Friday, June 11, 2021

It was all a fabricated Fraud

 The virus may have been real, just as in any other of the thousands of Flu seasons we have had forever, but the fraud was in how they hyped this one and made it much more than it was.  All this in an attempt by the Deep State and the greedy elites like Gates and Soros and Xi in China who thought they'd use it to scare the world into bowing to  them the as the slave masers over all humanity.

We discovered Bill Gates was no humanitarian Philanthropist

Anthony Fauci is no noble Doctor.

George Soros is still a Nazi war criminal on the loose.

Klaus Schwabe is still the same trader that he was when as a "Neutral Swiss citizen"  he secretly supported Hitler's Nazi war effort to help create an Atomic bomb.  That like this latest global effort to control all  mankind through massive deceit and subversive propaganda about a fake Plandemic too will fail. 

Xi Jinping is a ruthless dictator who is guilt of massive slavery, strict restrictions of free speech, and an Imperialistic Monarch who has illusions of creating a world ruled by himself since he appointed himself ruler over China for life,  [ Where do these delusional madmen emerge from?]

Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey and Sundar Pichai , heads of big tech and social media and your personal global data, are all in collusion to steal your personal data and to make you say and do whatever they want.  Algorithms censuring what you can say, post or google to their ends are being used to control the global narrative toward the elite goal of taking over the world and imposing the NWO.  It's over, and all have been exposed as criminals and frauds.

Here is the expose that revealed what they really represent.

We even found out this week that like GatesChief Justice Roerts had some frequent flyer miles on the Lolita express and that was how they compromised him so he would refuse to hear the election fraud cases and other presented to the SCOTUS which may disrupt their globalist plans.

Very sad days for America.  We need to bring back leadership that had integrity , candor and a love for this country and the American people