Friday, April 30, 2021

Can you be legally forced to be injected with an untested and unapproved vaccine?


By what authority does the Global Economic Forum get its power?  This organization is headed by Klaus Schwabe, with his partners, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey., etc.  They are bolstered by Several EU leaders like Angela Merkel of Germany, Macron of France. Here is how they are described in Wikipedia:

"The World Economic Forum, based in Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland, is an international NGO, founded on 24 January 1971. The WEF's mission is stated as "committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas"

Above  is their web site and here is how they describe their unelected and unaccountable members:

As of January 2016, the community of Forum Members comprises more than 390 firms from over 60 countries. Membership is by invitation only and a result of a diligent review of selection criteria. Typical Forum Members exceed their industry standards in a variety of metrics, are interested in their role as a global citizen and have a track record of outstanding leadership, setting the bar for business best practices.

So who are they really.  THE ELITE who want to take over the world and eliminate elected governments.  Thus, giving them full power over the entire planet where ordinary citizens or Humans  have no say.  As their self appointed leader, Klaus Schwabe likes to say in his book COVID-19 and the GREAT RESET.  "Soon you will own nothing, but you will be happy."  His other phrase is "Build Back Better" and We Are All in This Together.  Where have you heard all this before?

I suppose that is his way of saying he those  I like to call the DAVOS DEVILS somehow believe they have been given a mystical power to rule over all humans  on this planet.

They call themselves "Global Citizens "and make it sound like they will create a utopia for all mankind. That is those remaining.  They are deep into the Green New Deal.  However, one of their richest and most famous members is Bill Gates.  He states in Schwabe's book that in order to "Save the planet" all he has to do is to reduce all of HUMANITY by some 47% .  The China virus and Vaccines will help if "We are all in this together".  So those who refuse to be vaccinated will be forced or "Canceled by the Cancel Culture.  Under Totalitarian ' "ISMS"  there can be no dissenters or free and rational thinkers.[ I am sure that does not include the Elite members of these Davos Devils]. 

There is more to Schwabe's Nazi ties both in his Eugenics experiments, new order AI and control of banking and gold  and money control back to WWII.  

To sum Schwabe and Soros up, they are bitter against the US who won the WWII, and they have a dream of creating the Fourth Reich to control the Globe and eliminate their biggest roadblock, The USA, as their Fuhrer had envisioned.  They seek total control to realize revenge on the world who defeated them in 1945,  This is not a conspiracy theory. Davos and their Economic form is a real. They meet every year in Davos Switzerland, and sometimes in China to appease their new stooges there. The 3,000 billionaires are real people. They do have global support.  In recent years only some of this has come to the surface.  

It is only since the 2016 election via President Trump that we got an inkling of the plans of China as the operative for the Davos Devils. It is also this same group and a  part of the swamp who helped build the WEF.  This whole thing is Global, so it is big and far reaching ,  Reset is hardly a good word to use for what is about to happen if the people of the world do not demand another Nuremberg Type trial for these criminals.

You may have never heard of these creatures, they are all wealthy, have more personal security than any national President, and always meet secretly.  Most of their meetings since 1971 take place in Davos. Switzerland.  2021 meeting will be in May.

However, one of the major countries involved , you guessed it, is CHINA.

The Annual Meeting of the New Champions held in the People’s Republic of China, a unique gathering of the next generation of global leaders, emerging regions, competitive cities, Social Entrepreneurs, Young Scientists and Technology Pioneers from around the world.

If a lot of the language they use sounds like typical Chinese propaganda or old slogans and name tags like you heard from Nazi Germany of the old Soviet Union. I am just guessing that is because the leaders of this unelected group are Chinese or Former Nazi's .  It is well known and documented that Gorge Soros has admitted to being a Nazi; the one who pointed his own Jewish people to the SS to be sent to the Death Camps.  He was working from an Asset List showing everything these people owned and all they legally earned during their careers. As they were killed he liquidaed their assets for the Nazi's [ I  suggest he and Schwabe managed to keep some of it for themselves so they could fund their new Fourth Reich.  It was started back in 1936 when they were ordered by Hitler's original Cabinet Ironically named the Reich Cabinet of National Salvation creating  the  dictatorship under Hitler.

Klaus Schwabe is listed by the American Intelligence Media as the "Great Barker of the Fourth Reich."    who are using the plandemic to control the globe with FEAR of the COVID Virus  from CHINA .  His global Initiative is backed by the 3,000 wealthiest individuals in the world.  They also have the cooperation of most EU leaders, China and the US Deep State Operatives that president Trump was trying to remove from the Swamp. Klaus is actually Swiss, but he was in the Nazi military as a part of his father's Weiss conglomerate that produced weapons and war material for the Nazis.  They helped set up a slave labor camp of forced labor scientists who were engaged in trying to make "Heavy Water" in special locations within the death camps for their A-Bomb effort.

IN 1946 the world Court held a trial for the Nazi Doctors who conducted unauthorized experiments on people without their consent. See Nuremberg doctor’s trial , BJM 1996;313 (77070) 1445-75

The result was the Nuremberg Code. Every action taken by the CDC, WHO and most global politicians is a violation of this code.

It is time to hold another such trial for The heads of CDC, and WHO Along with sponsors of these massive vaccine experiments all over the globe. The perpetrators include Klaus Schwabe, George Soros, Bill Gates and any Government leaders who have ordered people to take unapproved medical tests or have instituted unapproved and untested subjective actions that have curtailed freedom and lack of proper medical and scientific studies required to impose massive lockdowns , Isolation and quarantines on a scale never before seen in Human history, A fair and open World court trial must be convened to stop these Josef Mengele like massive experiments on the Global population

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Monday, April 19, 2021

 Fight the Plandemic and help prosecute the perpetrators of one of the greatest crimes anaginst all Humanity

I don't know if you recall, but early into the launch of the Plandemic by the Davos Devils spreading this lie, a group of brave doctors stood before the Supreme Court Building in July 2020 to denounce the China Virus hoax.  Their leader Dr Simone Gold was fired by her Hospital the same day along with other doctors who stood with her.  The reason given was  her and her group agreed with President Trump that his virus could be cured and controlled by prescribing  the HCH medication the President was favoring.  See this clip of Dr Gold's impassioned speech warning of the China virus, and the dangerous path Gates and Fauci were taking in the Big Pharma proposals to create a "vaccine"
see this clip on bithute:  [press the word "here" as you hold down CTRL] THen go to to see her speech  on the dangers of the vaccines

Their initial public outdry is still preserved.The video can still be viewed on Bitchute here.
Obama, Soros, and the Global Davos Devils Klaus Schwabe , Zuckerberg, Dorcey, and the other tech and MSM giants complicit in the Hoax.
here is Soros on how he and Obama helped China:
WSJ article on China entry into the IMF.  [ Soros and Obama heavily sponsored their entry. Macron, Trudeau, Merkel and many in the EU and UN aided in the effort
The Chinese Communist Party Germ Warfare
The   denounced the lies being spread to create an International panic about the seriousness and the effects of this virus that was released by the CCP in retaliation against the US efforts to curb their blatant Imperialism as they were taking over the entire Pacific Basin and beyond with their Silk Road Initiative.  President trump was the lone voice in the Western world standing up against their Imperialistic goal to build a series of ports , roads, and rail and air transport that would carry their products to every corner of the globe.  His imposition of tariffs was slowing their efforts, and posing a US roadblock on their "Silk Road."  It was a threat to their goal to become the dominant economic and political world power [which Soros had promised]to replace the United States as their and Obama's mentor George Soros saw it.  He saw China's entry into he IMF as the way to destroy the dollar as Soros did with the British Pound Sterling.  After all, China had paid so much and stolen so much, manipulated currency under the direction of George Soros. They had the help from Obama who in his last act as President in december 2016 helped push them over the top and gain the coveted position on the IMF giving the weak Yuan the same special drawing rights [SDRs] on a par with the USD making their manipulated currency [ Yuan] into a new international trading vehicle and giving them The ability to borrow and spend.  This furthered the Ponzi Scheme Xi was using to build his Silk Road.  President Trump knew their entire program, like most things they do, was a hoax based on currency manipulation, theft of intellectual property, intimidation of small world governments which have geopolitical strategic positions on the planet.  His imposition of tariffs, and his successful efforts to lower US corporate taxes  allowing companies to return to the US and repatriot billions back to the US with their return was seen by the Communist Government as a vital threat to the Chinese.  Their belief in winning the self declared war against their biggest competitor with an economy nearly twice the size of theirs was considered an attack on their nation.  China has always had a long standing belief system that says they must win such a "War" as they saw it AT ANY COST.  They could not compete economically, and their Ponze scheme of borrowing from the IMF and Gaining Most favored nation status with the WTO even while they were becoming a global economy was being weakened by President trump's policies.  They then decided to launch a global Germ Warfare to counter the US efforts.  They sensed other nations were getting wise to how they bought their way into the global markets and that soon a global decision would not be in their favor.  They no longer qualified or  deserved such unfair and  disproportionate help from these global organizations.  President Trump knew this , but he did not nor was he able to convince the weak kneed EU and UN members who were paid handsomely for their votes so China could buy their way into these key global organizations.  President Trump was unable to convince the member states to acknowledge their error in admitting the Chinese into the World Trade Organization in Dec. 2001 

They saw their only recourse was to partner with the globalist and the Davos Devils who hated president trump and were jealous of the US economy which in most cases stood at 3 or 4 times  the size of their GDP's.  The way for China to level the playing field was Germ Warfare that would cripple world economies making theirs tower over most other countries and hoping to eclipse the US economy in the process.  It did not happen . They pulled the trigger too soon, giving president trump the chance to effect some recovery, and to counter with a vaccine, though it was not a good one and slow China's efforts to win the war they launched.  Their next effort to unseat President Trump by using a concerted global effort aided internally by the Democrats they owned over the years did work, but for how long we do not know?
Tied to this global war was the US efforts by people like Dr Gold and the  organization which is countering the propaganda efforts to scare people with the idea that this virus is unstoppable.  Also, her and other groups of Scientists and Doctors globally are fighting the CCP and Davos Devil's plans. They are making Gates and Fauci the target of criticism, which both  hates with a passion.  They have exposed CCP,Soros and the Social media giants complicit in their effort, and we are finally seeing the EU and US population and other nations at the grass roots level rising up against the lies and propaganda. Countering the lies we hear daily on MSM outlets are groups like  The Great Barrington Declaration comprised of hundreds of Physicians, Virologists and other Scientists discrediting the entire Plandemic.  
 In the field of Law Reiner Fuellmich [] in Germany is taking global legal action against the Davos Devils and the CCP for their destruction of global economies and the death of millions at their hands. 
US governors in red states are taking back the power they allowed their SOros backed A G's.
 Faucci and the big Pharma giants he and Gates work for who distributed vaccines that may damage the genetic natural ability to alter our DNA Genetic structure which is designed by God to protect us against harmful pathogens are all guilty of Crimes against Humanity for which the Doctors who did such horrendous experiments for the Nazis were tried under the  1946 Nuremberg Nazi Doctors cruel use of medical research which is the same thing these Pharmas are doing today by forcing people to take an experimental vaccine and when they sign to get the vaccine while the  fine print says the companies are held harmless for the results. [to date over 10,000 have died and many suffer life time life threatening consequences.  
There are many people fighting this China virus and the damage it is doing to global wealth and economies. 
Join by resisting and exposing what these Davos Devils and the CCP are doing to humanity and your following generations.  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has also added another site  which gives a fuller picture of the wider implications of the CCP virus.  Dr Fuellmich interviews Vera Sharav on the historical ties of the unfolding Tyranny of the holocaust and the current Plandemic. 
 Bear in mind, that there are so many people fighting this Plandemic that Bill gates teamed up with George Soros to discredit any one exposing their evil plans for Humanity.  Ironically they call it  

There are over 100 passages in Scriture telling of Satan coming disguised as the "Angel of Light"  I like Corinthians 11:14

Monday, April 12, 2021

Pandemic is falling apart, SOEROS AND GATES KNOW IT they launch TRUTH

The Davos Devils now worry that their Plandemic is not working as planned,  So thwy are launching a site to call broadcasts liek this "MISINFORMATION"  most people now believe that the real Misinformation is coming from these and other members of the Davos Devils.

I commented on this AUSSIE report by Alan Jones on Sky News editorial comments

 I applaud the input from the AUSSI' economist,and his courage to leave government and the lies they prevericate. However, Soros are waking up to the fact that most people are no longer believing their BS and the Covid-19 and the Great Reset that their partner in crime against Humanity Klaus Schwabe wrote about how the two were connected. They are connected because it is clear that the entire PLANdemic was cooked up by theses and the other members of the Annual Davos Devils conference.

Gates and Soros [ I'm sure with the help of Schwabe and the EU and UN like Macron, and Merke, leaders who participate in the Davos Devil's meeting ]are planning a counter attack. They claim that messages like the one sent by this Australian Economist are nothing but "Misinformation" and they are planning, what Ethan Huff on Natural calls a new Orwellian nightmare on a very large scale . Irony of all ironies, the two most prolific liars on the planet are calling it see this link: So MR jones, I hope you plan for a shit storm of misonformation from these two meglomanics who will be bashing your broadcast as "Misinformation" I hope there are many more people like you and the US conservative media outlets that will hang Gates, Soros and Schwabe all on the same tree in some very public place at their meeting in Davos this month

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

 SCOTUS rules in favor of President Trump on Twitter censorship and sends a bad ruling against the President back to the lower court:  

Further, the dissenting view by Justice Thomas sends a large warning shot across the bow of the Oligarchs on the Social media's Ship of Fools.  They could be in very big trouble.  They can't even spell REGULATIONS let alone admit that tCongress is closing in on their free ride over the horizon.

From Conservative Fighters reports that Clarance Tomas gave a Dissenting opinion that was very bad for the Big Tech Oligarchs.

Andrew Chung and Lawrence Hurley

By Andrew Chung and Lawrence Hurley

(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday brought an end to a legal fight over former President Donald Trump's effort to block critics from following his now-frozen Twitter account, deciding the dispute was moot and throwing out a lower court's decision that found he had violated constitutional free speech rights.

None of the justices on the court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, dissented from Monday's action. But conservative Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a separate opinion echoing concerns made by Republicans about the power of social media companies like Twitter, saying the court needs to step in.

"We will soon have no choice but to address how our legal doctrines apply to highly concentrated, privately owned information infrastructure such as digital platforms," Thomas wrote.

Thomas said social media companies, which under U.S. law have leeway as private entities to moderate user content as they see fit, might have to be treated more like businesses that are subject to public accommodation laws, which require all customers to be treated equally.

Trump had appealed after the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that he had violated the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment by blocking his critics on the social media platform. Trump, a Republican, left office in January, replaced by Democratic President Joe Biden.

With Trump no longer president, the justices declined to hear arguments and resolve the case on the merits, tossing out the 2nd Circuit decision.  Justice Thomas further hinted that the Monopolistic Media platforms abuse of power, and censorship of their media useers comments will in the future cause the Court to have a look at their status under 

He said: Republicans and Democrats both have criticized social media companies but often for different reasons, with Republicans saying these platforms have discriminated against conservatives while Democrats contend that the companies have not done enough to remove disinformation and extreme content.

Some Republicans have called for the companies to be stripped of legal protections they are accorded under a measure called Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The law gives companies immunity over content posted on their sites by users.  If this happens, they will no longer be able to censor Conservative views, and put out blanket restrictions we saw them impose on Conservatives all through the election cycle.  THis action was clearly a violation of Federal election laws and contributed to undue influence over the election just as if they were working for Dominion., and the Democrats.  

Further, the 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Masks, Lockdowns, Vax passports and more attempts at Government control over US

 My response to an article published by ANA on Sarah Palin siding with Fauci on masks.

Article appeared on April 2, 2021

Allegedly you can contract it through your eyes too.  It is all nonsense.  This SARS-2 seasonal is not much different from flu of the past 25 years. Look at the CDC ad WHO statistics and public health web sites  The death rate per capita has remained below 1% for all those years.  If you want to read the real reason for this Red Flag global Hoax, read Klaus Schwabe's book COVID-19 ant the Great Reset.  In it he is hiding the facts in plain sight.  The Davos Devils devised this plan to take down  President Trump and the USA.  They want the Chinese who already have a third of the world under lifetime lockdown to do the same to the western world.  WHY?  Money and Power.  Klaus 'has a famous quote which is now on commercials in most of the EU .  He says "  Soon You will have NOTHING, and you WILL BE HAPPY."  One of the major contributors to this evil manifesto is Bill Gates who says in the book he can save the planet if they will only let him "Eliminate" some 47% of the global population.  and you thought Hitler's "Final Solution" was bad. These Davos Devils make Mao, Pot Pol, Stalin, Hitler and Xi  look like choir boys.  We are all at risk of major depopulation efforts. .  When I first read it I said " they can't do that."  Well as I see that they have the entire globe hiding and wearing masks,and getting Jabbed.  I am sadly disheartened  that just by scaring people with the idea of getting the flu has worked, I now believe if there is not significant pushback and a demand by the people that these little dictatorial monsters provide hard and well documented scientific facts,.  We must stop shutting down debate on this life threatening plan by a few wealthy Oligarchs.   We must demand free and open debates where Doctors virologists and other knowledgeable people who are now being suppressed in every form of media available to them will  get to expose this well planned and financed gradual end of civilization.  if this does not happen, then everyone  will soon be jabbed with an unknown and untested substance that can alter your mRNA and DNA .  Gates plans  then come to fruition.  If I am wrong then at least take the time to debate the Pros and Cons.  To date, all we have had is dictates from all forms of government, but when they are asked to open this up to debate they shut us down,  Cancel Culture is just as effective as the SS and KGB..  Don't you want to at least hear the other side, so you can judge for yourselves.? I always wondered why victims of the death camp showers and the Gulags seem to go so willingly to their death .  They believed the lies, which were well crafted and ubiquitously and constantly told to them .  This is why COVID has been used on the airways over 1 billion times globally since all these lies started. This is why they manipulate the number infected and do not highlight as much the <1% dead. Right out of the gate President Trump announced the simple and inexpensive [$7.00 a box] cure for all this was  HCH pills  They have been proven and tried for over 70 years. Fauci ,CDC, Gates and big Pharma knew they work, but such a simple solution would make solving the issue too easy and these Davos Devils would not get the control, Depopulation, money  and  power they desire.  They shut down the president from talking about the real cure, and now we are in a convoluted mess that may last years. Recently, the madman, Bill Gates, announced that this plandemic which he and the Davos Devils have been planning since about 2009 will last till the end of 2022; perhaps into 2023.  On that bases alone, the general public should file a class action suit against this insane Geek who thinks he rules the entire globe. He is dangerous to the general public, and he is clearly insane.  What gives this geek the right to rule over people.  he is not an elected official.  He is a pretend philanthropist who runs the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which with the help of the CCP and his globalist maniacs, Zuckerberg, Soros, Klaus Schwabe, Dorcey and other unfettered Oligarchs is spreading this virus around the globe with the intent of killing off 47% of the people on the planet.  We surely do not need such megalomaniac 'philanthropists' harming us. He is a danger to humanity, and I do not care how much money he has stolen from the public with his annually flawed microsoft products.  He and his products could all be removed from the planet today, and the world would be a much better and safer place.