Thursday, September 5, 2024

Quoras latest question: What are the external geopolitical uncertainties that are challenging China's economy?

 What are the external geopolitical uncertainties that are challenging China's economy?

Realizing that most people have been brainwashed over the years by the great propaganda they produce to make the world believe that China will continue to grow, over power the USA, and make Xi their god, I have to be more realistic. The Russian Federation [ really still the old Soviet Union ] has tried to mirror their image with Putin as their god.

The real truth is that both are PAPER TIGERS. Plus, as we are seeing in Russia that goes for their Blow Hard bosting of invincible armies and superior technical advancements in warfare. They both try to steal US weapon plans or to reverse engineer it, but mostly that goes in reverse for them.

Much of what these lumbering giants rely on is intimidation; misinformation; subterfuges; intellectual property theft, and market and currency manipulation. China is one of the worst “Victim Card” abusers on the planet. Like Stalin, who hoodwinked FDR into Betraying the Global Atlantic Alliance of 1939 by giving him ALL of Eastern Europe based on thin fact that RU went over to the Allies for the last six months of WWII, they know crap like that will not work on the upcoming Trump Administration [ they can’t bribe him like they have done with biden and obama, and they cant fool him with their deceptive PONZY schemes]. However, they will continue to use their puppets in the US -EU Legacy Media to influence the Western public into believing that Trump is somehow Putin’s ally. There is no evidence of that, but with the help of our own CIA, who often seems more Russian than the old KGB they continue to promote the anti Trump Mockingbird talking points that you hear 7/24 on the corporate channels they control. They are masters of using subtle influence to fool the West into investing in their PONZY schemes, and their control of the money markets, IMF and World bank. They create a market frenzy, and US and Western financial investors often get caught up in it and pull others in. The best recent example is their massive building program failures\ Massive Bank failures and their lack of a valid middle class to support it. In fact, China still has the “Blue Crab disease”, similar to India’s Caste System. Throw a dozen Blue Crabs in an open container, and they will never get out. Why? When one tries to claw their way out, to the top, the rest pull that one back. Yes they have a large population, but with the help of the Iron clad rules imposed by the CCP, they hold each other down. We still see signs of that in some Western nations, but not as strong, and they live in mostly an environment of openness. They understand , for the most part that “When the tide of progress and financial success rises, all boats also rise to the higher level. This is the core principal of the Trump led MAGA movement.