Thursday, May 20, 2021

Federal Judge Steps in and Deals Heavy Blow to Big Tech - The GOP Times

Federal Judge Steps in and Deals Heavy Blow to Big Tech - The GOP Times    

Another  win for conservatives against the  Pig tech companies.

Much of this is too little too late, but slowly it is building a case against gagging conservative views. A win here and or there all adds up to a glacier heading toward sinking the Liberal big heads who think they rule everything even your thoughts and speech.

One day soon we will be winning cases against all those colleges who censor conservative speakers.  What about business ads, of those shunning any business who still supports or trades  with Trump industries?

The worm is turning, and it is going against the fascist views and demands of the liberals thinking they alone must be heard whole thy try to silence all other views.

Time for a Welcomed Change America.  Back to Normal, and back to liberal views being questionable.