Thursday, June 1, 2017

CNN Fake News says muslims were a part of America;s founding

What a crock: islam tells their people in the mosques and through other indoctrination that muslims can come to America but the will never be americans.  Their Stealth Jihad or Hijrah is to infiltrate all aspects of American culture, politics and our legal system and "Convert us" to islam IN other words, Subjugate all of America.  They are doing this by flooding into every state, town and community in America in order to change us within.  This is the exact same tactic muhammad used to take over Mecca because he could not defeat them on the battle field.

Brian Kilmeade of Fox did a great book on this last year. No muslims were on the Nina Pinto or Santa Maria. At the time Columbus sailed for America. IN 1492 Spain was heavily involved in the Inquisition to kill all muslims [ time for round 2] in Spain. As to the Barbary Pirates President Thomas Jefferson created the Marines loaded on US Navy Ships to go to Tripoli and other garbage bins in North Africa to wipe out these muslim scum bags [1801-1805]. Just like they are doing today, they took hostages from US merchant ships, and extorted ransom from the newly formed American Nation. Jefferson refused to pay. Many, many American women had been captured and sold into the muslim sex trade business . Jefferson sent a fleet to the Med, invaded all the key islamic ports ,killed a great number of them, torched all their towns , burned their fleets, and recovered a great deal of treasure they had stolen from US. We beat them so badly that they never tried it again. But this brief history shows these low life animals from the blood cult of islam must be periodically defeated, and defeated and pounded back into dust to keep them in check from spreading their barbarism all over the globe. 112 years later we are back at it. and we may have to do it again in another 112 years. These stupid animals never learn that civilized man will only tolerate their annoying fake Blood Cult of murders for only a short time before we pound them back into the ground. Will these neanderthals ever learn?