Below is a copy of a recent letter I sent to my congressman. I have grown deeply concerned that Our Constitution did not prepare us for the huge growth of our nation. It was insightful to create a document that had a check and balance system.
However, the flaw, as I see it, was that the legislative and Judicial branches have not been able to maintain their power to control an out of control Executive; primarily because they have remained static in size and power while the Executive has grown into a megolith.
The result is that when a rogue is elected as president, the other two branches do not have the authority to effect the originally intended balance of power. Over the years more and more power has been given to the Executive without proper oversight by the other two branches.
The result is the evolution of THE IMPERIAL PRESIDENT!
Dear Senator Rubio,
We blame a lot on Mr. Obama, and he surely deserves most of it. However, It seems he is just one of the first presidents in our recent history to use all of the outlandish powers placed under the Executive Branch.
When you look at the Constitution,Art II Sec.2 the President is responsible for enforcing the laws Congress passes. Obama is not enforcing the laws that congress passed, and we want to know what you are doing about this breach of our Nation's highest Law?
In this same section Paragraph 3 the President is given the power to appoint cabinet members and ambassadors and department heads who report to him. George Washington had only 4 cabinet members, and his staff consisted of a handful of people. The current President has 14 Cabinet members, 1,300 Federal Agencies and 2.8 million employees under his control. That's a bit much, don't you think?
My big concern, is that over the years these posts have grown out of proportion to the original intent of the Writers of our laws. As a result, the balance of power envisioned in the original Constitution has been destroyed. The President currently has 14 cabinet positions vs the 4 original posts under George Washington. In addition to that George Washington had less than a dozed Agencies manning the Federal Government. The President today controls over 1,300 agencies manned by 2,8 million people. True, the country has also grown, but now the Executive has powers over every single Government agency in the US. This means he has power over every single aspect of this Nations lifeblood.
This President is the first I've seen to exercise this power in a negative way to the detriment of the country.
You need to do two things for America:
1. Article 4 of the Constitution is the check against any President abusing this vast power given to him as the result of unprecedented growth of our nation without also growing the legislative and Judicial oversight of the Executive.
2. Start working on a law or laws or even a Constitutional Amendment that will dissolve the concentration of Executive powers. Limit the direct total control the Executive has over our federal Agencies. One easy way to do this is to amend the constitution to have congressional Committees run some of the key agencies that have to do with commerce and transportation. There is great danger in concentrating the power to rule the lifeblood of our nation into the hands of one man... Any one man!