Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Back Story on  the dispute about legal ownership of Crimea

Yes, Russia kept trying to take back the east coast of Ukraine, and the Peninsula of Crimea.


RE: FYI Chanel on You Tube, covering the Ukraine defense against the illegal Russian Invasion

Response th o thie report


> Ivan the terrible of RUS invaded the peninsula in 1547 and was kicked out by the his relatives from the Byzantiem Empire in 1584

>, THE Tartars ruled 13-14th Century. The Islam Golden Horde beat Peter and Cathrine of RUS 1768-74 Caherine was allowed to use the port of Sevastopol by the Ottoman Empire but paid them tribute under

>Treaty of Kirctik. She , like Putin, Stalin and untrustworthy Russians annexed the independent state created in 1774. She lost it in 1854 to the Anglo-French who laid claim to it. Russia the Turks moved north. .

>1917 Bolsheviks ended the Romanov Tsar empire and Stalin annexed Ukraine for his new Commie state. he deported the 200,000 Tartars there to Siberia. and central Asia

>After WWII Crimea was transferred to Ukraine.

>in 1954 Nakita Khruschev confirmed it to be a part of Ukraine1

>1975 Helsinki accords with USSR, UK and US affirmed Crimea to be Ukraine, and vowed never to encroach on its sovereign borders again and Promised Pres. Reagan to remove all nukes back to Russia. T

>he 1991 Budapest MEMO , RU agreed with the UK and US and UN, that CRIMEA was included in the sovereign state borders of Ukraine and that RU would honor those borders.

>1992 Ukraine along with Georgia and other USSR satellites gained independence From USSR in the. AS part of a security guarantee by UK, US and the Allies Ukraine got a signed

>1994 Budap.est Agreement. Prior to this in 1954. they agreed to sell back most of their navy in Crimea to Russia for $526 Million. They also agreed RU could keep their fleet there and 25,000 troops in Sevastopol under a LEASE agreement where RU was to pay them $97 Million /yr. to lease on that port. As time went on and RU kept getting pro-russian leaders elected, they failed to pay the lease, and set up bases in other parts of Crimea. Ru. lied at every turn, and they never honored the agreements they signed. Putin at the start of this invasion tore up the Sevastopol Lease, leaving the door open fo Ukraine.

> 2022-23 Zelinskyy has every legalright under existing Treaties and Inernational Lawton evict his dishonest tenant, and take back his property.

> 2013-14 The Orange Revolution put Putins' latest puppet, Yanukovych in jeopardy of losing, but before he was forced out he extended the Port lease to 2042. Like the US elections, the fix was in for Putin's boy. then the people had enough of Russian corruption.

> 2019 they elected Zelenskyy to reform the system, and take back their country which RU had been occupying in parts since 2008. When Putin walked into Crimea 2014, that was the last straw. His Mo there was to hold fake elections where Ru. always garnered 90)% favor. He thought he could just waltz in and take The whole enchilada as he had done in Georgia.

>5 days turned into 14 months, and the loss of a quarter of his army and billions in equipment. Ukraine with the help of the west pulled back the curtain to reveal the Great and Powerful wizard Putin as a Paper Tiger. So no, Ru.did not rule Crimea for 400 years , and today Crimea is no longer pro- ussian.