It is unfortunate that two people who have the same goal of ending this tragic war are sniping at each other. It only delays a just end to Putin's illegal WAR which is a continuation of Stalin's Genocide against ethnic Ukrainians. Trump is angry over what Bribehim did to get us into this mess , and how some corrupt UKR oligarchs were found by the French of diverting $46 Million of the money Joe sent into their pockets [ Hunter may have gotten some too]. Both men need to put aside these emotions and focus on defeating the WAR CRIMINAL, Putin. Putin is leading an economic war against US BRICS [ 25 nations controlling 40% of global energy and 60 % of trade now have joined Putin to support his ANTI- DOLLAR war on America. Trump has said this would be like the US losing a major war, Germany just elected a strong Christian Democrat leader Fredrich Mertz who will lead the NATO/EU coalition that will CRUSH Putin now that UKR has destroyed the RU oil industry that supported the WAR. All this points to a negotiation that would leave Putin helpless, and by losing Crimea perhaps worse. Someone, please tell me with all this going Trump's way, why is he not at the table with Putin and Zelinsky making Putin beg for mercy? WHY? Defeating Putin kills BRICS, saves the dollar, and makes a lasting peace in Europe with a FREE UKR and long lasting Peacw Deal that allows other RU federated states to ally with the West and leave the Russian Slave State Status [17 have already made this goal clear even before this war. It is why Putin had to go to N. Korea because they would "Not Fight Putin's WAR" as they were forced to do by Stalin in WW2 and the cold war. If this makes sense, please share and try to find the answer as to WHY Trump seems to be on the wrong side of History here?
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
As an example of how the Russians can’t be trusted. General Eisenhower had the Germans sign the German Unconditional Surrender agreement on May 7, 1945. Three German Generals were there, along with Admiral Karl Donitz who was named the new Furher to replace Hitler. Two of Stalin’s Russian generals also signed, and Winston Churchill made an announcement to the world that day that the Germans had surrendered Unconditionally to the Allies, and the war was over. However, Stalin insisted that he would not sign the Surrender papers drawn up by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. Stalin refused to sign , and instead, in defiance of the Allies, he conducted his own surrender in Berlin the following day. This made him a traitor and a Betrayer to the Allied forces to whom he had pledged Russia to fight with. NEVER TRUST THE RUSSIANS. In the UN and US, a movement started to grow against the Presidency. People blamed Truman for letting this happen. Stalin claimed in his surrender that all of the countries where he had even one Russian soldier now belonged to him, in defiance of the 1941 Atlantic Charter that stated upon German surrender all pre-war national borders would remain in place. Stalin erased that and took them all plus Poland. Hungary The Czechs and all nations east of Berlin. I say we defeated the wrong dictator, but now 80 years late there is a chance to remove Stalin II [AKA Putin] Stalin's actions and Truman's inaction was being portrayed in all the headlines and news reports as “THE GREAT BETRAYAL”. The other 40+ nations who were Allied members were afraid to go against Stalin if the US could allow this to happen. Shortly after, the Russians stole our A- Bomb, and the Iron Curtain came down to protect all the countries Stalin had absconded with. the Cold War was on. . We can not let this happen again with Putin, the Stalin Clone. Ukraine has him on the ropes. The Germans, and Norwegians are arming UKR with very powerful cruise missiles. All of the EU is stepping up to fill the gap that the US is creating. They are moving against the Russians in the 4 enclaves illegally occupied by Russia. The 40K Russian troops are isolated in Crimea. No air cover, limited anti missile defense; out of fuel and low on ammunition. Blow the Kirsch bridge and fully isolate them. Germany has already provided Ukraine with six IRIS-T SLM systems and five IRIS-T SLS systems. Hit them with the 100 more they will send. UKR must act quickly and precisely to close Kirsch bridge. The IRIS_T’s can do that. Use the Russian troops on Crimea as a negotiation tool, along with telling the Russians to free the 2.6 million female hostages they hold, and the 260,000 children from infants to 5 they kidnapped. Trump or Erdogan now have sufficient leverage to make Putin pack up and go home, or they can keep bombing all his valuable revenue producing factories, old wells, Refineries and military ammo and aircraft at long. Forget about any plan to partner with Putin economically. He already has formed the BRICS anti Dollar coalition, and it will fade with his removal. TRUMP SHOULD NEVER TRUST PUTIN. doing so would unravel all the great support he is getting for his domestic actions to ‘drain the swamp’. Saving Putin is a big negative for MAGA
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
i see that Zelensky has rejected Trump's proposal on the minerals for weapons deal. I believe that unless there is some Kabuki Theatre being played here, Trump is making a big mistake by making it look like Putin has won this war. If he wins the entire idea of NATO and the UN is finished. If sovereign nations cannot be protected we are repeating history. At the close of WW2 all we did was trade one evil dictator for another. We defeated Hitler, and supported Stalin who then claimed he was the power that was the one who won the war. Ike had already met with the German Generals and Hitler's replacement as Furher, Admiral Donitz and on May 7, 1945 signed the Act of Surrender document with the remaining German Top Leaders. The war was over. However, Stalin who was really a straw figure propped up only by the 30 Billion in armas and financial aid by FDR took control now that FDR was gone and Churchill had been replaced. Stalin, ignored the weak democrat Truman, and held another Surrender agreement in Berlin May8, 1945 to make it look like the Germans surrendered to Russia and not the General Dwight D. Eisenhower the Supreme Commander of the ALLIED Forces [AKA America]. In that agreement, the original Atlantic Charter of 1941 stating that after the war, all prewar national borders would be honored. Stalin now unopposed by the Allies who really won the Battlefield war, tossed out that provision and took, Poland Czechoslovakia, Hungary, half of Germany, and all nations East of Germany. If Ukraine falls to Putin I predict three things will happen,
Putin , as the BRICKS leader of the Anti USD will achieve his goal in that role, and Trump and the USA will be humiliated and lose its position as the dominant Economic and Political leader otf the free world.
1. The USD will no longer be the Standard world Currency,
2.the US economy will go into steep decline.Monday, February 17, 2025
Both Hitler and Stalin were a threat to the free world in WW2. We only killed Hitler, and ignored Gen. Patton's quest to move past Germany and destroy Stalin. We are repeating history by letting Ukraine fall and missing an opportunity to destroy the Russians and communism once and for all while they are at such a weak point militarily and economically. We could then go for the Chinese juggler by cutting their Belt and Road. We could do this now, and destroy the two threats to the USA: The attempted Russian conquest of the $ Using BRICS the EU and China' trade dominance using their Silk Road. WHY are we not doing this?
Saturday, February 8, 2025
A response to Sheldon Kirshner's blog post on
heldon asked what people thought of Trump's idea of doing a complete demo of Gaza and rebuilding a nice beachfront community to replace it?
President Trump's strength often comes from his out of the box thinking. People like new ideas, and he is full of them. He is also a very creative developer. He converted long neglected parts of NY [ which looked a bit like Gaza when he started] into productive skyscrapers filled with offices and condos.
I am sure he could do the same with Gaza. The strip is a beach front on the warm Mediterranean ocean. It could be a rival to Qatar because it would be built on a solid piece of land not a series of sand piles like Qatar or their newest boondoggle designed by the Danish called Sindalah on the Red Sea both of which are having technical problems staying afloat and difficulty handling all the sewage those many high rises and condos there have due to poor design or a basic poor idea to start with.
reclaiming Ocean floor property in an attempt o make it ocean front property is expensive and fraught with many problems. China has been doing it for many years, but is it effective, efficient or even lasting?