We are on the verge of becoming a Nation who fears confronting and opposing anyone of these outlandishly vocal and arrogant anti American groups. We withdraw into our homes and speak in hushed tones about the loss of Our America.
Let me explore two aspects of this dilemma. First lets look at these fiercely Anti American groups who want to enjoy the privileged of living in a free and wealthy Nation while attacking the very freedom and privileges they were denied in the countries they immigrated from.
LA RAZA: Wikipedia defines this group as: "La Raza is a Spanish language term translating to "The Race, Spanish raza having the meaning of "race, ethnicity; breed, strain, lineage". The term expresses ethnic or racial pride, and is used with somewhat different shades of meaning in Spain and in Hispanic America.
So inherent in the very name these people wish to create a racial divide in America. Ever since the begining of America we have prided ourselves on being the world's 'Melting Pot'. We were the one nation where it did not matter where you came from or what , race creed or ethnic culture you were from as you entered America all that was to be left behind as you assimilated into the vast oneness of America, thus improving your new life over the miserable life you left behind. By doing so you left your prejudice and race behind, and became a new person , and American. Your old 'racial pride' was to be left at the border where you could take n a new identity as a upward mobile American
Ls Raza is cheating all of the legal and illegal Hispanics out of this forward and positive thinking. Instead they are holding down these people from reaching their new potential in America. They are telling them to keep looking over their shoulders at the past and the misery they came from. They are encouraging them to drag the thousand years of repression, depression, cultural non-productive lineage and racial prejudice with them to their new home. We in America have mastered the concept that one cannot ever reach new heights or form new ideas when tied down to a failed past and decrepit old ideas that hold down most world cultures.
The new immigrants, like Barack Hussein Obama and those who follow his radical agenda to 'fundamentally change America' seem to lack the ability to get along with any culture other than their own. The irony there is that they left a culture where people could not overcome their race, creed, ethnicity or breed. It is the very reason their lives were miserable, unfulfilled and financially substandard.
So what do they do, they move to America and bring all their rotten baggage with them.
If the Hipanic leadership really wants to improve the lives of the legal and illegal community, it cannot be done by fostering racial prejudice. In fact, those Hispanics who take the time to learn English, get a job and truly integrate into American culture find ready acceptance by most Americans. Even the Illegals who broke the law and forced their way Illegally into this nation may find Americans would more readily accept them if they would try to get along and really want to become Americans.
Janet Margula is the current CEO of La Raza. She is a radical Hispanic Supremist who follows in the foot steps of the racist founders of this corrupt organization. While trying to convince its members they are out to secure racial equality for them their main premise is as racist as the Ayrian Doctrines of the Adolf Hitler's White Supremest doctrine: La Raza sees Mexicans as "the cosmic super race" -where have we heard that before?] See this excerpt from the National Council on Latino Relations... NCLR
"NCLR's interpretation of Vasconcelos's explanation, however, is inaccurate. As Guillermo Lux and Maurilio Vigil (professors of history and political science, respectively, at New Mexico Highlands University) note in their 1991 book, Aztlan: Essays on the Chicano Homeland:
In short, Vasconcelos was not promoting "an inclusive concept," but rather, the notion of Hispanic racial superiority." [sic] thus La Raza's secret agenda is racial superiority rather than racial equality]
"The concept of La Raza can be traced to the ideas and writings of Jose Vasconcelos, the Mexican theorist who developed the theory of la raza cosmica (the cosmic or super race) at least partially as a minority reaction to the Nordic notions of racial superiority. Vasconelos developed a systematic theory which argued that climatic and geographic conditions and mixture of Spanish and Indian races created a superior race. The concept of La Raza connotes that the mestizo is a distinct race and not Caucasian, as is technically the case."
If you are here in America legally or illegally, wake up and see how you are being used by the Democrats and Ms Margula who want your vote just as the Blacks have been duped by the Democrats they vote for year after year while they continue to believe empty promises in a Welfare state of dependency.
I urge you to defy the 'leaders' who want your vote more than they want to help you improve your lives in America.
CAIR: "Wikipedia: The Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a Muslim civil liberties advocacy organization that deals with civil advocacy. It is headquartered on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., with regional offices nationwide.[1]
In 2007 the organization was named, along with 245 others, by U.S. Federal prosecutors in a list of unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers in a Hamas funding case involving the Holy Land Foundation,[3] which in 2009 caused the FBI to cease working with CAIR outside of criminal investigations due to its designation.[4] CAIR was never charged with any crime, and it complained that the designation had tarnished its reputation.[5] Following a motion from CAIR and other groups, a federal appeals court sealed the list on October 20, 2010, ruling the designation violated the group's rights and was the result of "simply an untested allegation of the Government, made in anticipation of a possible evidentiary dispute that never came to pass."[6][7]
CAIR has been criticized numerous times by various officials and organizations. The organization was criticized as pursuing an extremist Islamist agenda,[2] and putting out propaganda.[8]"
Bluntly put: If you like ISIS and the daily beheadings and Christian and minority mass murders, then you are ready to embrace CAIR. These people may seem to have clean hands, but they are the backers of Terrorism. They are the Terrorist Jihad Front in America. They are really more dangerous than ISIS because they are living in your community training their terrorist brothers for the introduction of Terrorism here in your backyard. Make no mistake, these people will seem kind and 'Americanized' to most Americans but they hold a deep seated hatred for all Christians. Since America has been the bastion of Christianity and religious freedom for more than two centuries they deeply hate all you stand for when it comes to liberty and justice.
CAIR was founded in June 1994[16] by three former officers of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP)—Omar Ahmad (IAP President; became CAIR President), Nihad Awad (IAP PR Director; became CAIR Secretary & Treasurer), and Rafeeq Jaber (IAP Chicago Chapter President; became CAIR Vice President). Also, Ibrahim Hooper became CAIR's communications director. As Nihad Awad later said in an interview, "Omar [Ahmed] suggested to me that we leave the IAP and concentrate on combating anti-Muslim discrimination." [17]
You can see from their bio they are former Palestinians now under the control of Hamas. Yes Hamas, The folks firing hundreds of rockets a day at Israel.. In other words the CAIR organization is a Terrorist group operating freely as a humanitarian organization right here in the USA.
They claim to be peaceful, but they are training camps for the very people who will soon be coming to a mall near you with a bomb charged vest and an AK-47. All the while they are claiming to help Muslims come to America for safety and sanctuary from the mass murder and destruction they support in their wretched countries.
How insane that we are so easily fooled by these groups, and these are just a few of the radicals who claim to have escaped to America for Sanctuary while bringing their wretched hate filled racist and religious bigoted baggage with them.
My plea is that we quit electing fools to Washington who support these anti American groups. Get rid of the politicians who support them, and then we can work on purging these radical anti-Amreican groups from our Nation.
These are just two organizations we need to be aware of at thus point. A full list of subversive organizations is to be found at the following site: http://chasvoice.blogspot.com/2014/03/us-congressional-guide-to-subversive.html
In the meantime, get to the Fort like the American Patriots did and defend us once again at the new Alamo!