Can anyone show where the UN has kept peace? Greed and world domination is their highest objective. The unleashing of millions of Muhammadans thrust into an unprepared Western Europe has caused more terror and rape, murder and destruction than any NAZI invasion. It is a war without the overt destruction of buildings, but with the same destructive power over the unsuspecting cultures of Europe and the entire West. The only thing the UN has done is to try to overpower the West by this insidious invasion intent on diluting the indigenous ethnic populations of the West. It is a credit to the US that we rejected Bush and his Global plans to conquer the world and make us slaves to his UN Globalism. He, and his son and Obama have no loyalty to God and Country they are traitors who only want power and control. They hate Nationalists because they can't dominate them. Thank God the US elected President Trump who will not be corrupted by grandiose plans for economic domination and subservience to the faceless bureaucrats and oligarchs who run the UN. He wisely placed Nikki Haley there to get that message out.. By doing so, he has held off the UN Global Beasts for another 75 or more years.. Perhaps indefinitely since the EU is starting to wise up to the UN plans to dominate them and destroy all Western Culture.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018
TWITTER Censorship takes action
On Tuesday 10/30/2018 Don Lemon said the biggest threat to America is White Men, Right wing white men.
On Thur, Halloween Al Rokar dressed up as the white scientist from Back to the Future and said he was not going to put on white face. He further said people could dress as Obama but not put on Black Face.
I commented that Al sounded just as racist as Don Lemon
Within seconds I got this message from Twitter suspending my account:
On Tuesday 10/30/2018 Don Lemon said the biggest threat to America is White Men, Right wing white men.
On Thur, Halloween Al Rokar dressed up as the white scientist from Back to the Future and said he was not going to put on white face. He further said people could dress as Obama but not put on Black Face.
I commented that Al sounded just as racist as Don Lemon
Within seconds I got this message from Twitter suspending my account:
- Help Center
- Suspended accounts
- About suspended accounts
About suspended accounts
In order to maintain a safe environment for users on Twitter, we may suspend accounts that violate the Twitter Rules. Common reasons for suspension may include:
Spam: Most of the accounts we suspend are suspended because they are spammy, or just plain fake, and they introduce security risks for Twitter and all of our users. These types of accounts are against our Twitter Rules. Unfortunately, sometimes a real person’s account gets suspended by mistake, and in those cases we’ll work with the person to make sure the account is unsuspended.
Account security at risk: If we suspect an account has been hacked or compromised, we may suspend it until it can be secured and restored to the account owner in order to reduce potentially malicious activity caused by the compromise.
Abusive Tweets or behavior: We may suspend an account if it has been reported to us as violating our Rules surrounding abuse. When an account engages in abusive behavior, like sending threats to others or impersonating other accounts, we may suspend it temporarily or, in some cases, permanently.
Can I unsuspend my account?
You may be able to unsuspend your own account. If you log in and see prompts that ask you to provide your phone numberor confirm your email address, follow the instructions to get your account unsuspended.
Are you seeing a message that your account is locked? Your account may also be temporarily disabled in response to reports of spammy or abusive behavior. For example, you may be prevented from Tweeting from your account for a specific period of time or you may be asked to verify certain information about yourself before proceeding. Get help unlocking your account.
File an appeal and we may be able to unsuspend your account. If you are unable to unsuspend your own account using the instructions above and you think that we made a mistake suspending or locking your account, you can appeal. First, log in to the account that is suspended. Then, open a new browser tab and file an appeal.
More about the Twitter Rules
In the Twitter Rules, we describe the circumstances that could lead to account suspension or other policy enforcement actions. Find more specifics about our abusive behavior policy.
Read some tips on best practices for using Twitter (information about how many users you can follow, how to participate in Trends, how many replies to a single account are too many, et
They do not tell you why you were suspended or why. This legalise about account suspension is generic so as not to give the victim chance to defend the suspension.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
US Republic Must be built on Local Community Values
Have a hot cup of coffee and read a reasoned look at what's happening in DC.
It's all a political sham meant to entertain the population. We could equate it to ancient Romans holding Gladiator games while the masses watch, and then give a thumbs up or Down to their selected victor.
We have a Republic that has many flaws, and our real concern should be whether or not outside influences can directly or indirectly shake its foundations. Throughout our history it is local politics that are more influential on our National direction.
I'll let you decide who you see in these two circles of influence.
At any rate, it does not do us much good to take to the streets and shout each other down. It is more productive watching the struggle, and making up our own minds through the existing political process of voting, keeping informed, and expressing our views to those who we send to represent us, and our particular interests.
We must do that on all levels, even down to the local school board, city council, district, Parrish, judgeship's, and criminal law enforcement representatives we put our trust in. Those people must be thoroughly vetted by us to insure they are representing our moral, ethical and community values.
I many towns and small burbs across America, people are not LOCALLY focused. They are distracted by the National agenda while their townships and municipalities are being taken over by those who understand the strength of America lies in Local governance; not just National political agendas. To that end, many will become aware that they have lost control of their local community, and thus ownership of the Republic. It really can change overnight. Citizenship is a matter of constant vigilance.
One other thing, it is simpler and more rewarding to help in the community you live in rather than in DC, because your personal local influence is more rewarding and more visible than what is happening in the global community.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Liberal Logic used to defend kids invading US at the Southern Border ignores Rights of the Unborn.
At a recent leftist rally in DC someone held a sign with a quote from Proverbs I like the sign Proverbs 31: 8-9 scripture that says" Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves..."There have been some 70 Million abortions since Roe vs Wade. The left now is using that horrid interpretation of our law to say it is OK. Feinstein is even going against the Left's sacred PC doctrine of separation of church and state by opposing nominees on religious grounds . Abortion kills babies who can't speak or defend themselves. That's not what this sign says. It is only focused on the rights of illegal children invading our borders. It ignores the millions of defenseless babies who are ripped from the womb to be sold like auto parts from a Junk Yard.
The left is focused on this one single issue to mount a 'resistance campaign' to any SCOTUS nominee President Trump appoints. Sen. Feinstein opposes SCOTUS candidates on religious grounds. Amy Barrett a Catholic nominated for a lower bench position by the President was turned down for the bench because.,..."of the nominee's adherence to dogma was of concern to her [Feinsteiin]"
Recall from your Biblical history that God sent Jehu to kill Ahab and his pagan Queen Jezebel because they perverted His Temple and worshiped Baal with the sacrifice of babies on His [Jehova's] Temple alter. God has not changed his view on this subject in 3500 years since Jehu was sent to enforce His Laws. God is the same now and forever.
The left is focused on this one single issue to mount a 'resistance campaign' to any SCOTUS nominee President Trump appoints. Sen. Feinstein opposes SCOTUS candidates on religious grounds. Amy Barrett a Catholic nominated for a lower bench position by the President was turned down for the bench because.,..."of the nominee's adherence to dogma was of concern to her [Feinsteiin]"
Recall from your Biblical history that God sent Jehu to kill Ahab and his pagan Queen Jezebel because they perverted His Temple and worshiped Baal with the sacrifice of babies on His [Jehova's] Temple alter. God has not changed his view on this subject in 3500 years since Jehu was sent to enforce His Laws. God is the same now and forever.
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Appointing a SCOTUS
Much to the consternation of the Democrat leadership, President Trump is now in the Unique position of being able to appoint another Supreme Court Justice. This is an historical event, and one of great significance for these United States of America.
I don't think any President in history has ever appointed two SCOTUS in his first term. Certainly President Trump will set a record if he has the opportunity to appoint four during his 8 year tenure in office. This is one reason why the evangelical vote came out for President Trump. They know that over the years an activist Court has taken God out of the Marketplace and schools. They know SCOTUS has attempted to destroy God's plans for marriage between one man and one woman. They are aware that SCOTUS has tried to redefine gender, and forced an unwanted homosexual agenda on descent Americans. This list goes on and on with so many decisions made that are based only on the will of a minority of Americans. We have had to suffer through bad interpretations of our Constitution and fundamental unwanted changes to our way of life for some 45 years. Here is a reply to an activist judge who believes that the courts rule America:
Those who think they do are Wrong. The people vote for a President in a Representative Republic. The President under the Constitution is given certain powers. One is to Appoint SCOTUS members. The decisions of those Judges is not voted on by the People; only indirectly because the people gave the duly elected President the authority to appoint those judges. This is how a Republic functions.
I would assume by your interpretation of the Constitution you may be a judge; an Activist Judge. If so, your honor, you are attempting to usurp the intent of the Constitution which lays out the guidelines for our Republic. Those include the separate but equal branches o Government. That means a judge cannot issue orders from the bench which restrict the powers of the Legislative or Executive branch.
One main thing missing in your diatribe is acknowledgment of the fact that Jefferson originally wrote the word "Inalienable" rights. Those are rights given to each person by our Creator, God. Though some argue that Unalienable and Inalienable are synonymous, in 1776 that was not the generally accepted case. In the original document which sits in the NYC Public Library. You'll find that other members at the convention had Jefferson cross out "Inalienable" because they thought it conveyed too much of a religious tone in the document. Jefferson's original intent was slightly changed. However since over 90% of he members who signed and approved the document were Christians they believed the original message still demonstrated that our American Republic was always to be seen as a Unique nation based on Christian ideals. The document was strongly crafted along the lines of the Mayflower compact drawn up some 150 years earlier to govern the first American colony at Plymouth based strictly on the Bible
I don't think any President in history has ever appointed two SCOTUS in his first term. Certainly President Trump will set a record if he has the opportunity to appoint four during his 8 year tenure in office. This is one reason why the evangelical vote came out for President Trump. They know that over the years an activist Court has taken God out of the Marketplace and schools. They know SCOTUS has attempted to destroy God's plans for marriage between one man and one woman. They are aware that SCOTUS has tried to redefine gender, and forced an unwanted homosexual agenda on descent Americans. This list goes on and on with so many decisions made that are based only on the will of a minority of Americans. We have had to suffer through bad interpretations of our Constitution and fundamental unwanted changes to our way of life for some 45 years. Here is a reply to an activist judge who believes that the courts rule America:
Those who think they do are Wrong. The people vote for a President in a Representative Republic. The President under the Constitution is given certain powers. One is to Appoint SCOTUS members. The decisions of those Judges is not voted on by the People; only indirectly because the people gave the duly elected President the authority to appoint those judges. This is how a Republic functions.
I would assume by your interpretation of the Constitution you may be a judge; an Activist Judge. If so, your honor, you are attempting to usurp the intent of the Constitution which lays out the guidelines for our Republic. Those include the separate but equal branches o Government. That means a judge cannot issue orders from the bench which restrict the powers of the Legislative or Executive branch.
One main thing missing in your diatribe is acknowledgment of the fact that Jefferson originally wrote the word "Inalienable" rights. Those are rights given to each person by our Creator, God. Though some argue that Unalienable and Inalienable are synonymous, in 1776 that was not the generally accepted case. In the original document which sits in the NYC Public Library. You'll find that other members at the convention had Jefferson cross out "Inalienable" because they thought it conveyed too much of a religious tone in the document. Jefferson's original intent was slightly changed. However since over 90% of he members who signed and approved the document were Christians they believed the original message still demonstrated that our American Republic was always to be seen as a Unique nation based on Christian ideals. The document was strongly crafted along the lines of the Mayflower compact drawn up some 150 years earlier to govern the first American colony at Plymouth based strictly on the Bible
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
President Trump Redefines Presidential Leadership
President Trump is busy fixing a lot of problems that benefit the US. That's what he does. The media and his Detractors in the Deep State just hate the fact they could not figure out how to do the same.
Mostly there is great envy against this President. He is showing them up for their incompetence in doing anything well. They hate him because they ain't him.
Daily his success makes them look ever so foolish since they predicted he could not lead a great nation because they said he had no political experience. Their ego made them believe that they were actually doin a great job leading this nation. In just 18 months President Trump made it clear to America and the world that we were being led by weak incompetent fools for nearly 30 years.
In fact, his lack of "Political Experience" is his greatest asset. Perhaps America has been fooled into thinking that we needed "political Experience" which generally means a person who has no common sense, and one who does not know how things work successfully.
They have puffed themselves with the belief that all matters needed to be handled with great "Diplomacy". President Trump has thrown all that out the window. They know that the public sees they were wrong, and that they may be thrown out with all of their failed and costly actions and foolish misconceptions.
America is finally waking up to the fact that what we really needed was a good businessman with common sense instincts to fix their stupidity. Now they are left in the wake of a President who they one time questioned if he could be Presidential, The major irony is that he is now defining Presidential, and they can only sit on the sidelines and complain. It's a whole new world to which they will never be able to adapt.
They were shocked to find that President Trump ia way ahead of them on the North Korean issue. Unlike them, he has already been laying the ground work for a successful negotiation that make them look ever so stupid. Yet their only response is to come up with negative comments about him sending Mike Pompeo as his advance man to lay some key ground work with the leadership there.
If they had any real successful experience in doing deals or having to make a living using your assets and keen thinking to solve problems. America is finding out that their old school politicians are failures because they have no serious incentive to be successful. A businessman whose next deal means his next meal must perform well all the time.
Politicians can and do screw up all the time, miss dead lines, have failure after failure, and they still have a job and a big fat salary paid for by the people who keep electing them. President Trump is not a politician [ thank God ] . He knows that success is based on good deals ans solid success that must be achieved daily.
That is a paradigm that no politician will ever understand.
How America ever elected a personal failure and uneducated person like Obama is beyond my understanding. Here was s person who never had a job; never ran a business; never was successful at anything other than shifty non productive politics. The results : A 19 trillion deficit; failed military; failed economy; failed world leadership and respect. In short Obama was a colossal failure. Sure some people got free cell phones and a lots of welfare and free food. The rest of America got shafted and almost saw their nation turned into a third world country.
The achievements of President Trump will overshadow the very thought of obama in the same position. President Trump will have a Triple Crown Win with the fantastic deal how will make in Asia.
1. He will have ended the Korean War still going on since 1953.
2. Stopped the North Koreans from being a Nuclear Power and a threat to the region and
the US, Japan Australia and our Pacific Basin Allies..
3. He will have put China in check militarily and economically.
All the "Politicians" should be required to learn from this Great President, and stop criticizing him for leadership and true diplomatic skills,
Mostly there is great envy against this President. He is showing them up for their incompetence in doing anything well. They hate him because they ain't him.
Daily his success makes them look ever so foolish since they predicted he could not lead a great nation because they said he had no political experience. Their ego made them believe that they were actually doin a great job leading this nation. In just 18 months President Trump made it clear to America and the world that we were being led by weak incompetent fools for nearly 30 years.
In fact, his lack of "Political Experience" is his greatest asset. Perhaps America has been fooled into thinking that we needed "political Experience" which generally means a person who has no common sense, and one who does not know how things work successfully.
They have puffed themselves with the belief that all matters needed to be handled with great "Diplomacy". President Trump has thrown all that out the window. They know that the public sees they were wrong, and that they may be thrown out with all of their failed and costly actions and foolish misconceptions.
America is finally waking up to the fact that what we really needed was a good businessman with common sense instincts to fix their stupidity. Now they are left in the wake of a President who they one time questioned if he could be Presidential, The major irony is that he is now defining Presidential, and they can only sit on the sidelines and complain. It's a whole new world to which they will never be able to adapt.
They were shocked to find that President Trump ia way ahead of them on the North Korean issue. Unlike them, he has already been laying the ground work for a successful negotiation that make them look ever so stupid. Yet their only response is to come up with negative comments about him sending Mike Pompeo as his advance man to lay some key ground work with the leadership there.
If they had any real successful experience in doing deals or having to make a living using your assets and keen thinking to solve problems. America is finding out that their old school politicians are failures because they have no serious incentive to be successful. A businessman whose next deal means his next meal must perform well all the time.
Politicians can and do screw up all the time, miss dead lines, have failure after failure, and they still have a job and a big fat salary paid for by the people who keep electing them. President Trump is not a politician [ thank God ] . He knows that success is based on good deals ans solid success that must be achieved daily.
That is a paradigm that no politician will ever understand.
How America ever elected a personal failure and uneducated person like Obama is beyond my understanding. Here was s person who never had a job; never ran a business; never was successful at anything other than shifty non productive politics. The results : A 19 trillion deficit; failed military; failed economy; failed world leadership and respect. In short Obama was a colossal failure. Sure some people got free cell phones and a lots of welfare and free food. The rest of America got shafted and almost saw their nation turned into a third world country.
The achievements of President Trump will overshadow the very thought of obama in the same position. President Trump will have a Triple Crown Win with the fantastic deal how will make in Asia.
1. He will have ended the Korean War still going on since 1953.
2. Stopped the North Koreans from being a Nuclear Power and a threat to the region and
the US, Japan Australia and our Pacific Basin Allies..
3. He will have put China in check militarily and economically.
All the "Politicians" should be required to learn from this Great President, and stop criticizing him for leadership and true diplomatic skills,
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Major Error Christians Make in Breaking the Law to Aid Illegal Invaders
In case you missed this one:
I know there is a different atmosphere in the NE, but illegal is illegal in all 50 states. The only difference is that some people obey the law and others think they are above it.
Recently , as detailed in the article above, ICE arrested and deported the heads of NYC's New Sanctuary movement. Ironically both were criminal aliens.
Another irony is that "O" encouraged and ignored deportation orders that would legally have deported these two criminals.
Further, the second irony is that they convinced many Christian organizations to take part in illegal activity.
*Roman Catholic
*United Church of Christ
*Jewish groups
*Unitarian Universalists
** Yes and even some Baptist churches
These churches think they are acting on Christian compassion. They are misled, the same as those who interpret "separation of Church and State" or who missed the whole point of "Turn the other cheek". In fact these same Christians who are misled by Mat. 5:39 fail to note that he said this perhaps prior to his full Spiritual fulfillment at Pentecost. Luckily John clears this up in Revelation1:3 where he refers back to 2 Peter 19:20 "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from the prophet's [man's] own interpretation..." ., Then in John 18:23 when Jesus is confronted by the Scribes and Pharisees. He strongly challenges them about His actions in the Temple during His mock trial saying," "If I said something wrong, testify to what was wrong. But if I spoke correctly, why did you strike Me?" He was not turning the other cheek there or when He cleared the Temple of sinners.
Christians are not infallible, and often take popular [aka secular interpretations as 'Gospel"] and are using this as the bases for their illegal actions:
The historical roots of the movement derive from the right of sanctuary in medieval law and Jewish and Christian social teachings. The movement's contemporary roots derive from the American Civil War and its Underground Railroad ...
"Sanctuary" in medieval times had to do with harboring in Church Sancturies [sanctified places -find one in self proclaimed 'Santuary' cities today] persecuted Christians who were fleeing religious persecution by the Monarchy. The Underground Railroad was an attempt to protect fugitive slaves at a time when their status was in question pending the outcome decided by the ongoing Civil War.
Most illegal immigrants entering the US fall into three Categories:
1. Those people who believe that if you can make it to the US you will be taken care of for life and never have to work [ a very large %]
2, Those who have a political or ideological reason to come here to change our Society [ ISIS and other muslim radicals, other subversives .
3 Those who come here due to genuine political, economic or religious persecution in their home country [ Christians , Druze, Jews, Kurds, Yazadies,Babists, Gnostics, etc. [Under "O"s admin these people were the last to be granted refuge, if at all.]
All our President is saying is that we need more people who want to wok, learn our language and culture and Adopt America for solid economic or cultural reasons. We can absorb good and productive people; we must reject criminals and subversives. It's that simple.
Sessions is the sand in the wheels of the Trump Presidency
The IT guy who is a foreign spy hired by Debbie Wassermann Schultz was released this week and is back in Pakistan with his family and all of the classified info and personal email passwords of everyone in Congress. He'll make a fortune selling that info to the enemies of the US, Iran, China, Pakistan, n Korea, and others who hate the US.
President Trump needs to find a way to remove Sessions. He is trying to get him to resign by mocking him. Sessions will not move because in his position he can block Trump from cleaning up the FBI and DOJ. He is the reason no one is being prosecuted. He placed Rod Rosenstein in a position to run the things he should be doing. Rosenstein rules over DOJ and the FBI.
Rosenstein is a Deep State plant [ the real Manchurian Candidate] with ties to Soros and others pushing the global initiative to destroy the USA. Rosenstein should be jailed, and Sessions replaced.
President Trump can appoint Giuliani or Gowdy on a temporary bases and renew their appointment every 30 days pending permanent approval by congress. That may never happen . Still he could get things moving and have his new appointee clean house and start prosecuting the long list of Deep State Operatives and FISA court Judges who colluded with the Deep State at FBI and DOJ to spy on Trump.
President Trump needs to find a way to remove Sessions. He is trying to get him to resign by mocking him. Sessions will not move because in his position he can block Trump from cleaning up the FBI and DOJ. He is the reason no one is being prosecuted. He placed Rod Rosenstein in a position to run the things he should be doing. Rosenstein rules over DOJ and the FBI.
Rosenstein is a Deep State plant [ the real Manchurian Candidate] with ties to Soros and others pushing the global initiative to destroy the USA. Rosenstein should be jailed, and Sessions replaced.
President Trump can appoint Giuliani or Gowdy on a temporary bases and renew their appointment every 30 days pending permanent approval by congress. That may never happen . Still he could get things moving and have his new appointee clean house and start prosecuting the long list of Deep State Operatives and FISA court Judges who colluded with the Deep State at FBI and DOJ to spy on Trump.
If Presidnt Trump can't figure out how to break this log jam he will suffer roadblock after roadblock for the next three years. It may even get so bad that if the GOP loses the house this year the Democrat majority would vote for impeachment the moment they convene with a Democrat majority. They already are holding up some 100+ appointees and that is why Trump has his hands tied by the Obama appointees who are still ruling. It is also why Obama keeps acting as if he is president, because in the Deep Dark State secret corrupt backrooms in DC he is still seen as the president.
Friday, January 19, 2018
The 4000 year History of Israel's Capital Jerusalem Recognized
The world is on the edge of one of the most significant proclamations of the past 1500 years
The United States of America led by President Donald J Trump may be on the verge of recognizing Palastine as the official Capital of Israel. This may become manifested by moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to the Capital Jerusalem.
Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled
In May 14,1948 the exact date predicted in the Holy Bible [IS 11:11-12]when the planet realized how despicable the Jewish Peoples had been treated during the long and arduous Diaspora the world set out to make amends. They justly created the State of Israel with David Ben Gurian proclaiming Jerusalem and the original borders of Israel as the Nation of Israel.
Just as Ezekiel had prophesized about 2600 years ago, the Jews were brought back to the land, and the country of Israel was brought back to life. Israel re- established sovereignty in 1948, a mere three years after the end of the Holocaust,
Muslims Who HAD NO HISTORICAL CLAIM to This Land Invoked a Violent Jihad Against the Jews
This was the land ruled by the British and French who defeated the muslim Ottoman Empire during WW I . At this point in time the capital was to be partly divided in accordance with the existing worship sites. He was backed by President Harry Truman and most world leaders.
"The City of Peace" from the Jewish word "Shalom"
Jerusalem, also known as known as the "City of David" for centuries is clearly the Israelite Capital. David made it his city 1,000 years before the coming of Jesus Christ soon after he helped Saul Defeat the Philistines [ modern day Palestinians ]by killing their giant head warrior Goliath.
God gave Israel and the land of the Canaanites to the Jews as is written in the Holy Scriptures.
Just as we see today, the muslim way of life continues in the muhammad tradition : slaughter hate and bloodshead. Shortly after muhammad created his blood cult, his followers went on a rampage against Christians and Jews who had peacefully coexisted in Jerusalem since the time of Jesus.
Between 630 A.D. and the death of Mohammed in 632 A.D., Muslims -- on at least one occasion led by Mohammed -- had conquered the bulk of western Arabia and southern Palestine the same way ISIS .... Jerusalem and its Christian and Jewish majority suffered greatly during alternating periods of peace and war. this was during the time of the blood thirsty muslim conquest.
Islamification of the Long Established of Israel and Its Capital Jerusalem
First Islamization of Jerusalem under the Caliphates - The first Islamization of Jerusalem followed the Islamic Conquest of Jerusalem by Umar ibn Al-Khattāb in 638 CE. The second Islamization followed the fall of Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, followed by Ayybiud rule in the late 12th century, followed by dominant Islamic culture through the Mamluk and early Ottoman rule.
History Confirms Jewish Ownership and Sovereignty Over Israel and its Capital Jerusalem
In the Book of Exodus., God clearly gives the Land of Cananna to His Chosen people, the Jews.
David's son King Solomon built the greatest Jewish Temple Mount Moriah in Jerusalem in 970 BC. This is the site where Abraham 1700 years before[1813 BC to 1638 BC] was ordered by God to sacrifice his son Isaac [Gen 9] as a test of his loyalty to Jehovah God. . Solomon and the Jewish people built the Temple to worship Jehovah God. The Temple was destroyed in 550 BC they were taken captive by the Assyrians. It was rebuilt again when the Jews returned 70 years later. For the next 490 years the Jews worshiped in Jerusalem, their Capital City during the previous 1800 years. After the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah the Romans decided to punish the Rebellion of the Israelite s for their uprising against the Romans who ruled Israel at that time. In 70 AD under Titus,who later became Emperor, the Jews were disbursed from Israel.
There is NO ISLAM in the early History of Israel and it's Capital Jerusalem
The nearly 4000 Years we just covered we make no mention of Islam. Why? Because islam did not exist on the planet until a Bedouin Tribal chief called Muhammad made it up in 625 AD. He was a local war lord who raided European and other Caravans passing east to west between Europe and the Far East on the "Silk Road". Muslims did not exist. There was no Muslim Religion. These people were a mix of Pagan tribe who liven in the area for hundreds of years they never had a claim to this land and they were never a part of the Jewish Tradition or Culture.
Prior to 625 AD there were no muslim nations in control of Jerusalem. Saudia Arabia did not exist, Jordan was a Roman Provence; Syria was Assyria; There were no Palistinians; The original people who lived there , the Cannanites were defeated when Jehovah God gave the land to His People the Israelies. JERUSALEM-Capital of Israel. And the days that David reigned over Israel were forty years; seven years he reigned in Hebron, and thirty-three years reigned he in Jerusalem. For over 2000 years Jews ruled and occupied Israel , Hebron, Jerusalem and West Jordan.
The Jews fulfill Biblical Prophecy Almost to the Day and Re Establish the Jewish State of Israel While Proclaiming Jerusalem their Capital.
Israel in 1948, Jerusalem became once more the capital of a sovereign Jewish state. the great lie or taqiyyha told by islam is that it was Ishmael; not Isaac Who God told Abraham to sacrifice to test his faith. However, there are no written documents or established genealogy proving that muhammad's Bedouin Tribes are in any way the lineage of Abraham's bastard Son. Ishmael, by an Egyptian slave girl. Yet for years the islamists have created convoluted and fictional stories in an attempt to give credence to their claim that Ishmael is their link to Abraham. However, they are totally unable to prove this lie. They are like some faux heir apparent who comes to collect an inheritance by claiming that in some way they are the blood relative of the deceased. This type of fraud takes place everyday. The muslims have tried to convince the uninformed of their faux legitimacy for 1400 yr
The United States of America led by President Donald J Trump may be on the verge of recognizing Palastine as the official Capital of Israel. This may become manifested by moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to the Capital Jerusalem.
Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled
In May 14,1948 the exact date predicted in the Holy Bible [IS 11:11-12]when the planet realized how despicable the Jewish Peoples had been treated during the long and arduous Diaspora the world set out to make amends. They justly created the State of Israel with David Ben Gurian proclaiming Jerusalem and the original borders of Israel as the Nation of Israel.
Just as Ezekiel had prophesized about 2600 years ago, the Jews were brought back to the land, and the country of Israel was brought back to life. Israel re-
Muslims Who HAD NO HISTORICAL CLAIM to This Land Invoked a Violent Jihad Against the Jews
This was the land ruled by the British and French who defeated the muslim Ottoman Empire during WW I . At this point in time the capital was to be partly divided in accordance with the existing worship sites. He was backed by President Harry Truman and most world leaders.
"The City of Peace" from the Jewish word "Shalom"
Jerusalem, also known as known as the "City of David" for centuries is clearly the Israelite Capital. David made it his city 1,000 years before the coming of Jesus Christ soon after he helped Saul Defeat the Philistines [ modern day Palestinians ]by killing their giant head warrior Goliath.
God gave Israel and the land of the Canaanites to the Jews as is written in the Holy Scriptures.
Just as we see today, the muslim way of life continues in the muhammad tradition : slaughter hate and bloodshead. Shortly after muhammad created his blood cult, his followers went on a rampage against Christians and Jews who had peacefully coexisted in Jerusalem since the time of Jesus.
Between 630 A.D. and the death of Mohammed in 632 A.D., Muslims -- on at least one occasion led by Mohammed -- had conquered the bulk of western Arabia and southern Palestine the same way ISIS .... Jerusalem and its Christian and Jewish majority suffered greatly during alternating periods of peace and war. this was during the time of the blood thirsty muslim conquest.
Islamification of the Long Established of Israel and Its Capital Jerusalem
First Islamization of Jerusalem under the Caliphates - The first Islamization of Jerusalem followed the Islamic Conquest of Jerusalem by Umar ibn Al-Khattāb in 638 CE. The second Islamization followed the fall of Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, followed by Ayybiud rule in the late 12th century, followed by dominant Islamic culture through the Mamluk and early Ottoman rule.
History Confirms Jewish Ownership and Sovereignty Over Israel and its Capital Jerusalem
In the Book of Exodus., God clearly gives the Land of Cananna to His Chosen people, the Jews.
David's son King Solomon built the greatest Jewish Temple Mount Moriah in Jerusalem in 970 BC. This is the site where Abraham 1700 years before[1813 BC to 1638 BC] was ordered by God to sacrifice his son Isaac [Gen 9] as a test of his loyalty to Jehovah God. . Solomon and the Jewish people built the Temple to worship Jehovah God. The Temple was destroyed in 550 BC they were taken captive by the Assyrians. It was rebuilt again when the Jews returned 70 years later. For the next 490 years the Jews worshiped in Jerusalem, their Capital City during the previous 1800 years. After the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah the Romans decided to punish the Rebellion of the Israelite s for their uprising against the Romans who ruled Israel at that time. In 70 AD under Titus,who later became Emperor, the Jews were disbursed from Israel.
There is NO ISLAM in the early History of Israel and it's Capital Jerusalem
The nearly 4000 Years we just covered we make no mention of Islam. Why? Because islam did not exist on the planet until a Bedouin Tribal chief called Muhammad made it up in 625 AD. He was a local war lord who raided European and other Caravans passing east to west between Europe and the Far East on the "Silk Road". Muslims did not exist. There was no Muslim Religion. These people were a mix of Pagan tribe who liven in the area for hundreds of years they never had a claim to this land and they were never a part of the Jewish Tradition or Culture.
Prior to 625 AD there were no muslim nations in control of Jerusalem. Saudia Arabia did not exist, Jordan was a Roman Provence; Syria was Assyria; There were no Palistinians; The original people who lived there , the Cannanites were defeated when Jehovah God gave the land to His People the Israelies. JERUSALEM-Capital of Israel. And the days that David reigned over Israel were forty years; seven years he reigned in Hebron, and thirty-three years reigned he in Jerusalem. For over 2000 years Jews ruled and occupied Israel , Hebron, Jerusalem and West Jordan.
The Jews fulfill Biblical Prophecy Almost to the Day and Re Establish the Jewish State of Israel While Proclaiming Jerusalem their Capital.
Israel in 1948, Jerusalem became once more the capital of a sovereign Jewish state. the great lie or taqiyyha told by islam is that it was Ishmael; not Isaac Who God told Abraham to sacrifice to test his faith. However, there are no written documents or established genealogy proving that muhammad's Bedouin Tribes are in any way the lineage of Abraham's bastard Son. Ishmael, by an Egyptian slave girl. Yet for years the islamists have created convoluted and fictional stories in an attempt to give credence to their claim that Ishmael is their link to Abraham. However, they are totally unable to prove this lie. They are like some faux heir apparent who comes to collect an inheritance by claiming that in some way they are the blood relative of the deceased. This type of fraud takes place everyday. The muslims have tried to convince the uninformed of their faux legitimacy for 1400 yr
Religious Groups Support more Immigration and Amnesty
All throughout the "O" Dictatorship the Government has encouraged and bribed many American Religious organizations to help "O" in his efforts to bring more muslim immigrants to the US. The irony is that these religious groups say they are acting out of Christian beliefs to help others. However, there is little evidence that they have helped the most repressed, tortured and victimized group, fellow Christians. The monthly "Voice of the Martyrs" details thousands of atrocities the majority muslim population of the middle east have committed against the minority Christian population. Rape, torture, slaughter of women and children, and sexual slavery of hundreds of thousands of Christian women has been the fate of Believers ever since "O" supported and praised " Arab Spring".
I urge everyone reading this to sign up with This site provides information and an Action Board filled with issues of the day. They do all the work for you in contacting your Representatives by providing pre-written letters, memos, Twitter text for you with just a few point and click actions on your part. They provide lots of information on the out of control immigration issues we face. They give you facts and figures on real immigration numbers and keep you up to date on the stealth invasion by the muslim world. This was a president set by muhammad himself when he could win a battle against his opponents he simply sent his people into the adversary's camp, populated them with the rapid growing muslim family and took over as the majority. They call this the HIJRAH which he used in 622 AD to kick off his plans to take over the entire globe and SUBJUGATE the entire global population under islam.
[Here is an excerpt from Numbers USA showing how they are using our own religious freedom to foster their HIJRAH here in America] :
In general, Religious Globalists believe that the needs of people in the Third World have priority over the needs of people in more advanced nations when it comes to questions of whether migrants should cross borders. Underlying this is the assessment that most would-be immigrants come from conditions that are worse than those for the Americans who may be hurt by their entry.
Powerful appeals for a version of open borders have come in recent years from some high-profile religious leaders who say that although a country has a right to control its borders, workers without jobs have a higher right to cross the borders in search of work. That would qualify hundreds of millions of people around the world to immigrate. Many open-immigration globalists contend that borders and communities are barriers to a just world; any person anywhere in the world should be allowed to go anywhere else in the world if that will advance that person's well-being -- even if it creates a decline of the well-being of residents of the receiving community.The justice of this is based primarily on the assumption that migrants would not move into a community unless the conditions there were better. Therefore, residents of that community can lose some of their standard of living and still not be worse off than the arriving migrant. Global egalitarianism appears to be the goal.
In the end in a democracy, a decision on immigration ought to be made in answer to the question, "What is the right thing to do?"
The ethics of closed-immigration are based primarily on the belief that a country's ethical priority is to its own citizens. To the extent it has ethical obligations to other people, a country should help those people where they reside, not by bringing them into the country and posing harm to its own citizens. Some closed-immigration advocates feel little obligation to helping impoverished peoples in other countries, while other closed-immigration advocates are extremely active in international religious ministries and relief and development efforts in poor countries. But people of this philosophy do not see immigration as being necessary for individuals or nations to show compassion for people in other lands.
Closed-immigration advocates note that the same religions with teachings about the brotherhood and sisterhood of all humankind also include teachings about the creation of just societies based on mutually held responsibilities within the family, tribe or nation. Supporters of closed borders
point to what they see as substantial agreement among history's philosophers that a person's moral obligations are greatest for those persons who are closest to them, and to their own descendants. Vanderbilt University philosopher John Lachs has noted that, "Throughout history, acting in self-interest for one's own people generally has not been considered morally selfish."
point to what they see as substantial agreement among history's philosophers that a person's moral obligations are greatest for those persons who are closest to them, and to their own descendants. Vanderbilt University philosopher John Lachs has noted that, "Throughout history, acting in self-interest for one's own people generally has not been considered morally selfish."
Here is an article showing how deeply certain religious organizations have partnered with the "O" regime to support the influx of immigrants both legal and illegal.:
Get involved in stopping the invasion that has as its goal the conquering of your American Nation.
One other tactic the muslims are using this "Blueprint for Cultural Jihad". :
Wake up America and take action. the EU has been either sleeping through the "muslim invasion" or worse taking action like religious groups here and foolishly accepting them with open arms.
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