Saturday, December 26, 2020

Lies and more Lies in the Fatal Global "Simon Says Pandeic Game


Daily we are given new lies and new false hope of when this will all end.  The real answer is NEVER.

I live  in the EU   They just started the China Virus vaccine. Dr's first then healthcare workers, elderly then in 30 days general population.  But wait then you wait 3 weeks to get another shot.  Can we then take off masks and go back to normal NO.  now as they move the goalpost again.  New goal isolation, masks and the continuation of the "Simon Says" inhumane game on the global population   There will be no new normal until 70% of the entire globe is vaccinated.  They are telling us that may be sometime around the Fall  Added Goalpost distance.  Then in the Fall what happens? you got it, the Flu season starts, but the Simon Says game does not end the goal post is moved again.  IN other words folks.  This game will never end as long as you keep playing and they keep moving the goal.  What they have done is trained the globe to become Pavlovian dogs.  The only way to end the game is to resist.  Refuse to play.  then focus on the source of the evil game.  Look to the WHO, UN leaders, The EU leaders, The globalists like Klaus Schwab, and his enablers in the elite billionaire club.  Gates, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, the Clintons, Bidens and other evil ones who have been creating this madness for years.  IF you do not stop it now it will never end until they achieve their goal of eliminating some 45% or more of the global population.  Think of how the Nazi's led their victims to the slaughter. It was one step at a time, one false promise after another until they reached the "much needed" Cleansing shower"[

 lies]  Just look at he insane steps they have taken in just 9 months.  No schools, NO churches, no sports, no concerts, no festivals ,no visiting friends, no restaurants or gyms.  NO clubs .  no travel outside your town or village. no flights, no nothing as Simon Says you must follow their whimsical rules for which they provide no logical or scientific reasons for imposing, and people comply because of the lies and propaganda.  They have trained you to FEAR the China virus. Fear being near another human, Fear being infected or infecting others. Fear is their main motivator in getting you to do what they order you to do without question, no matter if it harms you or others.  Isolation, and masks which restrict oxygen to your brain are their tools and tactics,  You are not in this with the rest of us if you don't wear a mask. You are putting the world at risk if you gather to meet your immediate friends and family.  ALL LIES. Yes there is a virus, but we have weathered flu viruses for as long as man existed. some worse than others, but at least people lived normal lives, and nature took its course and the virus passed or died out.  This is only different in that it is man made, and it is being used not to help or protect us, but to control and then selectively eliminate us.  Resist at the first step, because the real goal they are moving you toward is the new normal where, to quote the madman Klaus Schwab.  "You will have nothing and you will be happy".. SEEK TRUTH IGNORE  KLAUS SCHWAB AND THE OTHER GLOBALIST MASS MURDERERS.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

My Response to the New EU travel Rules, and the Political use of the China Virus to Mass Control whole nations

 First off, this is not an attempt to cure you of anything.  Harken back to the Nazi Mass extermination days.  The Jews, Christians, weak, elderly, deformed or mentally incapacitated plus several ethnic minorities like blacks or Gypsies, and all others selected for extermination were all told the same thing we are hearing today.  This is for your own good, and you must be cleaned and purified before joining the others "Vacationing here "so you don't infect them.    '  This was the means the Nazi Criminals used to get people to cooperate in their own extinction.  The method is now refined to using the common Flu the world population experiences annually.  The lies are the same the methods have changed slightly.

Response to CDC report on negative impact of the China [Covid] Vaccines administered.


We are still being "PLAYED"  this report says one vaccine is good for two weeks the other for two months.  If a vaccine cant cure you or make you immune than it is NO GOOD. It is just a way to string you along like they have done all year.  As long as the people keep playing the delay game the New World Order , and madmen like Klaus Schwab, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg and the media enablers who keep the game gong with their daily dose of lies. will devise new game rules every day to keep you in their sick "Klaus Says., do this" game.  The players must decide when the game is over.  I say Today is the day.  Give yourselves a big Christmas Present and ignore the EU, UN, CDC, WHO and any and all politicians who tell you it  will all end when you do this, no do this, no do this.  I say do nothing, and all statistics show you have a 99% chance of never getting killed by the virus.  If you continue to play their game, you will see that their end game is massive depopulation and one day you will be like the millions of Jews, disabled and undesirables, as determined by the state who were deceived into stepping into the "Showers for your own health".  We have faced flu season for hundreds o years, and lived to tell about it.  Resist the "New Normal" make your world the only acceptable normal and quit the game.  If we don't play, they can't keep making up new stuff we have to do to "Survive"  I don't want a subsistence life. I will live free or take my chances on the hidden germ enemy, Then I will use every means possible to eradicate the planet of the people who are doing this to humanity.  If you are tired of the game, take off your mask, and unmask the politicians who are in on this attempt to make slaves of everyone under their pollical rule.  Stop this insanity.  Leave their game today.  then they have no players on the board except themselves.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Debate over the Election Fraud, and Coup against the United States of America


Election Fraud Issues and Comments by others 

@William Rodgers That's harsh. And I don't agree. Rhetoric like that gives Republicans and Trump Supporters a bad reputation so I wish you'd quit.

My initial response was that we are undergoing a Coup and threat to our republic and this  may be time to remove the elite leaders like they did in the French revolution.  Cut off the heads  leading this Coup.  One reader thought that was "Harsh".  
Below her comment is my reaction to her thinking We can solve an attempted coup wile not using the Rhetoric or actions that I suggested   would "Give Trump supporters a bad reputation"., Naturally, I disagree.  A Coup cannot be stopped by sitting down and discussing it .  When a thief is breaking into your shop and violently attacking you while stealing your wares, he is not about to discuss the issue calmly.  Ther is a time for talk and a ifor action.  

 @CountryB4MyTime  So if I understand you correctly, it is ok for the DNC and Joe Biden to collude with the Chinese Communists CCP, and our own MSM, Social Media, and foreign companies like Dominion and Smartmatic to influence our US elections, but it seems "Harsh" to you when a Patriot stands up and says strong and severe action must be taken against these Treasonous actions? The US had a revolution against Elite Tyranny in 1775 for more than 4 years. in 1789 the French followed suit, and removed their elite ruling class who suppressed them . In the US, we formed the most stable and fair government ever devised on earth the United States Republic. The French ended up with a weak "Constitutional Monarchy". both came to power by force. The US has continued the years to fight off changes to our system using a Representative government, and when needed to enforcement and maintain our Constitutional Republic. You are reading too much into the comparisons. You need to read Agenda 21, and the real Global threat to our Republic. Then I suggest you read learn that our President has anticipated the coup that is underway when he issued his Executive Order [ EO 2018] on 09/12/2018. It allows a full response to foreign cyber warfare against US elections, and the response to those participating in such a Coup can and will be severely punished. If you think that by pointing out the truth and defending our republic will give Trump supporters a bad name, then so be it. The Left already sees us as deplorables. I prefer to call those defending our republic Patriots.

How do we Worship

 Kevin Rodgers

Will Rodgers
 - It's a country song by Trace Adkins. In the song he praises his preacher. He is not without a congregation. I think the message is that any prayer, reflection, or meditation on "God" or one's own life or purpose, no matter the setting, is a good thing. And when you can do it in a place that reminds you that someone or something created all that we have, so much the better. I think it's a fine message. That's why I shared it. P.S. I hate to mix in an Ozark reference, but perhaps holding services on a lake (or a golf course at sunrise, or on a ski hill after a powder dump, or a white sand, blue water beach at almost any time, among many better options than a building made by men) would be a great way to practice gratitude while being in awe of our creator. Peace to you my brother.

Well said Kevin. Now Trace may have made a song of these words but they come directly from the Holy Bible which was dictated to man by God. Like many songs we call "religious". We are saying the same thing in that we believe in the power of God made nature. I just added that the relationships between men [ God's finest creation ]s as important as our personal relationship with Jesus. I too do not believe in "Religion, or Church buildings. I believe in personal relationships between like minded people who are worshipping Jesus the person and Lord all in one. This universe was not made by something. It was made by a complex intelligence who has feelings and passions and supreme intelligence. If you invented a special laser, and people examined it and gave credit to the laser or said it is so good it must have been made by a highly intelligent robot, or worse they said it must just have evolved from some old used parts that were randomly tossed into a box, how would you feel? God feels the same way when His Creation [us] try to find ways of giving credit to randomness and "nature" when He knows He personally Crafted it by His own words Jesus Spoke all we see into Existence. Lord Jesus - The Word - gave us all we see, feel, and touch, along with all the things we cannot see or the things we don't even know. Jesus made us curious so that we could marvel at the "Discoveries" of His handiwork. We think we are brilliant because we "Discover something in the macro or micro universe. We call it a New discovery, and award ourselves. God smiles and recalls how He placed it there knowing how and when we'd find it.. We are HIs children playing an endless game of hide and seek. God made it all, and made so much that it would take eternity to come close to discovering a fraction of His Creation. You are a sensitive and compassionate person. Give God a break, and thank HIm for all the joy you see in His creations. You say you see peace and tranquility in all of nature. Do not let satan fool you by adoring the creation and not the creator. God is not a lake or a mountain or snow or things He made. That is Satan's lie of Pantheism he uses in order to take away the real praise and glory which should be given to the Maker and Lord over all those things. Just like you are not in the lasers you service. You are you, and God is God. Nothing is Random.