with the help of our own CIA, who often seems more Russian than the old KGB they continue to promote the anti Trump Mockingbird talking points that you hear 7/24 on the corporate channels they control. They are masters of using subtle influence to fool the West into investing in their PONZY schemes, and their control of the money markets, IMF and World bank. They create a market frenzy, and US and Western financial investors often get caught up in it and pull others in. The best recent example is their massive building program failures\ Massive Bank failures and their lack of a valid middle class to support it. In fact, China still has the “Blue Crab disease”, similar to India’s Caste System. Throw a dozen Blue Crabs in an open container, and they will never get out. Why? When one tries to claw their way out, to the top, the rest pull that one back. Yes they have a large population, but with the help of the Iron clad rules imposed by the CCP, they hold each other down. We still see signs of that in some Western nations, but not as strong, and they live in mostly an environment of openness. They understand , for the most part that “When the tide of progress and financial success rises, all boats also rise to the higher level. This is the core principal of the Trump led MAGA movement.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Impeach Biden and Harris for an attempted coup and violation of Article 2 of the Constitution


@vilius63 I am asking ALL OF AMERICA to take the advice of the main character in the movie "Network", and go to the window or door, open it, stick your head out and yell "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore". We are all sitting scratching our heads and watching a former president who no longer holds any official office in our representative Republic. Tell our duly elected current President to step down. He does so on paper, but says he will remain as president until the end of his term. In the mean time you have his unqualified and unelected VP assume the role of president without following our Constitutional LAW and rules of proper/ legal succession to the Presidency. Obama has reached his ultimate goal of FUNDAMENTALLY ALTERING THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION. IN effect, as we sit , watch and do nothing. He has created his own perverse America. We currently have two presidents, and we see what that looks like. The Prime minister of Israel meets with the two of them and is glad handed by a mentally incompetent and dysfunctional Biden as Netanyahu is disrespected and dressed down by Joe's "illegal co-president, in a disrespectful tone and terms kamala carelessly tells him what to do and what she will allow as acting President. We cannot continue with this. Speaker Johnson needs to call on congress to impeach both of them for this 'silent and devious COUP against The United States of America. then put Obama on trial for the attempted COUP. Democrats who have been severely disrespected; Disenfranchised by Obama who has stolen their votes and their millions of $$$ pledges to Biden in our duly elected Representative Republic primary process must also agree that this COUP orchestrated by Obama must be stopped. It is unconstitutional to have two presidents reign in America for even one hour, let alone for the next five months. It sets a dangerous president that Obama will use to destroy our election process and AMERICA as laid out in our Constitution. It destroys all our Voters have believed in for the past 140+ years. Finally if this is let to stand it destroys The united States of America [ which has been Obama's plan all along]. Where is Derschowitz, Turley, and all of the other Constitutional Scholars. Why are they not speaking up. I demand that my Congressional Representatives in the state of Florida, and in all of America stand up and take swift and decisive action against this COUP.
Please repost and share if you want to save AMERICA

Monday, June 17, 2024

US Deep State turns to fiction Authors to instill fear that President Trump will get US into a Nuclear War




This is my reaction to  a You Tube video by DOAC.  This lady is a novelest posing as a Nuclear war specialist.  No doubt she is a minor CIA operative or a John Brennan paid stooge in and effort to create distrust of Trump




Annie Jacobson has duped you and the public. Calling her an Expert is a grave misnomer. She is using you to sell more books. Typically she researches government Publications which are easily available to the public, and turns them into Science Fiction "What If" novels. Her credits include contributions to Episodes of The X Files, and the Amazon TV series based on Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan Fictional writings. The hidden agenda here is her CIA type discrediting of Trump and fear that he poses a danger to America.[ the latest left wing "Theme'" being used to place fear in the minds of the American voter] Listening to her "Mockingbird" subtle attacks on the 'Former' Administration, make one wonder if this was just another John Brennan attack tactic, since his mockingbird' daily digs used universally on every form of MSM and only seem to add to Trump's universal support by the American people who have pulled the curtain back to watch these propagandists at work. BTW this is not a new tactic.. the KGB used it for years once they believed they had trained their populations to believe anything PRAVDA told them


Here in Lithuania, the Family is the core unit of the Constitution,  Article 38 of the Constitution clearly says the family is a man an d Woman and their children.  We want to keep it that way, as God planned.

Pillar, Cornerstone, Foundation

How to Celebrate the 2021 International Day of Families

The observance of the 2021 International Day of Families during the continuing devastation of a worldwide pandemic calls to mind Ambassador Michael Novak’s warning of a potentially more ominous threat: “Throughout history, nations have been able to survive a multiplicity of disasters—invasions, famines, earthquakes, epidemics, depressions—but they have never been able to survive the disintegration of the family.”

Ambassador Novak further explained why the disintegration of the family would be so disastrous: because “the roles of a father and a mother, and of children with respect to them, is the absolutely critical center of social force.” Or, as expressed in the Vatican’s Charter of the Rights of the Family, “the family is based on marriage, that intimate union of life in complementarity between a man and a woman,” and, as “a natural society, exists prior to the State or any other community, and possesses inherent rights which are inalienable.”

This timeless truth about the family is as old as the human race, as attested in the opening chapter of Genesis: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” The divine blessing upon the marital union of man and woman extends beyond them, for such a family, says Pope Francis, creates the optimum environment “for the child’s growth and emotional development” and results in “a unique, natural, fundamental and beautiful good for people, families, communities and societies.” 

No wonder that historian Will Durant hailed Confucius as the world’s greatest thinker for his insight that the world could not be put “in proper order” without first putting in order the family. No wonder that when the wise drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights sought to put the world in order following the most devastating war in history, they recognized the foundational and indispensable role of the family, the only group unit possessing human rights: “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.” And no wonder that the family is likewise recognized as foundational in over a hundred national constitutions, some of which repeat the language of the Universal Declaration while others use descriptions for the family such as:

  • “the basis of society” (Bahrain)
  • “the fundamental basis of society” (El Salvador)
  • “the fundamental element and the basis of all society” (Cape Verde)
  • “the nucleus of society” (Qatar)
  • “the fundamental nucleus of society” (Chile, Bolivia, Nicaragua)
  • “the basic nucleus of social organization” (Angola)
  • “the basic institution of society” (Colombia)
  • “the basic structure of society” (Tunisia)
  • “the primary unit of the society” (Uzbekistan)
  • “the primary and fundamental genesis of the spiritual and moral values of the society and the State” (Guatemala)
  • “the fundamental unit of society and the main centre for the growth and edification of [the] human being” (Iran)
  • “the natural and fundamental element of society” (Seychelles)
  • “the natural and fundamental constituent of society” (Moldova)
  • “the natural primary and fundamental unit group of Society, and a moral institution possessing inalienable and imprescriptible rights, antecedent and superior to all positive law” (Ireland)
  • “the fundamental pillar of the society” (Afghanistan)
  • “the cornerstone of the preservation and the advancement of the Nation” (Greece)
  • “the natural foundation of human society” (Cameroon)
  • “the natural and moral foundation of the human community” (Niger)
  • “the foundation of society,” based on “the stable union of a man and a woman” (Paraguay)
  • “the foundation of the society,” based on “the institution of marriage between a man and a woman” (Dominican Republic)
  • “the basis of the nation’s survival,” based on “the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman” (Hungary)

Nor is it any wonder that, as Ambassador Novak warned nearly fifty years ago, the disintegration of the family spells disaster. His warning has never been so timely, for such a disaster now stares us in the face. “Marriage and the family are in crisis,” declared Pope Francis. “This revolution in manners and morals has often flown the flag of freedom but in fact it has brought spiritual and material devastation to countless human beings.”

Or, in the words of sociologist Gabriele Kuby, it is the “destruction of freedom in the name of freedom” as “good is called evil, and evil is called good,” all part of a “global sexual revolution” which “affects everyone—man and woman, young and old, our personal existence and the future of society” and “reaches into every home and heart. There is no neutral territory to which we can escape” as it “increases its speed and the fierceness of its attack on democratic freedoms from one day to the next.” Employing “the art of deceptive speech,” the revolution marches under the banner of “rights” and claims to counter “discrimination,” while in reality launching a blitzkrieg of discrimination against the rights of society’s natural and fundamental group unit, the family.

It is the ultimate betrayal of the founding principles of the United Nations, which itself has fallen prey to “influential individuals and NGOs that drive [the revolution’s] global implementation,” as Kuby explains: “Within a few decades, the UN became an institution that would use its power and resources to change the image of humanity as declared by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to replace universal moral values with relativistic postmodern ‘values’ as the foundation of culture…. Today the UN and its powerful sub-organizations fight for dissolution of men’s and women’s sexual identity [and] elimination of marriage and family.”

Regardless of how enticing or beguiling the label—such as “sexual and reproductive health and rights,” or “sexual orientation and gender identity,” or “comprehensive sexuality education”—any policy or program that undermines the family and its supporting values must be exposed and resisted. As nations now scramble to vaccinate against a dangerous and often deadly virus, we call upon all to protect against a potentially more dangerous enemy that seeks to destroy the very foundation of society. Honoring the treaty obligation in the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights to provide the family with “the widest possible protection and assistance” may well be the most important thing a nation can do for itself and the rest of humanity.

At this critical time of unprecedented danger, we recommend the words of two religious leaders: “On all sides, the family is under attack. Many wonder if the institution is no longer needed. Our response is certain. If there is any hope for the future of nations, that hope resides in the family” (President Russell M. Nelson). “Every threat to the family is a threat to society itself…. The future of humanity passes through the family. So protect your families! See in them your country’s greatest treasure and nourish them always” (Pope Francis).

International Organization for the Family
Center for Family and Human Rights
United Families International
Latin American Alliance for the Family
American Family Association of New York

Institute for Family Policy, Spain
FamilyPolicy.RU Advocacy Group, Russia
Family Policy Institute, South Africa
Family First, New Zealand
Ruth Institute
CitizenGo, Spain
Provive, Venezuela
Novae Terrae Foundation, Italy
Universal Peace Federation

It is appalling that America is not on this list.  America since it's inception has been based on family unity as seen in the Scriptures.  The family for all the attacks by the ungodly in the US is still the core of our belief system.  The gays and godless want to destroy it, and recently we see that America is instead turning to the right and returning to the basic belief system upon which the USA was founded.  

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The effects of music on your Brain




 I have heard, known, and seen for many years the positive benefits of classical music on individuals thinking and cogitation.  I want to add there is a scientific reason for it, heaving to do with the orderly vibrations that helps our brains harmonize with the nature of the universe..  The opposite effect takes place when our young people listen to Hip Hop, Rap and all of the pop  music. I try to avoid because most of the performances  look like and sound like guttural evil wailing from the Depths of Hell.

Saturday, May 4, 2024



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