Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Patriot Senator Just Told Biden That He Is On Notice! – 2020 Conservative

Patriot Senator Just Told Biden That He Is On Notice! – 2020 Conservative

Biden spent 50 years being a paid congressional criminal. It is his type that make politicians the butt of so many jokes. Polls sow politicians are rated lower than whale poo by the people who have to suffer these fools like for a lifetime.  Let's get real and impose Term Limits.  We know the House and Senate won't pass such sensible legislation.  We need a Constitutional Convention to stop these morons from getting in, spending their time and our money to get re elected, and do nothing else but look for every dime  they can get for free.  They are almost all corrupt on both sides.  Time to clean house.  Yet when you do, they gang up on you.  President Trump was the best leader we ever had, but they used the Chamber, Corporations and even US state enemies to rig the election to remove him.  That has got to be addressed even before he can consider running again.  His only other alternative is to reset the rules and have house, Senate, and a very scared SCOTUS on his team.  Also he should work to end term limites and life time Judicial appointments.  If they think they can't be evicted, like Roberts, they will not pay the rent.  Make them know they serve at the will of the President who appointed them and only for 10 years at a time. { or even 6 like the Senate]  everyone in DC should not be there more than 8-12 years.  The founders envisioned people doing volunteer service.  Thee guys get more perks than the queen of England. Further they all become millionaires on insider trading and pet projects that have kickback contracts from whatever they 're  proposing.  Mostly none of it ever helps the people who pay for all this crap, and then get abused and have their liberty taken away.