Monday, August 26, 2019

Problems Caused by Clinton and Obama lack of USCIS Enforcement

It's the USCIS [ United States Customs and Immigration Service] is tasked with immigration rulings and screening Legal applicants. The words of the current immigration laws are also "quite clearly written" , but under globalists like obama,  Clinton and the Bushes they simply were not enforced. Read USCIS ACT 212 which states an entire list of reasons people crossing our borders become "Inadmissible" to become citizens. Let's start with the fact that if you break our laws you are "Inadmissible". Thus, the act of illegally entering our country is breaking the law, makes you an "Inadmissible" illegal criminal alien: Enforcement ended in 1992 (Clinton and as far back as Carter} .

Open this link to USCIS and review the list of acts and categories that make a person "Inadmissible" to enter the US or to obtain citizenship:  It will surprise many, and help Liberals to respect the Law more:

Here are a few:

Note, any person practicing Polygamy is "Inadmissible" Any one who is involved in Terrorism, or human trafficking is "Inadmissible" i.e. any muslim or ISIS person, or Ilhan Omar who lied on her USCIS application are legally "Inadmissible" So you want to talk "Clearly Written words" Google USCIS ACT-212 and you'll find plenty of them which are not being enforced.

I would urge President Trump to have the Justice Department review the USCIS enforcement and practice of creating "waivers" to circumvent the law. He,more than any President in the past 50 years, is using ICE to enforce removal of  illegals who flaunt our Legal system.  He already has put out an order saying they must enforce the rule on sponsors of immigrants. He needs to clean house of the liberals and aliens who work there at USCIS.

Liberals like to dream of the millions of immigrants who floated easily through Ellis Island in the 1880's. Noting is further from the truth. First, Ellis Island was there as a Quarantine location for immigrants' IF they had any disease or physical defect they got sent back on the ship they entered from and were  denied reentry, Same goes for a Sponsor. You had to have a Relative or friend "Sponsor you or you had to have a job to get into the US. Obama ordered the USCIS agents to ignore this long standing law, along with many other requirements. 

The only difference we see today is that President Trump is telling the world the US is going back to being a Nation of Laws, whereas obama ran the US as a lawless rogue nation like his native Kenya.