Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Christian Response to Social Change

Everyday I open my email, Facebook or Twitter I am bombarded by messages that shake the very foundations of my belief system.  I see so many radical changes in my family.  Is see radical changes in long held beliefs that went unchallenged for my entire life.

Homosexuals were always on the fringes of society, and not to be taken seriously.  At one time this condition was considered abnormal, ans one that needed medical and Psychological treatment.  Due o a new resurgence of their assertiveness and aggressive tactics, they are now working their way to the "Norm "in our society.
I have never even imagined a "marriage" between two men or two women.  It is something I never even envisioned.  it is so perverse and appalling that my mind never even considered it possible.  I think most of America feel the same way.  However, despite propositions in California and other states where an overwhelming number of people[some 14 million] voted against such detestable acts the Supreme Court upheld same sex marriage.  We feel violated and disturbed that 9 people and one judge here and there can override the majority of Americans who hold substantially different views of family and marriage. How did this happen? How have we let judges and politicians rule our society, when the Constitution clearly says We The People are the rightful rulers of this nation.
The short answer is that we let it happen, and are doing little to stop it:

I recently read David Kupelian's book 'The Marketing of Evil".  In it he details how this and other social changes came about in recent years. Evil has been market to American just like breakfast cereal, cars and movies.  The Homosexuals have renamed themselves with clever advertising gimmicks.  The biggest being to force the AMA to drop the premise that homosexuality is a disease that should be treated.  They literally forced the AMA to drop this medical fact in 1973 by invading and rioting at the rather docile AMA meetings.  Next they began to use the tern GAY.  This is so people wont associate them with  names like "fag' and "homo".  Gay presents them as gentle, kind and fun loving people.  Well, their "in your face tactics" against all manor of Christian run business is anything but fun and gay for the recipients of their attacks.  We have been taught by the handlers of our thoughts, the press, movies , books, and TV that we should be Politically Correct.  As Dr. Ben Carson points out, this means lying to yourself and others. It means hiding your own beliefs out of fear of retribution.  And what is that retribution:  It is to be found in radical Communist Marxist, Saul Alinsky's "12 Rules for Radicals".  RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions."  When one openly makes a statement that they do not approve of Abortion, Homosexuality ; same sex marriage or terrorist Theocracy's, they are automatically labeled a racist, a bigot or narrow minded, and opposed to other people's ides.  You are "forcing your own standards on others against their free will.".  One can easily see how many emotionally charged points there are in the underlined passage. This is why people like Brendan  Eich was fired from Mozilla, The GLBT targeted him because he was a prominent figure; head of Mozilla , and creator of the predominant computer code, Jave Script. They wanted to use him to set an example to others that if you oppose us you will suffer.  It is as bad as the Stalin, Hitler and Mao 'Purges", and motivated by the same elitist megalomaniacs who want the world to know that those who dare oppose their beliefs and rules [executive orders] will be beaten into submission.
I have always understood what Percy Bethe Shelly said in 1821 " Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world".  What we read and accept in various forms of entertainment is who we become.  Our music, our books, our films and our TV and other media form our society.  Today that means we have become a nation of depraved tastes.
Beware of what you watch and  what you read our eyes and ears are the conduit to our souls.  
Just like old data processing adage, "Garbage In Garbage Out"  GIGO. 
So what to do as a Christian in a world where Satan is waging a Spiritual war against all mankind?  Remember the words of our Rule Book, The Holy Boble:


22"The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. 23"But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!…

Generally, people feel uneasy around a genuine Christian who has a strong Spiritual relationship with God.  That Christian, often unwittingly, comes into a room and shines light where there is darkness.  The evil ones there can feel that light and they want to turn from it.  It makes them uncomfortable having light shine for all to see their dark intentions and actions.  So they make every effort to shut out and belittle Christians. They diminish the Christian role in society.  As a Church body we have been not strong enough to stand up to the darkness and shine our collective light and the light from the Son of God on these  issues which impact our daily existence.