Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Comment on Obama and his Press Protection

My differences with Obama are not at all racial.
 I am against most of his policies and the way he arrogantly defies our Constitution and the American process  of governance that has worked successfully for 230 years.  However, he is the one uses racism to foster most of his anti American programs.  He is a professional agitator trained by Bill Ayers who founded the Chicago Weather Underground terrorist group.  He continues in that mode as President by appointing Socialists and Communists as his [aptly titled] Czars: Van Jones, Valerie Jarret, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd.  America is a Free Democratic Republic[ before Obama]. We are not Socialists, yet he wants us to be more like Socialist Europe and has stated that goal on more than one occasion.
 He has been president 4 years and has not produced a budget.  He blames Congress for this, thus evading his duty to lead.  During his first administration he tried to incite racism and class warfare [the 1% hatred campaign].  
Nothing good has come from any program he has offered [Obamacare being the worst program in history].  We are in a gigantic economic slump, and the black and young population of America are being disproportionately hurt more by Obama than by any other President in history.  If there is racism being exhibited, and I don't mean undereducated people chanting racial slurs at the inaguration, it is the racism shown by the liberal media who forgive Obama every mistake and misstep because they fear criticizing a President who happens to be half white and half black. 
Even the most foolish Liberal must admit that Bush could not have done a half of the gaffs and economic errors done by Obama without every pundit who is in front of a TV camera castigating him every day.  They felt free to do that because it is politically correct to call him names when he did something stupid.  However, Obama is protected under the unwritten law that says if he does something stupid and you point it out not only are you "politically incorrect", but you are worst of all labels also a " racist".  So you see I don't care what color or race Obama is; what I do care is that he is an idiot who is systematically dismantling the greatest country in the world.