Saturday, March 3, 2018

Major Error Christians Make in Breaking the Law to Aid Illegal Invaders

I know there is a different atmosphere in the NE, but illegal is illegal in all 50 states. The only difference is that some people obey the law and others think they are above it.  

Recently , as detailed in the article above, ICE arrested and deported the heads of NYC's New Sanctuary movement. Ironically both were criminal aliens.
Another irony is that "O" encouraged and ignored deportation orders that would legally have deported these two criminals.
Further, the second irony is that they convinced many Christian organizations to take part in illegal activity.  
*Roman Catholic
*United Church of Christ
*Jewish groups
*Unitarian Universalists
** Yes and even some Baptist churches

These churches think they are acting on Christian compassion. They are misled, the same as those who interpret "separation of Church and State" or who missed the whole point of "Turn the other cheek". In fact these same Christians who are misled by Mat. 5:39 fail to note that he said this perhaps prior to his full  Spiritual fulfillment at Pentecost.  Luckily John clears this up in Revelation1:3 where he refers back to 2 Peter 19:20 "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from the prophet's [man's] own interpretation..." ., Then in John 18:23 when Jesus is confronted by the Scribes and Pharisees. He strongly challenges them about His actions in the Temple during His mock trial saying,"  "If I said something wrong, testify to what was wrong. But if I spoke correctly, why did you strike Me?"     He was not turning the other cheek there or when He cleared the Temple of sinners.                     
Christians are not infallible, and often take popular [aka secular interpretations as 'Gospel"] and  are using this as the bases for their illegal actions:  
The historical roots of the movement derive from the right of sanctuary in medieval law and Jewish and Christian social teachings. The movement's contemporary roots derive from the American Civil War and its Underground Railroad ...

"Sanctuary" in medieval times had to do with harboring in Church  Sancturies [sanctified places -find one in self proclaimed 'Santuary' cities today] persecuted Christians who were fleeing religious persecution by the Monarchy. The Underground Railroad was an attempt to protect fugitive slaves at a time when their status was in question pending the outcome  decided by the ongoing Civil War.

Most illegal immigrants entering the US fall into three Categories:
1. Those people who believe that if you can make it to the US you will be taken care of for life and never have to work [ a very large %]
2, Those who have a political or ideological reason to come here to change our Society [ ISIS and other muslim radicals, other subversives .
3 Those who come here due to genuine political, economic or religious persecution in their home country [ Christians , Druze, Jews, Kurds, Yazadies,Babists, Gnostics, etc. [Under "O"s admin these people were the last to be granted refuge, if at all.]

 All our President is saying is that we need more people who want to wok, learn our language and culture and Adopt America for solid economic or cultural reasons.  We can absorb good and productive people; we must reject criminals and subversives. It's that simple.