Sir, there is no entropy in a perfectly ordered universe created by God. We as humans simply do not fully understand or instantly comprehend the order God created. Therefor we see it as random chaos. His greatest gift to us is our ability to slowly discover all of the complexity and to continue our eternal exploation. Your desire to explore and discover just a tiny spec of vast area; to relentlessly explore His vast Universe, on this planet and others. His greatest idea was not to tell us all the answers on the test. It is our job to find out what He has made, and it is so complex we will never find it out, because solving the problem is our greatest joy. Once about every Millennium He helps by giving us a genius who is so gifted at solving the puzzle, we get more pieces, but not the whole answer. That seems to be your job for now. But the few who understand this part of His Gift, know that, and understand that our real joy should be in thanking Him for allowing us to take part in His Eternal mystery solving. My sense of God's humor is that he will continue to increase the complexity of His universe so that the small solutions we discover will instill us with an eternal urge to continue on our quest to Know and understand Him. Always know that Satan hates the fact that God created man because he is jealous that as God's best and final creation we share something special with The Almighty, that Satan lost when he arrogantly told God that he would one day be above God's throne. God responded by telling him. Your pride condemns you to the abyss where you will perish forecer.
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