Saturday, April 18, 2020
President Donald J Trump: the Second Republican President to Emancipate minorities
Democrats are pulling out every Liberal liar they can find to attack the President. For years they have done nothing for America. They have done nothing and have passed no significant legislation since President Trump took office. All they have done is to hold endless and useless non productive hearings. In the mean time, critical bills that would help America have been set aside while Impeachment, and frivolous cases have been brought against President Trump. All the while the people of America have seen their economy grow with minority participation and personal wealth. None of the growth and wealth can be attributed to them. They have labeled themselves as the party of "NO". They are the "RESISTANCE" to growth ; opportunity and Liberty.
All across America enterprise zones have sprung up and have included local minorities in cities and towns across the USA in the process. The President did not follow the long standing Lyndon Johnson old school top down plan where socialized controlled growth was limited by the white Democrats receiving truck loads of money that they doled out keeping the intended recipients in a state of subsistence and dependence on their DNC masters.
President Trump's plan was an all inclusive method where the people on the front line received the monies directly to create and expand local businesses relative to the real needs of their customers in their geographical and economic areas.
He delivered to those in need, and thus the monies have had a greater impact because some useless politician in the Democrat party is not getting rich off the funds and can no longer dangle a few cents of every dollar in front of the owner as the quid pro quo to obtain votes for the Democrats. The result is a large number of pissed off Democrats who are seeing their scams and schemes being depleted as these programs instituted by Ivanka Trump's Minority Business initiative and her Woman's business Initiative, have increased growth and participation in many areas of the nation that were formally repressed by the Democrats. For years this money was really used as a slush fund for harvesting votes in the minority communities, yet they did nothing for the community. President Trump is a good businessman, and he found that of the millions the Democrats allocate for "Welfare Programs" never really get to the people they were intended to help.
The process is now more efficient and is having the intended impact. What's more, the minority community sees the great benefits of this process compared to the slave like conditions the endured under the Democrats corrupt process.
As we are currently in the midst of a sneak attack by the Chinese that is destroying the lives, people and economies of the world, The Dems. continue to attack President Trump and blame him for this evil biological war initiated by China's sneak attack. However, as he did when he first came to office, President Trump will overcome this crisis. That's what he does. He is the "Fixer" who turns a Crisis into a triumph. The evil side [ the DNC looks for a crisis to bolster their own evil plans, as thier Communist mentor Saul Alinsky, has taught them the dark art of "never let a crisis go to waste" ] , and they do not care who suffers or dies in the process.
President Trump is a man who is a true American who believes in the phrase " When you are handed a lemon don't think of the bitterness of the situation. Just make yourself some refreshing Lemon-aid out of it and move on. This is how he will get us out of a world Crisis created by the evil triumvirate of the Chinese, the Democrats and the Propaganda media drones.
The Dems. are in a panic. They have seen many, many blacks take President Trump's advice when he asked:. "what have you got to lose?". The result was many black voters took a chance and came over to support him. More are now following them. What they found were jobs, higher wages and promises kept. They found that the Dems had been promising them many things over the years if they would give them their vote and stay on the "Democrat Plantation", as slaves of the welfare state.. Under President Trump, they find they are not taken for granted, and that he earns their respect by actually delivering in the form of greater acceptance, burgeoning enterprise zones in their neighborhoods, and an increase in Jobs and wages. This President has also helped people of color [Black, Asian, Hispanic, Indian] feel more self sufficient, and he has not tried to force them into voting for Republicans. He has just demonstrated in real terms that by taking that chance, he would keep his promises in improving their social and economic well being. The Dems can't compete with that because they only know how to lie, cheat, deceive and scheme against them because in reality the are the bigots and racists. For the first time they are seeing the lies they have been told. They were taught Lincoln was a Democrat, and that Johnson helped them out with his "Great Society "welfare program". President Trump has removed the scales from their eyes and now that they know the truth they are no longer listening to Holder, Rice, or even Obama. Trump is winning them over with real and tangible actions that help them grow their small businesses, and make it easier to participate and to have the pride of ownership. Under this President they have moved off the DNC Plantation and have been freed again by a Republican President who had had them trade off food stamps and welfare checks for business ownership and actual participation in the American Enterprise system of self sufficiency. .President Trump gave minorities their "Second Emancipation."
Monday, April 13, 2020
Pandemics and Presidents
Reflections and comments on Politico 3/25/2020
Like all left leaning groups, everything is Pres Trump's fault. This hit piece is nothing more than Monday Morning Quarterbacking. Any one can replay a game and do better after watching the replay that did not go as projected. Things are moving along. In any pandemic people die. SARS [from China],02-04 dead=575 EBOLA[From Africa ] 11,323, Swine Flu[from China], HIV from Africa 80,000,000 infected dead =35,000,000
Hong Kong Flu [ From China ] 1968 Dead=1.000.000. 2019 CoviD-19 [From China] 1,133,758 Dead=62,784 not over yet. Bush was Pres in 2002 and never made a nationwide address on the SARS pandemic. Obama was Pres during the Ebola, Avian Flu and Swine Flu crisis and never made a nationwide addresses on it. Perhaps Trump is being too transparent about this China Virus.
It is interesting to note that a solid majority of these viruses come from China, Malaysia, and other countries in the Far east. That or they come from Africa. Many diseases were erased from America, untl 2012 when a great influx of non vetted and non vaccinated groups of illegals began invading our borders. Then Chicken Pox, Other strains of influenza, Polio, TB, Measles, and other diseases began to spread. The pandemic in NYC came from Chinese who to get around the Trump travel Ban first were flown to Italy, France, Spain and the UK, and then were allowed to enter JFK while the mayor defied the Trump Travel Ban.
BTW, since the worst hit cities are run by Democrats, what makes you think a Killery or Biden could handle a nationwide response more effectively? Perhaps they'd get better Press no matter what they did, and it would be easier to lie about the numbers with the press as their propaganda tool.
Like all left leaning groups, everything is Pres Trump's fault. This hit piece is nothing more than Monday Morning Quarterbacking. Any one can replay a game and do better after watching the replay that did not go as projected. Things are moving along. In any pandemic people die. SARS [from China],02-04 dead=575 EBOLA[From Africa ] 11,323, Swine Flu[from China], HIV from Africa 80,000,000 infected dead =35,000,000
Hong Kong Flu [ From China ] 1968 Dead=1.000.000. 2019 CoviD-19 [From China] 1,133,758 Dead=62,784 not over yet. Bush was Pres in 2002 and never made a nationwide address on the SARS pandemic. Obama was Pres during the Ebola, Avian Flu and Swine Flu crisis and never made a nationwide addresses on it. Perhaps Trump is being too transparent about this China Virus.
It is interesting to note that a solid majority of these viruses come from China, Malaysia, and other countries in the Far east. That or they come from Africa. Many diseases were erased from America, untl 2012 when a great influx of non vetted and non vaccinated groups of illegals began invading our borders. Then Chicken Pox, Other strains of influenza, Polio, TB, Measles, and other diseases began to spread. The pandemic in NYC came from Chinese who to get around the Trump travel Ban first were flown to Italy, France, Spain and the UK, and then were allowed to enter JFK while the mayor defied the Trump Travel Ban.
BTW, since the worst hit cities are run by Democrats, what makes you think a Killery or Biden could handle a nationwide response more effectively? Perhaps they'd get better Press no matter what they did, and it would be easier to lie about the numbers with the press as their propaganda tool.
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