Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Arrogant and Lawless Administration to Blame for Social Unrest in America

What is at fault here is the Liberals and minority 'leaders' who for the past 60 years gave minorities unlimited privileges, jobs,education, and funds with limited guidance on how to assimilate into normal civilized society.  Under this skewed liberal view minorities must be represented in every facet of life: movies, TV, all product ads; colleges, jobs, politics; all at the expense of reverse discrimination for the majority of Americans.
What white liberals and a hand full of black radical 'leaders' fail to see is the reality of a society made up of 15% non whites and 85% whites.  Therefore, they portray a false sense to minorities that they are the majority.  The result is the creation of non existent power and arrogance amongst blacks.  They feel empowered to challenge the majority with recklessness.
Take a close look at the role model they have in the White House.  Here is a man who arrogantly disobeys the law, and seems to have gotten away with it for the past six years. WHY? Simply put it is the TYRANNY OF THE MINORITY ! We now live in a nation where roles are reversed as the tail wags the dog.  Blacks freely degrade and harass whites, but if whites do the same they can be arrested and put on trial for "Hate Crimes".
Obama it so arrogant, that when legally challenged by the Rule of Law and the Checks and Balances that have been the hallmark of the most civilized and progressive Constitutional social and legal system for 230 years; his response is "So sue me."  What does this say to the black constituents?  It sets the stage for a plethora of civil disobedience  by minorities who are even more encouraged by a lawless President and Attorney General.  I lay all the blame for racial unrest in America at the feet of the Corrupt and lawless Administration.
The sad part is that Minorities who had been making steady gains in equality, acceptance and peaceful coexistence with the majority of Americans will now see the hard fought gains of the past 60 years of the Civil Rights movement set back more than 100 years.  I predict that with Obama out of office it is not unlikely that all Civil Rights Laws will be abandoned because since he became president  these laws have achieved their original goal. By supporting an arrogant and lawless Administration liberals and minorities  are bringing this on themselves by their own inability to see that "killing Whitie" is not the solution but the problem.

This Comment was prompted by the story in the attached link of a woman attacked in Central Park for no reason other than being white, alone and unprotected.

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