Friday, December 31, 2021


Response to Hannity and Mark Levin concerning the corrupt Jan 6 hearings

Well they all say the same thing because they get told what to way every day from Mockingbird. They are too dumb to think for themselves so they get Orwellian phrases that they all spout daily. The latest is the overuse of a new word they created to fool the public into thinking that they are not really making your life and your city a more dangerous place to live after they remove all law enforcement. IYou simply must "Reimagine" your new dangerous situation as it is similar to the BIG LIE COVID or CCP Bio Weapon. you should just accept it as the "New Normal". These guys put George Orwell's double speak to shame. Of course, their most famous spokesman is the Swiss trillionaire Klaus Schwab who says, "Soon you will have nothing and you will be happy". That's the new norm. The truth for the few of us who see through all this con artist bullshit is that the Globalists will have it all and you will have nothing. They will be happy and you will be REIMAGINED.

Are medical rules made by unelected health departments politics or Science?

My observations:

The political commercial is just an expansion of the entire Plandemic where FEAR is the only tactic, they use it to frighten people into following their draconian plan. Big Pharma corps, globalists and DEM illegally elected leaders thrive on fear they want to frighten people by saying COVID will kill everyone. The main goal is to frighten people into absolute submission to their power. It is the same tactic Sex Traffickers use when they beat and rape young girls into being obedient submissives for the sex trade sex trade. The reality is much different than what you ar being "groomed" to accept. Overall, the numbers have remained the same for at least the past 50 years or more. Annually about 1-2% of the population die of seasonal flu [SARS-2 or the CCP China Bio-Weapon virus, which China proudly named after itself when they patented their bat virus laced gain of function BIO Weapon
COVID preventable and curable without injecting dangerous and ill concocted serums:

. Those who have actually used scientific and medical tests to analize this virus know it is preventable and curable. Early on, May 2020, President Trump was infected, and he took Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Pac. It cured him. However, people like Fauci ended all hopes of some 500 thousand or more from living and using true medical means of cures such as the President used [ he was only the president,] and Fauci who has deemed himself "Mr. SCIENCE" saw that as a great leader who America trusted and listened to may destroy his myth of the perception, he was trying to create that it was an incurable deadly disease. [ Same tactic he used while leading the country in the wrong direction on AIDS in the 70's],

Political and economic scam used to gain power.

Fauci saw the whole Gates, Fauci, Soros, Schwab and the Globalist Cabal's plans falling apart if Trump could convince people HCH Z-PAk or NAC work. If an 85 cent pill or inexpensive natural immunity enhancer like NAC could cure or prevent this BIO Weapon from China , then their entire BIG LIE would fall apart. Fauci nipped it in the bud by banning all such cures and preventions [ I may note that he did not have the authority to do so. Fauci was paid by the Globalists who now own Big Pharma to stop cures or preventative medicines, and there were proven cures and preventions other than a dangerous serums containing toxic items more dangerous than the Flu. Many of the ingredients in the Serums are highly toxic and have long lasting effects that could kill you or give you other diseases. Like Pelosi telling Congress to sign a bill into law so they can read the 3500 pages after they pass it. They never told people what was in these concoctions. Yet they do make you sign a paper which i doubt anyone reads which says you have just participated in a medical experiment [ the JAB] voluntarily so if you get sick or die it was your choice. Big Pharma and USG cannot be sued. The legalese is much better at fooling people, and they never make it clear that is what you are signing.

So what are they injecting into you?

Lab experts and virologists had to find out for themselves that one major issue with the VAX is the alteration of your natural immune system by mutating your God Given natural DNA that operates your immune system. Also, there are razor sharp metal particles and small plasticine chips in it. In addition, they contain parts of some aborted fetuses . Lastly or so we hope , there is ethyl Glycol. You may know it as Anti Freeze that you put in your car radiator. First, they scare you with lies that do not match the facts. This is what Fauci did with AIDS back in the 70's. He frightened people so much that people with the disease could barely get medical help. He preached that it was so dangerous and so contagious that if you were even in the same room with a person who had AIDS you could easily get it. People tended to believe that all AIDS infected should be treated like leapers and be rounded up and put in confinement. Sounds like he is using his AIDS play book of deliberate misinformation on this CHINA virus. He is now advocating that those not injected should be put in camps and forcefully Jabbed. While more knowledgeable physicians and virologists recommended at the outset that. If you are vax'd tell me you have not been frightened into getting the JAB. Tell me you thoroughly researched what was in the JAB and what it would do. When I went, I asked. Will it kill the virus, will it cure me if I have it, will it prevent me from spreading or getting it . NO, NO, NO, NO. It does none of these things, so I left saying that I did not believe it was a real vaccine.

You must decide. That is all Gov. DeSantis is telling people.

Ask a Leftugee.

CDC Lies Exposed

 Over the course of the starting months of 2011, many of the lies and propaganda by global and local health agencies run by fovernamnta across the globe will be exposed for their role in fostering the greatest Plandemic on earth since the last time they tried it in the early years of the Twenty-first Century and the outbreak of WW I

My Response {

I have said since day one of this Plan-demic that it was a HOAX. Yes, there is a virus created by China with the help of Fauci as a Bio Weapon that they unleashed specifically on the USA by the PLA- CCP Military without having an antidote. All people had to do was to read Klaus Schwab's book "COVID-19, and the Great Reset". He laid out in detail how his self-proclaimed and self-made head of the World Economic Forum. Since 2009, he and his gathering of elite billionaires have been meeting in Davos Switzerland crafting plans on how to take over the global financial system. Major players in their club: Geo Soros, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Vi Jinping, the Clintons, Joe & Hunter Biden, just to name a few. Helping them control the message, All of the Social Media CEO's, MSN, many Corporate .heads are in on this. Schwab even set up special training classes for most global leaders, teaching them how to use the plan-demic he and China created to control and guide people into his New World Order, where, as he says in his book, "You will have nothing and you will be happy." I cannot believe the almost 2 Billion humans fell for this crap. Now that the wheels are coming off the plan you see many of these billionaires bailing out. Just look at the desertions from Twitter, Google, and other big tech people, Even Melinda Gates jumped ship. Many more to go soon. If we the people have any luck with more of the lies being exposed, 2022 will be the end of this subjugation, and restoration of all the freedoms these FOOLS have taken Gates and Fauci helped to soften up the plans to invoke a global genocide against all mankind by playing with diseases back in the 80's,90's [remember, AIDS, e-Bola, Swine and Avion flu?] These were tests to see how many they could kill. I could go on, but we need a way to stop these insane rich people. Gates said that to create the 4th Industrial Revolution, we would need to Kill off 47% of the global population and enslave the rest using drugs and mind control technology which can be found in all the VAX JABS, and Huawei 5G signals. We must create a WORLD Justice Forum, another Nuremberg to place all these people on trial and meet out a fair and swift justice that will end their madness and allow Freedom and economic development guide us without all these Dr Strangelove types at the helm.

Monday, December 6, 2021

70% COVID-19 Deaths in September 2021 were fully vaccinated

Were there previous manufactured pandemics?  Yes and from 1917 until 2019 it worked. Then Klaus Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Soros and the New World Ogres decided to try what Rockefeller and, Dr. Fredrich J Gates tried in 1909-17 which successfully killed off 500 million with a fake vax and a flu they wrongly called Spanish Influenza. Following their human destruction people came to their senses ad realized that natural immunity and allowing people to live with the inconvenience of a Seasonal flu worked well for 100 years. The entire Plan Demic could end with the removal of the CCP, CDC WHO and their financial backers at WEF and their insane Chinese Germ warfare generals, Then put the Davos Devils and their partners in pharma, big tech and MSM on trial like we did with the NAZI's at the Nuremberg Trials who tried to take over the world. Once 40 + were swinging by their necks we did not hear much of a global take over for a long time.

Gates has unabashedly said many times he wants to remove 47% of the population on the planet, and in his diabolical book akin to Mein Kompf or Das Kapital -Klaus Schwabe penned COVID-19 and the Great Reset, His words second Gates same plan to eradiate humankind, as an eco through the halls of previous Hideous monsters like him. His Mantra is "Soon you will own Nothing and you will be happy" We would all be happy if these guys would volunteer be the first to start the depopulation by taking themselves , their Nazi partner, George Soros, and others on the Davos Devils team with them. Once they are gone and have depopulated the earth from the likes of them, then we can all get back to normal. As to the virus, China created it., Hundreds of Thousands of years of mankind's history proves God has provided us with highly intelligent Immune systems that eventually adjust to almost any disease thrown at it with a few exceptions. History also proves that over the years mankind has faced other plagues and epidemics, and in the long run he still prevails. The virus is manmade, the Vax is manmade, the intention of the evil humans who created these diabolical things is the same. Rid yourself of these madmen, and mankind will continue on until God decides it is time to close shop or move us on to another level.

Facts and science are showing 70% of new cases if the virus are vaccinated fools who bit the apple and took the Billy Juice. They are liet the Jim Jones fools who took the Kool aid from a radical cult leader in Guyana Jonestown in 1978. Mayor De Blasio in NYC is talking about building camps to incarcerate the unvax'd. That would really allow them to be the only ones to survive. A vax'd person is not cured, can contract and spread the virus, and has a higher chance of dying from it than the unvax'd., So, it is the vax and people who carry the vax that is killing people. They need to be isolated, not the uvax'd

Next time some wanna be Gestapo person asks you for a vax pass, ask them by what Authority do they ask such a foolish question. It is fun to do this to some pimply face waiter, or the kid taking tickets at the theatre of the clerk or old security guy at walmart or Home Depot. Special fun at fast food places. Ask if they are police officers, members of the government or members or any state, local or federal organization who is paid to enforce illegal un legislated rules made up by bureaucrats, Remind them too that impersonating a police officer or government official is a felony. Remind them that the Nuremberg code that got many Nazi officers hung forbids the government from forcing people to be injected by experimental drugs. . I did this the other day, and embarrassed the girl asking for my pass., She said was just the clerk there and they gave her a cellular device and all she had to do was to point it at the persons phone to insure they were vaccinated. She had no idea what to do when challenged. Again I asked if she was a government or law enforcement official she said no and started to wonder why she was being made to act like the police for 5 Euros an hour. Then she let me pass. The government does not have the manpower to enforce such stupidity [especially since they have been bludgeoned by criminal gangs like BLM and ANTIFA who shout to defund police]. They are given the consent by the Sheeple who are willing to give up all their God given rights and Human dignity for nothing. sure the propaganda has you believing you will get China virus and die. 100 years of statistics show that less than 1% of people who get the flu die each year. The numbers are not different with the China strain. Note they never mention how many or what % die, The number they focus on is the Infected. Note too that when people slow down in taking the killer JAB, suddenly they announce thousands more are getting infected. They they roll out sone guy who died two years ago and it may have been cancer or some other disease that makes you look that bad all this is to scare you into doing anything they tell you. Don't be intimidated, push back. biden and congress cant hold back 350,000,000 citizens who know their tights. Think of haw many police or army or gov employees it would take to stand in front of every restaurant, Movie theater, coffee shop, or all of the dozens of places each of us visit on a daily basis to enforce these stupid and illegal crack pot mandates that are on the level of Woody Allen as the dictator in his movie Bananas. I'm telling you it cant be done. Th y know it, we know it, just call their bluff and see what they will do. One last thing, if you still fear they will arrest you or cart you off, then you have to ask your self just how far you will go in compliance for them?. How much more can you be dehumanized, told where to stand and what to do and obey distance and other Simon Says crap they cook up just to go in ang get a loaf of bread?. I the movie Bananas, Woody Allen ordered all people to wear their under ware outside their outer garments. Sound stupid, ask yourself is that dumber than you standing in a long line to show your QR code with all your personal info embedded in it to the check in clerk at the store. Today it is this , and soon it may what the Jews had to endure, They may want to tattoo numbers on your arms or make vax'd and unvax'd wear some symbol as they did in Huxley's book of subservient to the Big Brother in 1984. Now you must bow to the BIG GUY biden. how long before you join the human race again and" Just Say No." ?|

Lithuanis mulling more illegal lockdowns and is stepping up it's border integrity: My comments

 LRT Lithuania:

article on Border illegal immigration and possible new lockdowns

My Response:

Border:  Stand your ground Lithuania is sovereign over it's border, not the EU or UN.  I would be happy to see Lithuania threaten them back with a Lexit [ Lithuanian Exit]  That would shut them up, and Poland [Pexit] and Latvia [Laexit] and Hungary [Hexit] and Estonia [EExit]

Lockdowns:  It would be wise for the minister of health to study how states in the US, like Florida, South Dakota, Alaska, Texas,Utah, Arkansas and a few others have survived the media driven false narratives of death and disaster saying you are doomed  if you don't follow some non-scientific artificial  bureaucrat rules.  The facts are that for all the things the Minister of health has tried, none have a basis in Science.  Facts prove, masks do not work, lockdowns or social distancing do not work.  The VAX does not work. Yet with all that places where these were not enforced the death rate is the same as it has been for the past 50 years of record keeping [1-2% of pop] This includes  Forced vaccinations which are against international law.  Despite the lies from the unelected government bureaucrats and the media, the overall death rate from this SARS-2 virus which comes every year remains about the same as seasonal flu.  The only increase in anything is the hyped up fake numbers of infections, and the overblown and misleading number of deaths. [at the start of this plandemic anyone who died was listed as a covid death] I challenge any Lithuanian who has access to a computer to log into the Ministry of health web page and ask for the number of deaths in 2020 or 2021 who died of Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes or other typical high  volume causes of death.  They no longer report them. Only Covid is reported.  WHY?  Plain and simple manipulation of the truth which you suffered under for 50 years at the hands of the Russian  CCCP. Things have not changed only the powers to be.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Survey of Lithuanian's attitude on nations Chinese foreign policy

 The LRT English news this Friday asked "Where are we Heading| with reference to the threat of China, Russia, Belarus

In my opinion as a resident guest here legally, their survey flashed warning signs for me.  The Chinese are good at making themselves look humble and helpful.  There could be nothing further than the real motivation of Chinese deliberate Deception.  It is their most powerful weapon most people never understand until after the fact.


How could Lithuanians not understand the threat the CCP poses to this nation.  Lithuania has been in the crosshairs of the CCP Belt and Road initiative for several years.  The Chinese have already fooled Seimas into allowing them to install a central Huawei Switch in Vilnius. This is connected into the central network to which medical, Government, Banking and most business transactions flow.  Please let the people know this means they have access to all of your biometric data, Manufacturing plans, R&D and much more. The Huawei switch is a data sponge which absorbs the lifeblood of this nation and sends it directly to your enemies in Beijing.   Next they started to eye the Ports.  Klaipeda is the target of getting a hold on your shipping and commerce.  The CCP see it as the gateway to Europe.  Read up  what they did to Sri Lanka after the CCP Offered to Build a deepwater port there.  Now the country has been forced into near bankruptcy and loss of  national sovereignty over their  valuable assets as they must bow to the CCP.  China gives nothing freely.  You always pay dearly in the end while you feel slightly better at the outset, you have simply been bought off.  It always end poorly.  
What do Lithuanian  people need to wake up? Will you wait until the CCP tanks are rolling in overtop of you, crushing you?  Defend yourselves now before you are back under a communist regime that makes NAZI's and Russians look like summer camp.  They have already taken more freedoms away without lifting an hand other than to pay off the EU, WHO and others here.  China has Lithuania on it's list of nations to conquer.  It is a much higher priority than anything Putin has in mind, and at a much faster rate.  To them you have already fallen to their enticing economic bribes and entrapment of some banks, businesses and politicians who think CCP will make them Oligarchs when they fully take over the country.  They will be the first to go.  XI is much more ruthless than Mao.  He uses those who sell out their countries until he has a firm foothold in every nation under his Imperial empire.  Those who are the first to have helped him will be very sorry in the long run.  Take it from me, and read General Robert Spalding's book of this ancient and evil blight on the world.  Like the China virus we now suffer from . Your economic and cultural collapse when forced to praise Xi as your god will be much worse