Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pseudo Intellectual Rob George decides to join the Muhammadan Cult

This is a response to an article in the Washington Standard last week,by  Robert George titled "Christians and Muslims [he means muhammadans] Must Join Hands- Never Again should they Regard Themselves as Enemies"  This is my response to this laughable propaanda:

This article paints a picture of love and friendship between Christians and muhammadans. It is a farce. It says America is corrupt and has always maintained a White bias against other races. In other words, Christians are on the wrong side of human morality and muhammadans are the most moral and peace-loving theocratic cult on the planet. It says that for all of us to get along we should accept the 'peace-loving muhammadan ' myth. Thus, it says to follow what muhammad taught and his followers have practiced for years. Their "Peace" is predicated on the belief that when ALL people of the world bow down to Allah and Subject themselves to the pagan ancient tribal law of Sharia, then there will be peace in the world. It mentions nothing of the murderous actions of muhammad or the subsequent 1400+ years of bloodletting associated with "proselytizing " new muhammadans. It does not mention the subversion and underhanded forced maintenance of their membership of women and nonbelievers who are beaten, maimed, stoned and sliced up if they decide they no longer believe in the muhammadan cult. I'd say it is just another pile of muhammadan propaganda being spread by a fool Robert George, who decided 'intellectually" to join the Cult. Will they let him be so outspoken if he decides to leave the cult next year? " The wisdom of man is foolishness to God Almighty"