As a follow up to my earlier post on 4/28/19 muhammadan fake claim that their legitimacy comes from the claim that Ishmael the illegitimate son of Abraham by his wife's Egyptian slave Hagar, I ask any expert on the Cult of muhammad to explain WHY?
Every member of the 'peaceful ' muhammadan cult is taught from birth to hate all Jews and Christians.
Now I know that muhammadans are an damaged inbred cult having practiced intermarriage with their own blood relatives for over 1400 years. As a Result, the gene pool of this tribe is severely damaged. Could that be the reason they have so much hatred of the Jews while at the same time try to prove they are a legitimate decedent of the Father of Judaism, Abraham.
To help the reader, it is key to note that Abraham was from the City of UR on the Euphrates River in what today would be near the border of Iraq and Iran North Northwest of the Persian Gulf. He was born around 1945 B.C,. His illegitimate son, Ishmael, born of disobedience to Jehovah God and was a teen when Isaac Abraham's legitimate son my his Wife Sarah was God's gift to Abraham and a key player in the formation of the Jewish people Chosen by God for his protection and perpetuation.
On the other hand, muhammad was an illiterate bedouin thief and murder who was born about 625 AD. This was nearly 3,000 years after Abraham. Since he could neither read or write, and since the bedouins were a pagan itinerant tribe wondering the sands of Arabia, he was not the author of the Koran. In fact even the his Cult following cannot say for sure when he was born. Bedouins , unlike the Jews have almost no records of any kind. Thus the writings of the Koran are not verified , traceable, and historically as accurate as the Scriptures of the Jews of which a part morphed into followers of Jesus fulfilling thousands of years of Scriptural predictions by the Jews themselves.
So I have two questions of the Quraish tribal followers of muhammad. One, since you know muhammad did not write the Quaran, you do not know the date of his birth, and you do know that the
Quaran was written years after his death from the memories of his sayings and alleged revelations to him by the Angel Gabriel. The other book the Cult relies on is the Hadith which is simply a book of hear say as to what muhammad said and did during his lifetime. The book is filled with stories of him and his many wives and conquests. None of it is historically verified by any outside secular source, nor are there any surviving original texts. In the case of the Holy Bible which the Quran borrows heavily from more than 90% of the texts are original in both Hebrew and Greek. Also they are collaborated by secular histories which affirm the truth in the text.
My second question is simply WHY?
Why do the muhammadans spend so much effort proving they are descendants of Ishmael? While throughout the muhammadan Cult great disdain and hatred for the Jews is replete in everything they say and do. Iran calls for the death of all Jews on the planet. So explain why you would try to legitimize your fake cult by proving you are the descendants of the father of Judaism, Abraham?? Sounds like some Freudian perverted wish to kill your father??
Saturday, May 18, 2019
False Flags in New Zealand and Australia created by Jihadists
william rodgers says
May 18, 2019 at 11:01 am
It is unfortunate that the world is quickly shrinking for Christians and Jews. All this is predicted in Scripture, but it is accelerating faster than I expected. The false flag killings at a mosque in New Zealand follow the pattern of terror against their own people in order to exact sympathy, and move their Jihad further into Western nations.. Can’t believe the Aussies were dumb enough to fall for that one. Now New Zealand and Australia are in play by the global jihad. OF course, the US too is being infiltrated [ even have 2 in congress] All over the globe the muhammadans are using muhammads’ classic Hijrah : Invasion by migration to expand and conquer. There are two ways to stop them. One, shut the gates and do not allow any muslims to enter your country, or do what the Spanish did. They were slowly taken over starting in 711, and subjugated all the Christians and Jews in Spain. Finally by the 1400’s the Spanish expelled them by force, and with the backing of the Catholic Inquisition. By 1502 they made islam illegal in Spain. Responding to the latest muhammadan invasion Spain in Jan 2015 passed a law banning any muhammadan entering the country from North Africa even if they are pasing through to other EU countries. The EU Migration Control [ who have put themselves in charge of world wide migration control said Spain was at risk of losing their Asylum status, but the Spanish held, and so far are one of about 9 of the 22 EU nations who are protecting themselves from the muhammadan Hijrah conducted against the EU. Jihad goal is to destroy all Western Culture and ethnic nations and replace them with the Pagan Tribal Barbaric practices of the Cult of muhammad. They are doing the same in the US, but so far the US is the strongest nation standing. Our weakness is the capitulation to the argument that this pagan godless cult of barbarians are a legitimate religion when in fact they are a Militarized Theocracy who have one goal: Subjugation to all peoples of the world to the Pagan muhammadan system of submission. The entire globe must stop this cancer. As it stands now more and more nations as we see in this article are bowing down to the muhammadans bringing the world closer to the final conflict where the only option left for the Lord Jesus is to wipe this evil cult from the face of the earth once and for all times.
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