Friday, September 15, 2023


 Response to an article in the Republic Brief

Makes prefect sense, Newt. Here you pair a career politician who never worked a day in his life, Was always protected by his dim witted staff, and the US Pravda fed master talking heads of MSM. He had to make no decisions even in Congress, and had inbred corruption in his family. Who do they pair him with? obama, a career Marxist born of a radical anti American leftist family, trained in the Saul Alinsky school of how to hate and destroy America, who was spawned by the Chicago political Corruption machine, then who picks Hillary Clinton the same breed of criminal and USA hater as his SOS to enable her to extort more money for herself her Treason and the destruction of America by selling off our Strategic Uranium reserves. Obama is the articulate one with the evil brain, Biden is a career Political criminal "yes man" who has been living off the Government dole and all he can extract from lobbyists and campaign donations for 40 years [ at the time the DNC paired him with the real masters criminals of extortion and treason, hillary and obama. One problem is that biden is not as dumb as obama thinks he is. He brings in "the smartest man in the world" {haha} baby Hunter to show dad how to ratchet up the theft by selling his dad's name brand "Crooked Joe". during the obama years, obama. decides to show Crooked joe and hillary how to really cash in and leave no trail, like they did. He creates the phony "Cash and Dash " pay out illegal prisoner and cash deal with our enemy , Iran. [BTW thatiitial 400 Mil was followed by more totaling 1.7B billion between 9/8-11/16. It took several days to complete the cash transfer. Small private jets can't carry too many pallets of cash] People are shocked that he initally put 400 million unmarked cash in different unmarked untraceable cash on board a private jet to be delivered in the dead of night to Iran for freeing 4 US hostages. Recently biden played one up-manship by handing over six billion for five US hostages, and then tosses several Iranian Terrorists captured by America for free. This costs America 6 Billion plus the us Military lives lost capturing these top Terrorists. Largest ransom in US history, totally illegal. Some day we will fond out how much of these cash transfers would up in the hands of obama and biden and hillary.. obama was more clever than joe he took cash, unmarked in differing currency, USD, Swiss francs, Euros, Pound sterling, etc. Joe used his 20 LLC's and Hill the Clinton Cabal foundation