Sunday, October 24, 2021

China now thinks they have the power of the SUN?

 You thought things were bad enough after the Chinese unleashed a killer virus on human kind all across the planet.  Get ready for the possibility of Total Annihilation of the planet at the hands of these same Chinese madmen.

China has one major strength.  They have a knack for convincing [buying, bribing, bullying and blackmailing  otherwise sober nations and corporations to join them in the most dangerous experiments which could be a benefit if they worked, OR could lead to planet earth being exploded by a power they claim is greater than that of our one and only SUN.  What insanity?  If the SUN were a hollow sphere, it could contain inside of it 1,300,000 earths, and China thinks the tail [earth] can wag the dog{SUN].  I think they are insane, and they have proven it many times over.  Now,they have convinced Japan, India, S.Korea,  Russia, the US, UK and EU to join them in making their own SUN? 

This is the classic  HUBRIS of man, which could be mankind's final experiment in testing the Will of God, and destroying our planet with all life on it.  I take comfort, only in the fact, that Almighty God will never allow that to happen.  But I believe all humankind has a duty to stop China and their deceived partners from moving forward into a black hole created by the feckless Chinese.

Here is my comment on this article:  Not sure if Algora will repost?

China is a danger to all mankind. They keep playing with nature, and so far have infected the entire planet with their meddling without boundaries in to our DNA, and destroyed much of the planet’s natural immune system with their uncontrolled experiments.They have no bounds, no rules and no morals Under the mindless CCP they have created an anything goes science research group who will do anything their masters tell them to do, There are no checks or balances or controls, as was the case of the Whuah flu, the UK, India, RU, S.Korea are taking part, but we have seen China cower the UK, US, Japan and the EU on the virus issue. The worst, under their bought and paid for biden puppet .the US will look the other way if there are any danger signs. THIS IS DANGEROUS. an out of control uncontained |Artificial SUN| could literally blow up our planet. China, no doubt, is in charge of this insanity. 

Have we learned nothing of how they abuse and misuse science and medicine to destroy, not create benefits for mankind? China has infected the planet with their man made virus. Allowing them to play unfettered with Plasma gas . There is a great danger of them blowing up the planet if they create a plasma gason a large scale. How do they intend to contain it, when they could not contain their bat virus in alleged safe facility?

 If anyone, at this point, trusts China they are as insane as the CCP mad man XI.

Sunday, October 3, 2021


This story in Populist Press has todo with "crazy Nancy" failing to achieve her  insane democrat over spending debacle.   However,  several respondents worried about how we will pay for the millions of illegals biden is bringing to our nation by ignoring the law.

> REBEKAH commented:  "They have already placed three million [illegals] in all 50 states.

>Debbie Stewart said: We’ve GOT TO GET THESE PEOPLE OUT!!!!!!

> SGT Stryker said: November 2022 can't come fast enough.

> I replied below:


I worry because even SCOTUS ordered him to follow the Trump agreement and keep them in Mexico, he is breaking the law and ignoring them. I follow "Numbers USA" and in 6 months he has allowed three million illegal invaders to enter, and some are Russian and Chinese Army, If he remains unchecked, he could get another four to six million into our nation. Like Obama he is placing them in towns and cities where they will have the greatest impact on neutering the Republicans base there. Vermont is already allowing them to vote.  Governors and mayors need to be the US border. When Biden sends a contracted plane filled with illegals, they have two choices. Refuse them landing rights, of if they are forced to land, do not let anyone off the plane unless they are US citizens or have a green card. Arrest the pilots for illegally transporting criminal aliens across state lines [I.N.A. Sec 274 (a)(1)(A)(ii)] transporting minors [18 USC Code S 2423]; refuel the plane and send them on their way back to where they came from. That is what States Rights is all about. Biden or the Feds could not do a thing to them. The FAA does not control the Airports, the City or State is in charge, FAA controllers control the traffic, but the final say as to opening, landing and using the actual airport lies with the Airport manager who does not work for the Feds. There are no Federal airports only ones owned by the city, municipality or the Military. [ I was FAA -ATC10 years] I do not know why the Governors are letting their states be invaded by criminal aliens who will cost them trillions to pay for over the years. Obama came up with the plan of disbursing them all across the US, so states would have pay to figure out what to do with them. It is high time Governors [ 36 states are RED ] grew a backbone and refused to take any of them. There is no law that says they must accept illegals. By The Way Build Back Better does not actually address helping the states improve airports. It is a pork barrel bill to allow more congressional graft.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

NEWSOM TWEETS : “CA will require our kids to get the COVID-19 vaccine to come to school.



First it was Cuomo killing off all the seniors on the East Coast, now it is the nephew of the Wicked Witch of the West killing off all the children. . As and Ex-Pat sitting here in Eastern Europe it is as if I am watching one of those demented horror shows like the Living Dead leading America to Its final destruction, and clear heads cannot prevail because there are so few, they seem defenseless against the masses of evil democrats. The US built up the strongest military in the world, to defend against Tyrannical nations, yet we focused on the enemy outside our borders while the real enemy was the Liberal democrats INSIDE. Two key events have led America to the brink of destruction. Two key rulings by the Corrupt Supreme Court. in 1962 a SCOTUS ruling by Hugo Black prevented students from saying this simple phrase, before starting their first class in the morning: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen". This began the moral decline. Worse still in 1973 Warren Burger's court made us a nation on par with the ancient Assyrian pagans when it allowed women to kill their babies legally. Almighty God was provoked, and He has slowly moved against the nation He first Blessed to bring US to its knees,