Friday, June 28, 2019

UN Mass Migration Plan of 2018 vs National Sovereignty

The question is often asked if the millions of people invading our nation or others are  to receive immediate "refugee status" and be protected by by the 1951 Geneva convention migrant proposal? Can the UN Global Mass Migration Plan of 2018 be imposed and enforced on Sovereign Nations under International Law? Are people crossing any Nation's borders automatically considered political refugees and instantly granted Asylum?  Here are some thoughts.

They are not refugees. They are illegal people migrating here [pick any Sovereign Nation]for economic reasons. While the 1951 Refugee Genevia Convention { a piece of worthless paper written by the UN has been used by Lise Kingo, head of UN Global Mass Migration Plan {UNGMMP} to move people groups all over the globe like pawns, The US Laws, [which govern you and all US citizens still states in USCIS that a person must apply to gain any status and to be considered eligible. Please read USCIS ACT 212.] Just being within US borders gives you no status , despite what some back bench Activist judge claims, even if you claim you are fleeing persecution. You can fill out your request, but you will be removed. The US has it's own laws defining " Refugee " . The UNGMMP, non-binding under international law,of Feb 2018 [ the name says it all Mr Soros] is another attempt by the muhammadan majority countries of the UN to impose a global Hijraj. Since President Trump took office more nations are joining him in rejecting the insane "globalist " ideas the UN cooks up. As more and more people groups from Africa and the middle east flood the EU several of the 28 members have already rejected the UN Global migration plan.  Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Armenia, Czech Republic and 8 muslim nations have all said "NO" to the UN imposed GMMP insanity. Italy and Greece are teetering on the edge. Nikki Haley made it clear the US will not partake in the UN insanity. So no,  not all illegal migrants get a pass based on some UN proposal. Many nations still believe maintaining their own Sovereignty.

Monday, June 24, 2019

What are some Predictions in History that Came True?

Answer to a Question from Quora 6/24/2019

In at least 8 books of the Old Testament, the birth, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is accurately foretold thousands of years prior to the Blessed Event.
Jesus dictated the Book of Revelation to His Apostle John. In that book many events that are currently taking place are accurately foretold.
For more information on accurate Historical predictions, Google Jonathan Chan on You Tube plus read his books: The Harbinger, The Shemitah. The Mysteries and see his many detailed lectures concerning modern day events that were Foretold thousands of years ago and which took place on the exact dates and times in this and the last century.

According to  Tim Chaffey 12/24/12,  Jesus Christ is unique among all other "religious" figures that have ever lived.  First off they all are dead, and historically most of their graves are clearly marked. Jesus has no Grave because He Lives.  Yes there is a tomb in Jerusalem where His human body resided for 3 days. However, it is empty because He Conquered death as we know it, and He Lives.

The Unique Savior

While thinking about the circumstances surrounding Christ’s birth, Christians can rejoice that the Messiah has come to earth and dealt with our sin. We can praise God for fulfilling His promises. and we can have complete confidence that He will always be faithful to do what He has declared.
Despite what many believe today, the religions and religious leaders of the world are not the same. Many people in our culture promote the ridiculous claim that Jesus was just another religious leader—a good person who tried to make life better for others—but Jesus is unique in so many respects. He alone was a “good person” since He lived a sinless life. Every other religious leader has been sinful and needed a Savior. But Jesus did not need a savior; He is the Savior.
There are no prophecies foretelling details about the birth of other religious leaders. No prophecies alerted the world to the coming of Muhammad (Islam), Joseph Smith (Mormonism), David Koresh (Branch Davidians), Charles Taze Russell (Jehovah’s Witnesses), Siddhartha Gautama (Buddhism), or any other founder of the world’s religions. Yet the Old Testament pinpointed numerous details about the life of the Son of God and Savior of the world.
So what do these prophecies tell us about Jesus? In just the first two chapters of Matthew, we see that God foretold the virginal conception of the Messiah, who would be born in Bethlehem, yet in some way would come out of Egypt and be called a Nazarene. We also see that bitter agony would grip the mothers in that area.
In the genealogy recorded in Matthew’s first chapter, we discover the fulfillment of several other Old Testament prophecies. Jesus was from the line of Abraham (Genesis 12:3), Isaac (Genesis 26:4), Jacob (Genesis 28:14), Judah (Genesis 49:8–12), Jesse (Isaiah 11:1), and David (Isaiah 9:7). But that’s not all. A search through the rest of Scripture would reveal dozens of other details prophesied about the Messiah, including the following facts:
Many other prophecies could be listed that were perfectly fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ. These were not lucky guesses made by fraudulent prognosticators; they were precise predictions made by the all-knowing God of the Bible who repeatedly demonstrated that He has perfect knowledge of all past, present, and future events. Consequently, we can be completely confident that He will always make good on His promises and that those future events He has foretold will certainly come to pass.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

History : Iranian Controversy 2019

This is my answer to a person on Quora who wanted to know why President Trump was in her narrow view creating a mess in Iran.  

The premise of your question shows you are looking into the wrong end of the telescope. If you want to finger the person who created the Iranian monster in the middle east it is obama. He selected Iran to be the central strong man in the middle east because of the common interest he has with them: the Islamic Revolution in 1979 started by taking over the US Embassy and holding all Americans hostage captive for a year while Jimmy Carter the second worst anti American president to obama did nothing. The moment President Ronald Reagan took office the hostages were released. The Iranians knew that Reagan, like President Trump put America first.
Muhammadans are Pagan tribal people who only respect power. A conciliatory approach by the west from people like carter, obama, clinton is seen as a sign of weakness. Like mad dogs they attack if they sense you fear them. History repeatedly shows that they only respect strength, determination, and power. In order to keep them in line over the years they have to be beaten, and badly. In 732 they invaded Europe. Charles Martel drove them back and slaughtered them mercilessly. It took another 1000 years before the second wave led by the Ottoman Turks invaded from the east in 1683. Again, they were defeated by then a unified Europe. However, in the meantime the siege by sea had already conquered the weaker parts of Europe in Spain, Portugal and France. The North African muhammadan tribes were regularly invading the Scandanavian countries with regular coastal raids, and enslaving their people and selling their women as sex slaves.
Today the new muhammadan tactic has reverted back to the stealth conquest of the Hijra that muhammad used to conquer Medina in 622. Originally he was invited by Jews and Christians who migrated to the town of Yathrib because they were no longer welcomed in Mecca. Within a few years muhammadans and a large part of the Yathrib population who “converted” became the majority of the population, and muhammad took over and renamed the town Medina. He then rewarded the Christians and Jews who had invited him there by slaughtering them.
The stealth conquest of the EU is just history repeating itself. Just like conquest of Mecca[Yathrib] “migrants” are moving West not for political reasons, but as a stealth invasion force intent on talking all of Europe; destroying Christianity and Judiasim and establishing a Caliphate that would extend from India to Portugal, and possibly include UK. In America obama helped usher in the stealth caliphate here by flooding key cities with ‘muhammadan refugees’ with the intent to “Fundamentally Change America.
All President Trump is trying to do is to undo the 8 years of damage from the ‘stealth muhamadan invasion’ done by his predecessor. As a part of that effort, he must undo the political, economic and nuclear weapons of Iran that obama brought about with his devious and illegal policies. The world must contain the mad Ayatollahs of The old Persian Empire who want to see a global Theocracy dominating and subjugating the planet. As a muhammadan apologist, obama started this conflict by aiding and abetting he enemy. President Trump is here to put out the fire.