Monday, April 17, 2023

Ukranian Musical Couple tell Their Story



 1.  WILLIAM "S INFORMATION BULLETIN ---Substack.comREV .04/16/2023

 Two very talented Ukrainian musicians
speak about Russia's tragic crimes against

Two very talented Ukrainian musicians speak about Russia's tragic crimes against humanity. The husband-and-wife popular entertainment team of Anatolii keyboard and musical arrangement and technical accompaniment for his lovely wife Natalia who has a beautiful and enchanting voice. See selected videos, bottom of the post.

These two peaceful, fun-loving, God-fearing Christians played and performed in their own language,culture, and exercised their inalienable right to entertain people and live freely in their sovereign land. They have enjoyed this peaceful and cultural life ever since they gained their freedom from the USSR in 1991. Again, since 2004, the heavy hand of Russia has loomed over them like a dark shadow. Over the years, as public performers, they have become what the people call "influential people" among the people of Kiev and the surrounding towns and villages. 

They may not have shared in their modesty that they may have had an impact on the whole country, but they do. They were active in two major protests in and around Kiev's central Maidan in 2004 and 2014. They recounted impromptu outdoor events where people took to the streets singing Ukrainian songs and their national anthem to demonstrate the unity of the Ukrainian people against the Russian propaganda war. These riots were in response to Russian attempts to separate them from their people in the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Crimean
regions so that Putin could realize his imperialist dreams of taking over the entire free nation and turning it into another one of his vassal/slave states. During the Maidan protests in late 2013 and February 2014 in response to the Russian invasion of Crimea, Anatolii and Natalia were among a crowd of over 100,000 protesters. They were beating drums and shouting about the attempted brutal government "police" forces that were deployed to restrain people. They were in the square to watch in real time as police shot and killed about 50 unarmed peaceful protesters. 

I can't be 100% sure, but it is likely that propaganda from the politically controlled press and the influence of operatives who worked to distract Putin to strengthen his pro-Russian operatives was used to influence Ukrainians. Putin wanted his puppet government in power, and the Ukrainian people wanted freedom and better financial and political relations with EU countries. They knew that Yanukovych would not sign an agreement with the EU, which
90% of the people wanted. Only one person was against Ukraine becoming more progressive than other EU countries. That person wasn't even Ukrainian. It was the Russian dictator Putin.
In Kiev,2004, students and young people were preparing for the Orange Revolution. In the eastern regions, they were organized by Soros' Open Society to reject the "Nazi influence" of those in power. Crimea, with its large Russian population due to well to do Russians retiring there  [ like Florida in the US], plus the minorities that Putin expelled there for opposing him
in any of the other 22 federal states still under the oppressive Russian regime. 

   2.    WILLIAM "S INFORMATION BULLETIN ---Substack.comREV .04/16/2023

Soros' open society influenced the people who took part in the Orange Revolution of 2004, voted for Putin's candidate Viktor Yanukovych, and joined in supporting Mother Russia. Putin feared the rise of nationalism, which he promoted as "Nazi fascism. He wanted to see his pro-Russian man, but more than 65% of the people opposed him. Election fraud hindered the will of the people. The nationalist-democrat candidate lost.

Putin's Nazi straw man

The Nazis died out in 1945 when they were defeated by the Allies. After the war, Stalin deceived the Allies by using "Nazi purge" propaganda to keep all the countries of Eastern Europe formerly occupied by the Germans as a pretext to "liberate" them from Nazi control as part of the Allied forces led by the United States, yet the Nazi’s were all gone. Unfortunately, Roosevelt was a socialist married to a communist, so he ignored Stalin's imperialism, which was worse than Hitler's, and lost all the Eastern European countries that fought with the Allies to defeat Hitler. He then took over 15 more countries east of Moscow, creating the USSR. The result of World War II was that Roosevelt/Truman exchanged Hitler for Stalin. Between
1946 and 1949, Stalin, on up to his death in 1653 with support and funding, created the largest country in the world. 

Now, in 2004 and again in 2014, Putin plans to revive Stalinist tactics at Potsdam and Yalta in an attempt to win back countries that gained freedom under Gorbachev. These former satellites of the USSR came about through the weakness of two U.S. presidents and a senile Churchill. By 2020, Britain had left the EU, and the corrupt U.S. DNA, by manipulating elections, had replaced the strong U.S. president that Putin feared with a weak, decrepit old man. Furthermore, in 1949, with the weak Truman at the helm, the communist leader
Mao Zedong pushed Chiang Kai-shek from the mainland, where he created the Republic of China [Taiwan and joined the UN]. Thus, U.S. power in the world began to wane under Communist control.

Putin's unbridled Imperialistic Expansion

Beginning in 2004, Putin's operatives quietly seized control of eastern Ukraine and parts of Crimea, convincing the residents of these territories that they would be much better off under Russian rule.  Russian propaganda and polemical corruption won out, while Ukraine suffered under another corrupt politician who continued to make people suffer from economic hardship and the continued serfdom of the Russian government behind Putin’s puppet, Yanukovych. During this period, Putin accumulated a huge fortune through his manipulations to control the enormous profits made from the sale of Ukrainian assets, grain and natural gas, precious metals, coal and oil coming through the ports of Crimea and Odessa, respectively.

Step by step, Putin implemented Stalin's plan to restore the Russian empire: he rigged elections in Ukraine in 2004; invaded Georgia in 2008; it entered Crimea in late 2013.

Vladimir Putin is the new Adolf Hitler and Stalin

Ironically, Putin destroyed his own propaganda that this unprovoked invasion of
Ukraine in February 2022 was to purge that country of Nazis. Putin became the
new Hitler by invading Ukraine as Hitler did against the Poles in 1939. It was a very confusing time for everyone. This is the main method used by the globalists. Keep people confused and in crisis. That way you have a better chance of controlling them. The U.S. is going through
the same thing. Obama's [and Biden's] favorite saying, "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (SIC) "If there is no crisis, create one," is attributed to several people, but Obama quoted his favorite radical destroyer of public decency and normalcy, author of Rules for Radicals,Saul Alinsky. Soros, Schwab and the WEF global elite live by the principle
of CRISIS and CHAOS as their First Rule.

   3.   WILLIAM "S INFORMATION BULLETIN ---Substack.comREV .04/16/2023

History of Disruption Creating Dictators or What the Elites now call The New World Order

1918. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk separates Ukraine from Russia after Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution.
1922. Stalin violates treaty; invades Ukraine, calling it the first Soviet republic within the USSR.
1930s Stalin instructs one of his deputies, Nikita Khrushchev, to monitor and punish Ukrainian peasants for their unwillingness to cooperate with Stalin.
a) Khrushchev was ruthless. He was from Georgia, a republic in southeastern Ukraine.
b) He decided to punish the Ukrainians who did not want to give up their highly productive farms to the cooperatives of the USSR, where they had to share about 90% of their goods and profits with the USSR.
c) To kill nationalism, he removed all Ukrainian culture and language [only Russian], he began
the "Holodomor, GENOCIDE. After confiscating private farms and all food production, over
3.9 million Ukrainians starved to death or were killed by Russian troops.
d) It ended only after Stalin's death in 1953.
1991. Under Mikhail Gorbachev [ironically, who had once worked as a grain harvester for one of the Ukrainian Communist collectives]. He started the collapse of the USSR. Ukraine, like many other former Soviet satellite countries surrounding the "former USSR," followed Lithuania, which withdrew first in 1990. A total of fifteen states decided to secede from the disintegrating USSR, including the southern tip of Finland, Helsinki. At the same time, Ukraine elected its first president, Lenoid Kravchuk, in 1991. In 1992 he signed the Visegrad [Lisbon Protocol]. Russia agreed not to impose any restrictions on Ukraine and promised not
to invade its territory or undermine its sovereign administration. 

Putin ignores these treaties

2008: Russia's invasion of Georgia southeast of Ukraine on the Black Sea was predestined to help the pro-Russian minorities of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali in a dispute with the 90% of Georgians who voted to secede from the USSR in 1991. Strategically, it allowed Russia to take over Georgia, which 90% of the population opposed. It also gave Putin what he wanted: the ports of Sukhoi and Batumi, from which he could launch his invasion of Crimea.
2008-2020: Putin carries out a covert invasion of Luhansk and Donetsk, Donbass, using his mercenary green men," whom the Ukrainian government considers terrorist insurgents, whom they have been fighting for twelve years. This is a prelude to Putin's recent decree from the Kremlin in which he called the four illegally occupied regions, along with Zaporozhe and Kherson, part of his Russian empire. He will then hold a FAUX vote in September 2022, 8 months after his illegal invasion and subsequent illegal occupation of these regions seized during his war. The Ukrainian government is waging a legitimate fight against the Russian invasion of their sovereign country. Ukraine has been recognized by all non-communist countries in the UN, the US, and the EU since the signing of the joint Visegrad Declaration.
Here is the purpose and summary of the Declaration that Putin violated:
Seeking to enhance its role in the post-Cold War international order, NATO refocused
its efforts on crisis management, security functions and conflict prevention. In July
1992, the Alliance agreed on an offer to assume peacekeeping responsibilities on behalf of
the United Nations and the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. 

      4. WILLIAM "S INFORMATION BULLETIN ---Substack.comREV .04/16/2023

BY UN Charter, RUSSIA is NOT a member in good standing and should be removed from the UN Security Council

Allowing the Russian Federation with full membership to remain in the UN, has never been done before. This is the equivalent of Taiwan taking over the UN position for Mainland China if Xi Jinping's CCP government collapses, which could happen at any moment.such a move violates UN and NATO regulations. Finally, Putin's unilateral and unprovoked military invasion of a sovereign state, according to the aforementioned treaties and declarations, is in direct violation of Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter "All Members [of which the Russian Federation is a signatory] shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with international law.

Putin cannot use the excuse that he has not declared war on Ukraine, that it is merely a "Special Operation" on the land of a sovereign state with tanks, troops, missiles, and warplanes. In his insane view, the destruction of private homes, factories, stores, critical infrastructure such as water, electricity and critical sanitation infrastructure is not an act of war, but simply a "Special  Operation" that will not pass muster in the Court of Nations if it loses and is justly prosecuted for its inhumane war crimes and atrocities. . it is a continuation of the quest to commit GENOCIDE against a certain group of peoples, which he sees as a threat to the lawful rule of Russia over the country and people of Ukraine.  The ICC held a hearing on this and found Putin Guilty of War Crimes in their indictment of him.

US Failed Foreign Policy

2004-2016 under Bush then Obama/Biden, UN, NATO and the EU took no action other than a few sanctions for Russia for violating the Visegrad Agreement by interfering in the Ukrainian elections. Furthermore, no action has been taken against Russian infiltration and the creation of pro-Russian districts in Donetsk, Luhansk. Kherson, and   Zaporizhzhia period 2004-07. Viktor Yanukovych's oil deals with Burisma and Gaspron weakened the Ukrainian economy and led to the rise of the oligarchic system, a shift of political and economic power toward Putin's Russia, and a rejection of the people's desire for new trade deals with the EU.

2013-14: Putin's Ukrainian Puppet Yanukovych staged a political election coup that failed, and then he later fled to Russia. Putin Illegally invaded Crimea. 


323 BC SInce the times of Alexander the Great, who took Crimea in 323 BCE,  Crimea has been a hot potato that many have tried, won and lost control of. this Ukrainian peninsula.I ask: who claims Crimea belongs to Russia because it was taken from the Ottoman Turks in 1783 Catherine the Great was actually a German.  She hated Tsar Peter III and after many trysts with top Russian Generals she convinced them to "Protect her from Peter III", They arrested him,he died mysteriously days later and she moved her Generals to capture the Lucrative port of Sevestapol. Some 70 years later. 

1856 she lost it to a coalition of Austrians , French removed Russia.  The  Ukrainians  signed the Treaty of Paris where Ukraine took Control again. Katherine died in 1796 and missed the demise of her only conquest.

1942 Hitler's Operation Barbarossa yielded control of the Slavic states east of Germany part being Ukraine/Crimea.  The US under FDR made a pact financing Stalin's offensive against the Germans and all of these small Eastern European countries were captured by Russia.

1942-45 Stalin began his geocide against Ukraine, which lasted until he died in 1953 and has resumed under Putin.

1993 Russia did not lease the port of Sevastopol until 1997, which ends in January 2024. This is the only part Putin is entitled to, but only if he continues to pay Ukraine $98 million a year in rent.

2019 Zelenskyy is elected. He immediately begins to revive a stronger nationalism among his
people. Teachers, doctors, students, electricians, and people from all walks of life are encouraged by their new president to be aware of the impending Russian invasion. They trained and were ready. They used wooden replica AK-47s to train to defend the homeland, and as a result, the entire nation was motivated, inspired, and ready to go after the Russians. Putin's invasion came as a surprise only to him and his army. Within the first few days, he realized that Ukraine would not be a five-day pie like Georgia.
President Vladimir Zelenskyy motivates Ukraine's political force

        5. WILLIAM "S INFORMATION BULLETIN ---Substack.comREV .04/16/2023

Aside from their exceptional musical talent and resilience, they are perfectly ordinary people, just like millions of their countrymen who said, "Enough!" We have known and lived under the horrors of totalitarian communism since the Bolsheviks overthrew the Tsar in Russia in 1917. In the years after the revolution, Lenin became the leader of the Communist Party. Then, in 1991, Lithuania was the first to defy the USSR by withdrawing from it, and soon about eight other countries did the same. Since then, some 17 other states have claimed sovereignty and recognition from the world community.

Thanks to the actions of Putin, the Russian dictator, at least three other countries have decided to join NATO, the opposite effect of what Putin hoped for. His Stalinist mindset led him to believe that force, intimidation, and subterfuge in ruling other countries would cause people to simply bow to his illusory power. This had exactly the opposite effect and could have led to the disintegration of the entire Russian Federation. Ukraine remained independent from the USSR for 30 years until Putin decided to break all international rules and treaties of the UN and NATO and invade Ukraine without provocation, just as Hitler invaded Poland in 1936.
Everyone I have spoken to in this humanitarian series about Ukraine has told me that they
remember or have family or friends with whom the incidents described here occurred. 

Two main themes resonate in their hearts and minds: Their amazing love for the land of their ancestors and their Christian faith.They  hVW   sincere wish is to see peace again in Ukraine so they can return to the land where they were born. Memories of Russian repression and atrocities against them are deeply imprinted in their hearts and minds. The memories of Stalin and Khrushchev, of the ethnic cleansing and genocide carried
out by Russia against this nation, are as strong as the genocide of the Jews carried out by Hitler
during World War II. Given their history, it is easy to see that Putin is following in the footsteps
of Hitler, Stalin, and Khrushchev. The invasion of Ukraine is no different from Hitler's invasion
of Poland in 1939 at the beginning of the war and the senseless loss of life and all that was dear.

As one elderly Ukrainian told me, their genocide was called the Holodomor. It was the great
repression in Ukraine when Stalin ordered the Georgian Khrushchev to lay siege to our farms and fields and food in order to enslave and starve our people. Farms and fields were burned and millions of people died. Even a cursory glance at the Ukrainian landscape today shows that this is the war Putin is waging against these innocent, peaceful people. We lived like so many other Soviet satellite countries, forced to pay tribute and be enslaved by the iron fist of the Soviet Union. We lived as vassals in a serf state system where much of what we produced was taken from us and used to enrich our Russian oligarchs. We all knew that the revolution of 1917 did not lead to a fair and equitable distribution of wealth. It was not done to ensure that all peoples received equal and fair benefits. Soviet leaders such as Stalin and Khrushchev moved away from Leninist Communism [which was an imperfect system of supposed distribution of wealth and wealth]. 

       6.  WILLIAM "S INFORMATION BULLETIN ---Substack.comREV .04/16/2023

They succumbed to human greed and uncontrolled power over a people who lived a peaceful life, near their land and near God.I had to make heartbreaking decisions.
Anatolii and Natalia were already in their retirement years. They had previously suffered life-
threatening illnesses, which, by the grace of God, they had just overcome. They could not fight and feared the fate that would befall them if they remained in their home near Kiev when the Russians were so close. They knew that Putin had made it clear that his first goal was to take Kiev, overthrow and possibly execute Zelenskyy, and then replace him with his ally, formerly deposed leader Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia after Zelenskyy won .
The difficulty of becoming an unintended refugee The Lithuanians, Poles and other countries of the former Soviet bloc and the rest of the EU have already made plans to help Ukrainians. My young Ukrainian friend Vitaly delivered food, warm clothes, and medicine from Kaunas, Poland, Lithuania, to his village near Kiev and the surrounding area on a weekly basis. Previously, he had evacuated his family to Germany. When he could, he transported refugees back to the borders outside of Ukraine, where it was still safe.

Let's return to our peaceful musicians who survived all these upheavals. Each of them suffered from a physical illness and more or less curtailed their public performances. They had a nice house in a small town near Kiev. They lived quietly, earning their living as music teachers at their music academy. They enjoyed their garden and the tranquility of the quiet neighborhood in which their home was located. Over the years, they collected many trophies and memorabilia from numerous performances in Ukraine. Their fellow musicians could be seen in many video clips, and they became quite popular. Now Anatolii and Natalia were ready to quietly live out their golden years, teaching and enjoying music, as well as teaching others to play and grow in the culture they had gained over the years.They had to leave.
Their home of peace and beauty was about to be destroyed. They heard shelling from the Russians,who received unexpected resistance from the Ukrainian forces that surrounded Kiev. To defend and halt the advance of the Russians, the Ukrainian army deployed artillery units in their village near their homes. What options did they have? Every journey was fraught with danger. Have you ever been asked, "If your house was on fire, what three things would you want to save?" Anatolii II and Natalia had a house filled with so many valuables, but they could take so little with them because of the distance and restrictions of boarding a bus, small car or train at their destination in Lviv that would allow them to cross the border. The chords of their many musical performances, thousands of pages of sheet music, family photos, and favorite clothes all had to be left behind. Even heavier was the loss for Anatolii. He was the piano accompaniment to his beautiful singing
wife. Natalia will be missed by all the acquaintances who had been her loyal listeners for many years.

    7   WILLIAM "S INFORMATION BULLETIN ---Substack.comREV .04/16/2023

His personal property is a beautiful grand piano standing in their living room in their
tastefully furnished comfortable home. Their adult daughter and her family, who lived in another city, decided to stay. To this day, the couple continues to worry about the safety of their loved ones amid the ongoing war. When they arrived in Kaunas, they received word from one of their neighbors that the piano had been moved to the basement for storage. This gave some temporary relief to his many, many nostalgic hours spent on this beautiful instrument.
It is so hard to think about the heartache of losing your support system of family, church, neighbors, friends, business, and personal possessions. When you feel love for the land and all that you have known, to leave it is like losing a part of yourself. This global chaos affects all the peoples of the world at one time or another. It is planned, and it is evil. Over the past half century, the globalists have orchestrated mass migration, using war as their favorite tool. This is all part of the control through chaos and uncertainty that the globalists create. It is planned, deliberate, inhumane and cruel beyond belief.  We have seen this in the many conflicts that have occurred on the African continent, in Southeast Asia, in the Middle East, in parts of Eastern Europe, and now in Ukraine. Even in the Russian Federation there are conflicts in Georgia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Chuvashia, and Kalmykia. About 17 national minorities in the Russian Federation would like to gain independence.
Natalia knew the elderly priest through the church. He had formed a caravan of private cars,
planning for someone to lead a group of people west of the hot war zone along a safe route that people had used since the war began. Near the town of L’viv, in western Poland, the group was to split up and decide where to go: Germany, Poland, or Lithuania, which is on the north side of the neutral SuwaÅ‚ki Gap. Through Natalia's contacts in Lithuania, arrangements were made to help the people going in this caravan. Natalia has a niece who is married to a Lithuanian, so they decided to go to Kaunas. Millions of people were forced to migrate from their homes. However, despite the fact that all this is based on the pernicious plans of a few thousand elite at the WEF and supported by the UN, WHO and WEF, IMF, World Bank and other globalist deceivers, people still manage to keep their dignity and often have the courage to fight this evil indirectly through the dignity of inherent and inalienable rights inherent in their hearts and minds by the grace God. Despite all the pain, suffering, tragedy, loss and hardship, we see hope through the sympathy of many others for those who are suffering. In one of my previous posts, I showed the tremendous and spontaneous support that the Lithuanian people gave by filling trucks with goods needed for the suffering people. It was all purely humanitarian aid: food, warm clothing, diapers, medicine, and even toys and games for the youth. Such support comes from all over the world. It is impossible not to believe that God is on the side of the oppressed, and I have tears and a lump in my throat when I see people helping those in need. All the guns, tanks and bullets of Putin's armies cannot overcome these humanitarian feelings of people's love for one another.Heartbreak, death and destruction caused by Putin's war

    8. Some sample performances by this amazing couple: