I think these are part truths of how to destroy them. The real truth would silence them forever. Follow history and writings to prove islam is not a religion. It is a theocracy based on the writings of a terrorist who lived in in the 5th century. It is a counterfeit that tried to make itself legitimate by false claims. The main false claim is that it is a Abrahamic based belief. Nothing could be further from the truth. I cringed when President Trump echoed this false doctrine while visiting Saudi Arabia. Abraham the patriarch of Judaism / Christianity, did have an illegitimate son, Ishmael by his Egyptian slave Hagi. However, there are no writings or historical evidence that the people of the Middle East are descended from Ishmael. That is a real problem for islam, and one they try to hide.
For example, The North Koreans have an exact duplicate of a US printing press that can print an perfect duplicate of our US $100.00 bill. However, those bills no matter how much they resemble our currency are counterfeit. WHY? They may be exact replicas, but they were not made in America, and they are not backed by the full force of the American Treasury. Thus, they are fake.
muslims like to say they are the descendants of Ishmael who was the illegitimate son of Abraham, but it is not backed by any fact. There is no plausible connection to Abraham or the Davidic line of descendants from Abraham the Father of the Jewish Tribes or Christianity through Jesus a direct descendant of the line of David. Had God intended to create a Post Covenant prophet to found islam He would, as he did with Jews and Christians ,have left writings and records of His plan as he did with the Tribes of Israel and the Son of Man, Jesus. As it is, the islamists forever will come up short on explaining how Abraham who was chosen by God to be the Father of Nations nearly 1800 years before a poor confused and uneducated nomad was born near Mecca was also the Father of islam. In short, he is just one among many Saracens who claimed to be in touch with God; an ancient TV minister of his day full of sound and fury but spouting many non provable falsehoods. Well, you say, then why are there so many muslims?
Simple, Judaism never proselytized because to the Jewish Tribes , for the most part, their religion was inherited through their bloodline of the tribes of Israel. Christians proselytized by following the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ to go out and share His message with all people of the world and sharing the Word of Jesus by education, compassion, Prayer and justification.
islam took a very different and radical approach, we see it today in Jihad, Hijra and the bloody destruction of all who reject submission to this cult. Submission can be : a) subjugate yourself and capitulate to their theocracy living as a second class person; B) live among them as a slave and pay the jizya tax, C) lastly defy submission to the blood cult and die. With proselytization tactics like that you're sure to sign up a lot of people quickly. However, some 157,000 Christians and Jews a year in the Middle East take the third option rather than give up their faith. islam is not a religion it is a bloody theocratic cult quite the opposite of God's teachings.
islam has a great credibility problem .The trouble is that the Holy Scriptures Handed down by the line of Abraham themselves are well preserved and have been found in many places . There is no mention of islam or a post Commission prophet from Mecca in any of the original preserved texts. Both the documents themselves and the secular history of Judaism and Christianity are replete with fundamental real tangible proof of their authenticity. Also, the writings can be relied on due to the fact that their existence and creation is very close to the time of the actual events depicted and other secular histories of the same period verify the validity of the events, people and places they depict. This is true in both Old and New Testament Covenant writings. Notwithstanding. there is contained within these works a Spiritual Divinity of God and his followers that represent a string of well connected footnotes where one passage proclaims and supports another in a written Spiritual interwoven fabric that is unbroken and remains intact over the centuries. islam has no such foundation. There you have an uneducated illiterate person claiming to be a prophet of God who was born in mecca over 1,800 years after the time of Abraham. He then. without a shred of evidence claims to be one of Abraham's descendants. Think of how the claim to be the rightful heir to the inheritance of God's highest principle in the Faith would hold up in court? There is no rightful or provable claim that islam is an heir to the Abrahamic lineage and is thus it is not entitled to even name itself as an heir to the rights and privileges God has granted to His people. Further the documents they present in their books are partly lifted from the Holy Scripture written by the very Real Jewish Prophets while at the same time islam has vowed to kill all Jews and Christians for not being true believers. Think of this: Jews and Christians wrote The Book parts of which islamists say is flawed, yet they use it as a part of their book ,guiding their false cult, to pass judgement against the very clan of people and believers who wrote the book they stole from and from they falsely claim to be descended from??. Confused? Look at it this way: the prodigal son [islamists] comes home to claim yet another inheritance from the Father. He again steals the inheritance and His Fathers name claiming to be part of the lineage; then he kill his father falsely accusing Him of being a fraud.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Thursday, June 1, 2017
CNN Fake News says muslims were a part of America;s founding
What a crock: islam tells their people in the mosques and through other indoctrination that muslims can come to America but the will never be americans. Their Stealth Jihad or Hijrah is to infiltrate all aspects of American culture, politics and our legal system and "Convert us" to islam IN other words, Subjugate all of America. They are doing this by flooding into every state, town and community in America in order to change us within. This is the exact same tactic muhammad used to take over Mecca because he could not defeat them on the battle field.
Brian Kilmeade of Fox did a great book on this last year. No muslims were on the Nina Pinto or Santa Maria. At the time Columbus sailed for America. IN 1492 Spain was heavily involved in the Inquisition to kill all muslims [ time for round 2] in Spain. As to the Barbary Pirates President Thomas Jefferson created the Marines loaded on US Navy Ships to go to Tripoli and other garbage bins in North Africa to wipe out these muslim scum bags [1801-1805]. Just like they are doing today, they took hostages from US merchant ships, and extorted ransom from the newly formed American Nation. Jefferson refused to pay. Many, many American women had been captured and sold into the muslim sex trade business . Jefferson sent a fleet to the Med, invaded all the key islamic ports ,killed a great number of them, torched all their towns , burned their fleets, and recovered a great deal of treasure they had stolen from US. We beat them so badly that they never tried it again. But this brief history shows these low life animals from the blood cult of islam must be periodically defeated, and defeated and pounded back into dust to keep them in check from spreading their barbarism all over the globe. 112 years later we are back at it. and we may have to do it again in another 112 years. These stupid animals never learn that civilized man will only tolerate their annoying fake Blood Cult of murders for only a short time before we pound them back into the ground. Will these neanderthals ever learn?
Brian Kilmeade of Fox did a great book on this last year. No muslims were on the Nina Pinto or Santa Maria. At the time Columbus sailed for America. IN 1492 Spain was heavily involved in the Inquisition to kill all muslims [ time for round 2] in Spain. As to the Barbary Pirates President Thomas Jefferson created the Marines loaded on US Navy Ships to go to Tripoli and other garbage bins in North Africa to wipe out these muslim scum bags [1801-1805]. Just like they are doing today, they took hostages from US merchant ships, and extorted ransom from the newly formed American Nation. Jefferson refused to pay. Many, many American women had been captured and sold into the muslim sex trade business . Jefferson sent a fleet to the Med, invaded all the key islamic ports ,killed a great number of them, torched all their towns , burned their fleets, and recovered a great deal of treasure they had stolen from US. We beat them so badly that they never tried it again. But this brief history shows these low life animals from the blood cult of islam must be periodically defeated, and defeated and pounded back into dust to keep them in check from spreading their barbarism all over the globe. 112 years later we are back at it. and we may have to do it again in another 112 years. These stupid animals never learn that civilized man will only tolerate their annoying fake Blood Cult of murders for only a short time before we pound them back into the ground. Will these neanderthals ever learn?
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