Friday, December 30, 2016

HOLY SCRIPTURE --Title Search of the Land of Israel overshadows any UN Resolution

This message is in response to the recent [2016] resolution that failed US president obama concocted for the UN in an attempt to seize lands from the Nation of Israel.

Rick, you are in a serious non logical circular iteration. You say the US asked Israel to give back lands taken in the 6 day war. Yet the recent man made 1948 UN resolution defines the state of Israel geographically as it is detailed in Holy Scripture as far back as 2008 years before Christ. .See Gen. 7; Deut 4-26. The Covenant of the land God gave to Abraham was confirmed again buy God with Moses in Exodus 5:22; 6:12; 33:1. Again God reminds His people the Israelites of the land He set aside for them in Deut.3:23, and again in Numbers 11 thru 20 and all throughout the book of Joshua. I might remind you that the false cult of islam was no where to be seen, and the UN was not sitting in NYC. So if you want to talk about who was first, you are standing on shifting sand. As to the validity of the Scriptures there is more accurate, physical and factual evidence of the original scriptures than of any other writings in the entire world. God has preserved many of the original manuscripts. The quran which is mainly an oral tradition was only written down 100-150 years after muhammad died. I might remind you that he could not read or write, and there was no way to trace his tribal lineage back to Ismael, as muslims try to do. In fact, much of the quran is made up of the Judeo-Christian texts. Here are some quick facts: muhammad was a tribal warlord who was born around 570 AD and died 632 AD [in contrast Jesus still lives] , he is mentioned about 4 times in the koran. Jesus[Isa] is mentioned about 25 times.The quran in Sura 5:46 and 19:94-95 teaches that Isa is the eternal Son of God. Not being very original they copy from Holy Scripture the fact that Jesus [Isa] is the son of the virgin Mary [Mirium]. In quran Sura 2:45-47 and 19:16-22 the prediction of virgin birth of the Messiah {Isa] is detailed just as in the scriptures from where it was lifted: Is. 7:14; Luke 1:7-14 and Matthew 1:18-21. All this demonstrates that the quran is a counterfeit of the original Holy Jehovah God Inspired True Word of God. Further, we can agree that if you are trying to do a Title Search of the original ownership of the land God Gave to the Israelites, this is the way you would do it, and not rely on some man made UN resolution.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Arrogant and Lawless Administration to Blame for Social Unrest in America

What is at fault here is the Liberals and minority 'leaders' who for the past 60 years gave minorities unlimited privileges, jobs,education, and funds with limited guidance on how to assimilate into normal civilized society.  Under this skewed liberal view minorities must be represented in every facet of life: movies, TV, all product ads; colleges, jobs, politics; all at the expense of reverse discrimination for the majority of Americans.
What white liberals and a hand full of black radical 'leaders' fail to see is the reality of a society made up of 15% non whites and 85% whites.  Therefore, they portray a false sense to minorities that they are the majority.  The result is the creation of non existent power and arrogance amongst blacks.  They feel empowered to challenge the majority with recklessness.
Take a close look at the role model they have in the White House.  Here is a man who arrogantly disobeys the law, and seems to have gotten away with it for the past six years. WHY? Simply put it is the TYRANNY OF THE MINORITY ! We now live in a nation where roles are reversed as the tail wags the dog.  Blacks freely degrade and harass whites, but if whites do the same they can be arrested and put on trial for "Hate Crimes".
Obama it so arrogant, that when legally challenged by the Rule of Law and the Checks and Balances that have been the hallmark of the most civilized and progressive Constitutional social and legal system for 230 years; his response is "So sue me."  What does this say to the black constituents?  It sets the stage for a plethora of civil disobedience  by minorities who are even more encouraged by a lawless President and Attorney General.  I lay all the blame for racial unrest in America at the feet of the Corrupt and lawless Administration.
The sad part is that Minorities who had been making steady gains in equality, acceptance and peaceful coexistence with the majority of Americans will now see the hard fought gains of the past 60 years of the Civil Rights movement set back more than 100 years.  I predict that with Obama out of office it is not unlikely that all Civil Rights Laws will be abandoned because since he became president  these laws have achieved their original goal. By supporting an arrogant and lawless Administration liberals and minorities  are bringing this on themselves by their own inability to see that "killing Whitie" is not the solution but the problem.

This Comment was prompted by the story in the attached link of a woman attacked in Central Park for no reason other than being white, alone and unprotected.

Donald Trump Our Next President

Trump does have the conservative Hispanics who fought hard to become Americans. They resent the new wave of lazy unemployable freeloading thugs streaming across the boarders because they know as middle class tax payers they are footing the bill.
Blacks too support Trump in many areas, They see him as a strong president who will unite the nation where Obama divided it. Also, they believe he will bring law and order and real justice to the inner city. Remember that black on black crime is rampant, and Obama has not diffused it, in fact he has encouraged violence and divisiveness.
Lastly, the Christian voters who foolishly stood by and refused to vote because Romney was a Mormon are responsible for helping elect Obam a second time. Now they have a strong Christian Leader who wants to stand behind school prayer, and a whole host of wholesome right thinking that has long been a part of the American way.
Let's not forget the Tea Party. Trump has wooded them with his strong Conservative stance: his strengthening of the military ; his plan to stop America from being the patsy for the rest of the world. They see him as a very strong leader. Despite what the ignorant pundits say, the Tea Party has a very very broad base of conservatives who are Independent, 56% of the Gop voters, and an estimated 15-%+ registered Democrats who like most of America are fed up with the DC shell game where the politicians always win in a rigged game against the people who pay all the bills. There is a clear message in America this election cycle that America wants to take out and dump the garbage in DC. The clear choice for an overwhelming majority is Mr. Donald J. Trump.
In conclusion, it is clear that Mr Trump will win the Presidency in a landslide victory that will be greater than that of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Expect Mr. Trump to win 55% of the popular vote.

When Nations Turn Against Israel and God's Plan

In obama's last days in office he dares to lift his hand against Israel. He has been amply warned in scripture.

"O our God, did you not drive out those who lived in this land when your people arrived? And did you not give this land forever to the descendants of your friend Abraham? "(2 Chron. 20:7 NLT). and  "I am going to give all this land to you and your offspring as a permanent possession" (Genesis 13:15 NLT). Islam has lied to all peoples trying to make them believe they are the true descendants of Abraham and are thus entitled to the lands that Jehovah God gave to Israel thousands of years prior to the birth of the false self proclaimed prophet, muhammad.. Yet they forget to mention that Abraham ]1600 B.C] muhammad's false religion [650A.D.] is in no way traceable to Abraham. All of the quotes in the Quran, Surah 2 thru 26 and others are taken from the Hebrew Scripture the Torah [ islams Taurat] and from the Christian Gospel  [islams Injeel]. the Torah predates the Koran by over 2000 years, and the Gospels by over 800 years. Let me further remind the readerws who have fallen for this false 'religion" that Jesus, who is named as the Savior of the World even in the Koran is a Jew.  Further, Christianity is the fulfillment of the Jewish faith and is named after the Son of God, Jesus Christ.   Islam can make no such claim.  Thus, muhammad is a 'johnny come lately" false prophet of which both the Old and New Testament warn Christian believers.
 Islam means Subjugation, not peace.  The intention of Isalm is to subjugate all other peoples on earth until only islam remains.
Jehovah God has another plan.  The UN has been fooled by islamists into helping them carry out the subjugation of all Judeo-Christian belief.  As President Trump would say"....Never gonna happen".
In the next 8  years the UN and the rest of the world will be stunned to see the end of their Dictatorial Empire [ aka New World Order] and the terror they have allowed to spread around the world in the name of "Peace".