Sunday, February 14, 2021

Responsse to Market Watch's panning of Absolute Proof Video on Election Fraud 2020


Some people are saying there was no case and that all the cases presented were thrown out by the courts or they lost the litigation.

This is another BIG LIE.  No cases were lost.  Here is a recap of what took place since the fraudulent and rigged election.  

Actually no court cases were lost.  The courts refused to hear the cases "For Standing"  that means they knew the cases were legit, but the Deep state does not want the truth to be told for fear the US election system would forever be compromised and we lose the façade that the US holds the fairest elections in the world.  SCOTUS should have heard the case, but Roberts is a famous Compromised judge.  China owns all the data  on him and thousands of others running the US. Many smaller countries who have their elections hacked by the US [ Mostly by guys like Brennan} have gone to paper ballots for this reason.  BTW the Dems spent 4 years investigating the 2016 election, and they never proved their fake news that the Russians hacked it, or that any of the MSM lies you believe are even close to being true.

IN a rush to claim credit for the temporarily successful Coup against Our President Donald J Trump. 

 Time magazine printed a tell all article of who, what,  where and when the Criminals were who were perpetrators of this heinous crime against the American people.  From a business prospective of short term gains Market Watch would be proud of the Chinese investment.  A few billion to the Biden Crime Cabal, and probably less than a billion to harvest votes and pay off the heads of Social Media and Google along with Dominion and the vote counters in the key locations.  Wow for that you get to topple the US and dominate the world.  So the elite Cabal in Davos with the help of the World Economic Forum headed by the old Nazi Klaus Schwabe, just hired the Chinese to do a job on Trump because he showed that China is one giant Ponzi Scheme and Paper Tiger, and the Market will soon find out the same. Perhaps when you do Market Watch will go the way of the VCR.