Wednesday, January 16, 2013

US Citizens Must Respond to The Tyranny IN Washington, D.C.

We have had an internal Pearl Harbor.  A sneak attack from within.  It happened because we were too afraid to say no to people who we knew hated us.  We relied on being "Pluralist" and "Relativistic".  We were lulled into the belief through our higher education institutions that we were bigots if we did not accept and cater to all manner of beliefs; even knowing those beliefs were directed toward destroying the foundations of America.
Now our only hope is a major change in direction.   We must change  and seek the foundations of our founders.  Quit making Christians the scapegoats for liberals who want to see same sex marriage and open homosexuality made acceptable practices.  Stop being intimidated by Muslims who want to end Christian prayer in school while they teach and practice their religion in our schools and teach their beliefs to our children.  One teacher recently went as far as to trample on the American flag in front of his students.  While we look the other way and talk about acceptance and tolerance, the growth of the Muslim culture in America has nothing but disdain for us because they hate us even more for not fighting back.
Every American  individual reading this must take back America in our own communities.  You pay for the schools with your property tax dollars:  Go to the school board and voice your opinion.  You pay the members of your city council:  Go to their meetings and stand up against Agenda 21 and other attempts to force UN control on our property rights.  Vote out liberals who want to subvert the Constitution by ending our basic Bill of Rights one Amendment at a time.  Lastly, urge your congressmen to  back and vote on Impeachment  Bills introduced by Steve Stockman of Texas and Rep Walter Jones of N.C. who introduced HR 107.  Use the system to fight Obama.  He is very good at using it against U.S.