Sunday, September 29, 2019

America: Facing a Coup d'Etat After 240 Years as a Stable Republic

Thanks to the Democrat Party and the corruption in Congress on both sides the United States of America is facing a Coup d'etat  such as we have seen happen in lesser countries around the world.
The only well run, law and order National Republic remaining on this planet is facing dire extinction. 
The writers of the Constitution created one of the greatest documents for running a civilized government based on the GOD GIVEN rights of man.  This document and our nation has become the beacon of hope for a weary world run mostly by evil people who only strive for individual power ar the expense of the rights ad wealth of their own people.

While the Constitution is inspired by God making it the most unique document for the creation of a well tun, and for the most part fair and balanced form of governing between leadership and the general population, it seems it missed one key ingredient.  The focus of the writers as we see from their later writings in the Federalist Papers was on the possible attacks on this new Republic from Foreign force and influence.  It seems they missed domestic and internal threats to the republic.  There seems to be no mention or thought given to how the Republic should respond to what we are seeing today:  A well planned internal Coupd'Etat against a sitting President.  Yes, there are great checks and balances, and there is a system of Impeachment laid out to counter the possibility of holding the President accountable for actual crimes he may commit. It does not address what we are seeing today and that is the entrapment of the president by using spies and unlawful surveillance of his every action, word, and deed.  We are experiencing the attempted illegal demise of a duly elected President based on hatred and resentment against actions he has taken which are policies to which his opponents are averse. 
The former president and members of his administration laid out a plan to remove the next president elected by the people if that president was not the one they wanted in the White House. The reason for this is that the previous Administration had set out on a path for America's planned destruction in keeping in line with the global plans to create a One World Government run by the United Nations.  For years the United States of America has been the strongest and wealthiest nation in the world.  IN the face of this one STRONG REPUBLIC which stood in the way of the Global Elite plans, they had to devise a plan to remove America as the only and largest single obstacle to their diabolical plans.  Over the years they helped elect like-minded thinkers to the house and Senate. Then they used that leverage to help elect like-minded presidents who would appoint like-minded judges, and place like-minded leaders of our key global [CIA] and domestic [ FBI ] law enforcement agencies in power.  Some of this worked, but as voters started seeing through these plots o wrest our precious Republic from the hands of the PEOPLE who really own it, they started losing the battle for control of this Nation.  Next, they turned too internal destruction by then using all these traitorous plants against the Republic and thus subvert our Democratic Republic in the courts and through our election process.  They made some headway on the 70's getting a weak President who was easily controlled by the Globalists at the UN in office.  One of America's worst failures in the White House, Jimy Carter.  America reacted by electing Ronald Reagan, but though he was a great defender of the Constitution he could not last, and then the American voter faltered and was duped again, and again:  They followed with the election of more corrupt globalists who were bought and paid for by international Global interests.  The worst being the corrupt Clintons, and Obama who was supposed to be able to take down America in two terms. That did not happen fully, though he did end up crippling our Republic.  The Globalists failed to get old lady Clinton elected to finish the job. That is the real reason they are trying so hard to remove President Trump.
he American voter seem to be easily duped, but they are in some cases getting better educated.

We all need to understand we are constantly being duped, swayed and brainwashed by lies.
Most voters do not know that every Republican President elected since Dwitght D. Eisenhower has been threatened with impeachment.  Given this fact, only one, Richard Nixon, left office rather than face the lies and diabolical torment of the Democrats.

Then demented Democrats know they cannot actually get a vote in both houses to remove President Trump, and he is a fighter stronger and with more might and right on his side than Nixon, so we are in for an epic battle that will hold the balance of or Dear Republic on the delicate scales of justice.  Pray that the Truth triumphs over the Global view.

Here is a part of the argument and flimsy evidence the Left has strategized on:  It is weak and capricious.  You be the judge: Contact your senator and Congressmen and tell them as your employees how they should decide. 

This particular "Whistle-blower is a CIA operative of the Deep State planted by John Brennan who was planted as a muhammadan Jihadist operative by Obama. All of these coup d'Etat plans were well thought out from the moment President Trump came down that Escalator at Trump Tower to announce he was going to save America from these corrupt bastards. Now, the corruption runs so deep that only the institution of Marshall law and selective punishment for proven traitors who are a part of this coup d'Etat are dealt with in the public arena. That would mean a full year, at least, of military-style tribunals televised 7/24 on C-Span. Only that much exposure and disclosure of the enemies of America will ever convince the American Public of the truth while exposing all the lies we have been told for years.

Pray for the salvation of our Republic.  The last time we went through this type of nation destroying conflict was our Civil War in the 1860's.  We made it through that one, let's pray we make it at least another 250 years.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Is Iran Goading the US into a war?

The Houthi Rebels are a band of ignorant camel drivers being used by Iran who actually performed the attack on Saudi Arabia. It is the 1400 year war between the Sunni [Arabs] and the Shite [ iranians].
Though we do not want to see Iran continue to be the bad boy bully in the area, we may be getting into a battle that does not have any meaning to US interests other than preventing a serious bad actor from dominating the Middle East.

Option one: IF we have solid proof that the dozen or more drones who struck the Saudi oil production are from Iran, then this is an open act of war against our strong ally in the Middle East. We must respond.

Response: quietly form a coalition between the Saudi's, and Israel led by the US, and instantly launch a surprise attack against all of their strategic military while having our navy take out ALL Iranian Guard ships in the area along with taking over all their ports. At the moment prior to the launch, tell Putin what you're doing and warn him to stay out. He may even offer to join in on our side because he has had nothing but trouble from the muhammadans all across Russia in his muhammadian held states. Place a further blockade around them and confiscate any tanker no matter what flag to deny them financing a protracted war. Be sure to destroy every form of nuclear production and all military infrastructure.

Option two:, let the Saudi's deal with it and watch Iran dominate the area. While doing so, systematically take out all known Jihadists stationed in the US. Let the FBI continue counter-insurgency in the Mosques after declaring CAIR, ISNA and others on the pre-2012 FBI list as Terrorists organizations that no longer can operate freely and tax-free in the US.

We should avoid war at all costs. However, Iran is desperate to start a war believing it will revive its economy. They should look to Iraq, next door and see how that works. If they do attack any US military positions, it could be a short and temporary gesture that would prove fatal to them. However, if Turkey which is as much as a NATO ally to the US as other weak, US hating allies in the region joins on the side of Iran, and Russia follows suit we'd be facing WWIII and as strong as the US is in military dominance, we would simply be outnumbered. The EU would sit on their hands and supply weapons to our enemy while Israel, the weak but well-armed Saudis may help but would be like the Brits helping us in WWII, and possibly GB and a few others may help. Diplomacy will be the best way to settle this. But who's ever heard of successful diplomacy with radical Terrorists who believe ALL will one day rule the world. One other fear is that a response attack on Iran will be followed by the activation of all the Terrorists they have placed in the US via illegal border crossings. These thugs will target infrastructure and military facilities here along with our energy supply. They will conduct suicide bombings at Malls and sporting events. It would be up to our National Guard, which is not up to the job or trained for it to handle the internal strife we'd face. In that case, we would need a well-armed Militia to take them out ASAP, and there is already adequate evidence of where their training camps are located. Would the US have the guts to target the military strongholds and weapons and munitions supplies that have been hidden away in the thousands of Mosques they've built across America over the years? These are hard questions folks, and there are no good answers other than reliance on God and asking