Sunday, February 21, 2021


This week of 2/13 -20/ 2021  a woman was harassed at 9PM in her Palm Beach Home by the police.  She committed no crime but posted on Face Book [ Urge all to get off it while you can] Something about a member of the city Council that the Councilwoman took offense to. She had the police go to this woman's home and harass her.  The victim/citizen asked for ID from the police because the main guy speaking was in plain clothes with jeans and a blue t shirt.  His response was he cold show his badge, his gun and handcuffs.  All three items used as his power weapons threatening this innocent woman.  The victim was being threatened with criminal intent to trespassing on the Councilwoman's property. If you read her post it says something about free speech.  Something they were trying to deny her by this late night intimidation [ Satan's devils only like to work in the dark]

Many comments on the story were in the victim's defense, and in support of the constitution. One detractor asked what article in the constitution gives you the right to sneeze on people and spread a virus.  First, there is no science that says that is how the virus is transmitted. second tor the previous 18 years masks were NOT mandated for any annual flu season.  However, Freedom of movement, freedom to worship, freedom of speech and freedom to voice political beliefs are the bedrock of the Constitution.  I responded to this lady saying:

My Resoponse

A bigger offense is making millions of people involuntarily wear a mask when there is no scientific evidence that masks prevent any virus. transmission. However it is a scientific fact that masks cause you to inhale your own CO2 which reduces Oxygen to the brain , shrinking it.  IN fact, the COVID is a great hoax being used to spread "The Great Reset" First they soften you up with the "Simon Says do this and that"[ any silly thing they want just to show you they have the power to tell you want to do no matter how insane].  These Bureaucrats are like Woody Allen in his movie Bananas where he becomes dictator of a central American small country and tells everyone to wear their underpants outside their clothes. Why? because he says so and he is the dictator. I think we have seen enough of these little monster mayors, Governors and bureaucrats who let a little power go to their heads. Then via a rigged election we get the Littlest mind on the planet who tries to do the same thig to the entire country. I support this woman all the way, and The police should be ashamed for doing this, since it violates our Constitutional the Bill of Rights. Help is on the way. A prominent German Attorney , Look up Reiner Fuellmich,  has gone after some large Corps with success. He and others are now suing WHO. EU. UN and China and the politicians and MSM who are helping to spread this Hoax. Almost daily groups of Doctors {Real ones not Jill or Fauci ] are opening up the green curtain and exposing the self proclaimed "Wizards" behind the greatest hoax and Crime against Humanity ever devised by evil people. Klaus Schwabe, Gates, Fauci, Soros, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and all the MSM liars will soon be naked and out in the cold before they realize their Satanic dream of killing off 47% of the world population as shown in Klaus Schwabe's book "Covid-19 and the Great Reset" Now, this all is true and verifiable, but I am sure the CCP censors monitoring this site via their Huawei 5G tentacles will not publish it or may come to my home at night too. Damn them all, and pray God's will prevails for His people against these devils