Saturday, October 26, 2019

His opponents "Hate Him Because they Ain't Him"

     In a recent President Trump rally in texas September 2019, people were asked why they like President Trump and why the MSM and Democrats hate him so much. Here's my response:

     President Trump is the best person to restore America.  He is forward-looking yet he knows that the foundation of America is what got US to be the number one power on the planet. democrats forget all the hard work, sacrifice and lives it took to make America a Great Nation.  They are like spoiled rich kids who inherited all this wealth and power from hard-working parents, and now they think they can just sit back and ride on the hard work and ingenuity of their parents. Look at that kind of person.  You will find that they often just spend and spend and forget about the future and protecting and enlarging the great comfy nest egg they inherited.  Note too that most of them are dead broke in a few years due to their irresponsibility and lack of appreciation for the blessings they received.

    President Trump did not have to do this. He had billions, lived a plush lifestyle, but he wanted to preserve that kind of success for his children, grandchildren and the millions of Americans who have the same drive and ambition to make the best of what they have rather than just live off the fat of the land instead of working to continue to improve on the great foundations and successful philosophy that brought us to this greatness. 

     He is so true to his word. He does not even take a salary, instead, he donates his pay to various agencies or causes that grow America.  Compare that to the Democrats who have a long and proven history of using their political positions to steal and cheat America out of everything they can get their hands on.  In addition, as is now coming out much of their wealth was made from selling America out to the enemy.  

     These people should be tried for treason. The short answer as to why these people have such a visceral hate for our President can be found in the movie about Kim Jong-UN "The Interview":  Simply put -

"They hate him because they ain't him"