First of all, iPatriot must realize that President Trump has been denied an Attorney General by the liberal democrat Schumer who will be out once the term limits bill is passed. Since President Trump is a highly skilled businessman and you are a low level blog writer, you have missed a lot of how he does things. He always has several plans in play. In this case, just to bring you up to speed, he spoke about a border tariff. Yet another idea, and one I like best is to have Western Union or any EFT to Mexico be taxed at 10 to 15% if the sender cannot produce a W-2 or some proof that the he paid tax on the wire transfer of funds. If not that is wire fraud and punishable by 5-10 years in a cell. He has many other options.
With your limited knowledge don't just focus on one point. Plug in an try to keep up. Most can't that's why they cannot see the skill and and business acumen President Trump has when it comes to getting things done. You have lived with do nothing politicians all your life, and now this is a new era of how to be an effective leader, and most of you can't figure it out.
As to deportations, he never said he was going to deport 30 million illegals, he spoke about rounding up the criminals. He's doing that even without a head of state and an Attorney General. So if you would get off your dead a$$ and support getting his cabinet installed he will get cracking on everything he said he would do. I might add that it is ironic that people criticize him for not doing some things and then go berserk when he acts on the major issues like the ban on Terrorist country people entering the US. Give him a chance he only has 8 years to correct the mess and pile of garbage accumulated in DC for 50 years.