Friday, June 28, 2019

UN Mass Migration Plan of 2018 vs National Sovereignty

The question is often asked if the millions of people invading our nation or others are  to receive immediate "refugee status" and be protected by by the 1951 Geneva convention migrant proposal? Can the UN Global Mass Migration Plan of 2018 be imposed and enforced on Sovereign Nations under International Law? Are people crossing any Nation's borders automatically considered political refugees and instantly granted Asylum?  Here are some thoughts.

They are not refugees. They are illegal people migrating here [pick any Sovereign Nation]for economic reasons. While the 1951 Refugee Genevia Convention { a piece of worthless paper written by the UN has been used by Lise Kingo, head of UN Global Mass Migration Plan {UNGMMP} to move people groups all over the globe like pawns, The US Laws, [which govern you and all US citizens still states in USCIS that a person must apply to gain any status and to be considered eligible. Please read USCIS ACT 212.] Just being within US borders gives you no status , despite what some back bench Activist judge claims, even if you claim you are fleeing persecution. You can fill out your request, but you will be removed. The US has it's own laws defining " Refugee " . The UNGMMP, non-binding under international law,of Feb 2018 [ the name says it all Mr Soros] is another attempt by the muhammadan majority countries of the UN to impose a global Hijraj. Since President Trump took office more nations are joining him in rejecting the insane "globalist " ideas the UN cooks up. As more and more people groups from Africa and the middle east flood the EU several of the 28 members have already rejected the UN Global migration plan.  Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Armenia, Czech Republic and 8 muslim nations have all said "NO" to the UN imposed GMMP insanity. Italy and Greece are teetering on the edge. Nikki Haley made it clear the US will not partake in the UN insanity. So no,  not all illegal migrants get a pass based on some UN proposal. Many nations still believe maintaining their own Sovereignty.