Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Donald Trump Our Next President

Trump does have the conservative Hispanics who fought hard to become Americans. They resent the new wave of lazy unemployable freeloading thugs streaming across the boarders because they know as middle class tax payers they are footing the bill.
Blacks too support Trump in many areas, They see him as a strong president who will unite the nation where Obama divided it. Also, they believe he will bring law and order and real justice to the inner city. Remember that black on black crime is rampant, and Obama has not diffused it, in fact he has encouraged violence and divisiveness.
Lastly, the Christian voters who foolishly stood by and refused to vote because Romney was a Mormon are responsible for helping elect Obam a second time. Now they have a strong Christian Leader who wants to stand behind school prayer, and a whole host of wholesome right thinking that has long been a part of the American way.
Let's not forget the Tea Party. Trump has wooded them with his strong Conservative stance: his strengthening of the military ; his plan to stop America from being the patsy for the rest of the world. They see him as a very strong leader. Despite what the ignorant pundits say, the Tea Party has a very very broad base of conservatives who are Independent, 56% of the Gop voters, and an estimated 15-%+ registered Democrats who like most of America are fed up with the DC shell game where the politicians always win in a rigged game against the people who pay all the bills. There is a clear message in America this election cycle that America wants to take out and dump the garbage in DC. The clear choice for an overwhelming majority is Mr. Donald J. Trump.
In conclusion, it is clear that Mr Trump will win the Presidency in a landslide victory that will be greater than that of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Expect Mr. Trump to win 55% of the popular vote.