The FOOL on the HILL: biden supporting the "digital Yuan" to replace the USD as the global Reserve Currency. "You will own nothing and you WILL be Happy". Klaus Shwab, WEF 2019
While Americans are losing faith in biden and the MSM, what will they do if biden is allowed to stay in office and help the global elite to control all of your money and resources, The digital Yuan will be associated, as it is in China with your "Social Score" what you do, say, buy and who you vote for or what you say on social media, including your private e mail sill determine what and how you can spend "Your Digital Yuan account"
Here was comment my on this article. I do not think they posted it because of all the damaging Truth.
Will biden and MSM even be able to show 1% acceptance once the new Digital disaster takes place. As a part of the deal Joe and Hunter made with China, the US is headed to financial destruction. The DAVOS DEVILS have laid the groundwork for total control of all humanity with their pre-emptive Pandemic. This exercise not only was used to reduce global population as people died from the initial virus, they and the Chinese created. The long-lasting effects will be seen as the latent results of the "Booster" shots begins killing off those who did not die from the original "Kill JAB". We are already seeing sudden unexplainable deaths of healthy people. All of our children are forced to take the JAB. Some die in days or weeks, Survivors will experience lack of normal immunity as the long-term effects kick in and cause death later.
For the few who avoided the evil Gates/Fauci "Kill Jab". The globalists have other sinister plans. The Davos Devils have been taking over all financial control in banking, commerce and manufacturing in every nation. They call it the Fourth Industrial revolution. However, knowing the leaders of the two headed DAVOS DEVILS evil Serpent WEF are none other than George Soros, and Klaus Schwab. These are two frustrated NAZI's who have been rebuilding what we thought was Hitler's crushed empire. Seventy years later it has percolated to the top not as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but as the new Fourth Reich.
Softening and cowering the public to unquestioningly accept political rule
Their plans were all in place to take over the globe in 2016, Hillary may have blown it for them by exposing their plan when, in a moment of HUBRIS she pulled out her little red "RESTET BUTTON". The exposure cost her and the DAVOS DEVILS the election. They were caught by surprise. It was supposed to be Clinton, their Anti American President. The opposite happened, and it was too late to RIG the election as they would do in 2020. They had to go to "Plan B" The Plandemic, and the RUSSIN HOAX. For the next four years they would use the back Benchers in the Deep State who were already their paid off stooges. The DNC, MSM CIA, DOJ, Unions, and the many anti-American factions they had installed in Business and education across America. They owned all of these assets and could control them especially MSM. On the other hand, they did not control Grass Roots deep seated Americans. A Wealthy American Businessman took control of Middle Americans and forged an unstoppable coalition. He exposed Their lies, and evil plans with tweets and snarky remarks. Between the MSM and the DNC they did Impeach the President, but could not remove him from office. " Plan C" from The DAVOS DEVILS was to use Corporate CEO's they owned, the MSM, and a CIA backed plan using methods CIA used for years to steal foreign elections. Still President Trump won, so they had to stuff ballot boxes, do recounts, "Find" more of their illegal ballots, change election laws to fit their narrative. They used the Plandemic to basically create a "Mail Order President" elected by a majority of illegal mail in ballots Primarily funded by corrupt NGO's run by Zuckerberg, and DNC poll workers they paid to alter ballots. In the end, they finally replaced AMERICAN leadership with their own stooge, biden,
The Final Solution
The DAVOS DEVILS want to control your wealth and hard earned money. For several years the Fed in the US along with the financial CEO's and banks around the globe have been building and testing a global digital currency. The new "Fourth Reich" will be in control of all global governments. They also need to control the currency. To that end, the creation of a global digital currency is their ultimate goal. We are already seeing it being accelerated with the war in Ukraine. It is not really about Putin regaining his Russian Empire of the USSR. It is really about the DAVOS DEILS finally defeating their Historical enemy, Russia, and in the process finishing Hitler's Dream of ruling the world.
here is the encapsulated series of events that will come to fruition if America fails to rid itself of all who are Anti-American wishing the end of the only democracy hanging on by a thread.
1. in 2022, DNC will steal the midterms enough to keep a majority in both houses. Thus, the GOP will have no chance to impeach biden-harris.
2, At the same time, as the Ukraine war drags on and biden depletes more US resources, and oil reserves. His continued destruction of US oil production will give US higher fuel prices as we become dependent on our enemies to supply us with what we already have. Eventually, I see China buying up our oil production further burying the US as biden stumbles and falls. He will be replaced with someone who is more openly pro-China [perhaps Pelosi's nephew] Due to biden's degradation of US forces [JABS and Woke policy] US will have no ability to fight any nation or defend strategic areas key to our own national security.
3. The sanctions placed on Russia have only served to strengthen its economy, and to teach the globe that a US Reserve Currency is no longer needed.
4. Russia, India and China now trade Rupies for Rubles and then buy Russian oil for Rubles, This is legal and does not violate embargo sanctins against Russia. China is doing the same thing. The result is all three of their currencies are growing stronger. China who is still trading with all nations with a rising Yuan.
5. The rising yuan and achievement of a GDP greater than teh US will be used to make the DIGITAL YUAN the world currency reserve once the Global banking system switches all transaction to a digital currency and refuses to accept any other national hard currencies.
6. China will then rule the globe with WEF at the real controls. As pointed out in paragraph two with a "Social Score" in place and all your money and assets in a digital format. The FINAL SOLUTION will be cemented in place.